is a PHP library that provides various utility classes for string manipulation and conversion. It offers functionality to convert text case, strip tags, generate slugs, format arrays, and handle date/time values.
You can install the to-string
library via Composer. Run the following command in your project directory:
composer require effectra/to-string
Converts a string to uppercase.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->toUppercase('Hello, World!');
echo $result; // Output: HELLO, WORLD!
Converts a string to lowercase.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->toLowercase('Hello, World!');
echo $result; // Output: hello, world!
Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->strip('<p>Hello, <b>World!</b></p>');
echo $result; // Output: Hello, World!
Extracts the variable name from the caller's context.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$myVariable = 'Hello, World!';
$result = $textToString->nameVar($myVariable);
echo $result; // Output: myVariable
Converts a string to a URL-friendly slug.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->textToSlug('Hello, World!');
echo $result; // Output: hello-world
Converts a URL-friendly slug back to readable text.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->slugToText('hello-world');
echo $result; // Output: Hello World
Generates a random text of specified length.
use Effectra\ToString\TextToString;
$textToString = new TextToString();
$result = $textToString->generateRandomText(8);
echo $result; // Output: C4rN1QX7
Converts an array to a string representation.
use Effectra\ToString\ArrayToString;
$result = ArrayToString::array(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']);
echo $result; // Output: ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
Converts an array to a string by joining its elements with a separator.
use Effectra\ToString\ArrayToString;
$result = ArrayToString::arrayToText(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']);
echo $result; // Output: apple,banana,cherry
Converts an array to a URL-friendly slug by joining its elements with a separator.
use Effectra\ToString\ArrayToString;
$arrayToString = new ArrayToString();
$result = $arrayToString->arrayToSlug(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']);
echo $result; // Output: apple-banana-cherry
Converts an array or JSON string to a key-value pair string representation.
use Effectra\ToString\ArrayToString;
$arrayToString = new ArrayToString();
$result = $arrayToString->arrayToTextKeyValue(['name' => 'John', 'age' => 25, 'city' => 'New York']);
echo $result;
name: John,
age: 25,
city: New York,
Formats a time value in seconds into HH:MM:SS format.
use Effectra\ToString\DateToString;
$dateToString = new DateToString();
$result = $dateToString->formatTime(3600); // Assuming 3600 seconds is 1 hour
echo $result; // Output: 01:00:00
Formats a timestamp into YYYY-MM-DD format.
use Effectra\ToString\DateToString;
$dateToString = new DateToString();
$result = $dateToString->formatDate(time()); // Current timestamp
echo $result; // Output: 2023-05-13
This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements or bug fixes, please submit a pull request.
The to-string
library is developed and maintained by Effectra.
For any questions or issues, please open an issue on GitHub.
Feel free to modify the README file according to your specific library details, such as author information, additional sections, or formatting preferences.