This project is geared towards applying react to build a Book Store Website:
- Create repository withe readme file
- Create Branch
- Applying best practices for HTML and CSS
- Applying Github Flow
- Set Up Webpack
- Descriptive and Understanding Commit Messages and ReadMe file
- Pull Request in Github for code review
- Introduce Router for page navigation
- Include Redux for state management
- Refactor to perfrom CRUD operation from API
- Add styling to Api
- Major languages HTML & CSS
- Technologies used GitHub and Git Visual Studio Code
In order to get the app running,.
- creat a repository mathematics-react
- Run create-react-app on my terminal
- Use npm start to lunch it on my browser
Laptop or Deskstop Computer
Internet Connection
Power Supply
Laptop or Deskstop Computer
Internet Connection
Power Supply
Visual Studio Code
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @efoosag
- Twitter: @Victor Osagie
- LinkedIn: @VictorOsagie
I Like to Thank Microverse for creating this platform.
This project is MIT licensed.
Visual Studio Code