diff --git a/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js b/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js index 0c766b7..b580649 100644 --- a/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js +++ b/dist/linkify-plus-plus.user.js @@ -34,6 +34,75 @@ // @icon  // ==/UserScript== +var optionsFuzzyIpLabel = "Match IP with only 4 digits."; +var optionsIgnoreMustacheLabel = "Ignore URLs inside mustaches e.g. {{ ... }}."; +var optionsEmbedImageLabel = "Embed images."; +var optionsEmbedImageExcludeElementLabel = "Exclude following elements. (CSS selector)"; +var optionsUnicodeLabel = "Match unicode characters."; +var optionsMailLabel = "Match email address."; +var optionsNewTabLabel = "Open links in new tabs."; +var optionsStandaloneLabel = "The URL must be surrounded by whitespaces."; +var optionsLinkifierLabel = "Linkifier"; +var optionsTriggerByPageLoadLabel = "Trigger on page load."; +var optionsTriggerByNewNodeLabel = "Trigger on dynamically created elements."; +var optionsTriggerByHoverLabel = "Trigger on mouse over."; +var optionsTriggerByClickLabel = "Trigger on mouse click."; +var optionsBoundaryLeftLabel = "Allowed characters between the whitespace and the link. (left side)"; +var optionsBoundaryRightLabel = "Allowed characters between the whitespace and the link. (right side)"; +var optionsExcludeElementLabel = "Do not linkify following elements. (CSS selector)"; +var optionsIncludeElementLabel = "Always linkify following elements. Override above. (CSS selector)"; +var optionsTimeoutLabel = "Max executation time. (ms)"; +var optionsTimeoutHelp = "The script will terminate if it takes too long to convert the entire page."; +var optionsMaxRunTimeLabel = "Max script run time. (ms)"; +var optionsMaxRunTimeHelp = "Split the process into small chunks to avoid freezing the browser."; +var optionsUrlMatcherLabel = "URL matcher"; +var optionsCustomRulesLabel = "Custom rules. (RegExp per line)"; +var currentScopeLabel = "Current domain"; +var addScopeLabel = "Add new domain"; +var addScopePrompt = "Add new domain"; +var deleteScopeLabel = "Delete current domain"; +var deleteScopeConfirm = "Delete domain $1?"; +var learnMoreButton = "Learn more"; +var importButton = "Import"; +var importPrompt = "Paste settings"; +var exportButton = "Export"; +var exportPrompt = "Copy settings"; +var translate = { + optionsFuzzyIpLabel: optionsFuzzyIpLabel, + optionsIgnoreMustacheLabel: optionsIgnoreMustacheLabel, + optionsEmbedImageLabel: optionsEmbedImageLabel, + optionsEmbedImageExcludeElementLabel: optionsEmbedImageExcludeElementLabel, + optionsUnicodeLabel: optionsUnicodeLabel, + optionsMailLabel: optionsMailLabel, + optionsNewTabLabel: optionsNewTabLabel, + optionsStandaloneLabel: optionsStandaloneLabel, + optionsLinkifierLabel: optionsLinkifierLabel, + optionsTriggerByPageLoadLabel: optionsTriggerByPageLoadLabel, + optionsTriggerByNewNodeLabel: optionsTriggerByNewNodeLabel, + optionsTriggerByHoverLabel: optionsTriggerByHoverLabel, + optionsTriggerByClickLabel: optionsTriggerByClickLabel, + optionsBoundaryLeftLabel: optionsBoundaryLeftLabel, + optionsBoundaryRightLabel: optionsBoundaryRightLabel, + optionsExcludeElementLabel: optionsExcludeElementLabel, + optionsIncludeElementLabel: optionsIncludeElementLabel, + optionsTimeoutLabel: optionsTimeoutLabel, + optionsTimeoutHelp: optionsTimeoutHelp, + optionsMaxRunTimeLabel: optionsMaxRunTimeLabel, + optionsMaxRunTimeHelp: optionsMaxRunTimeHelp, + optionsUrlMatcherLabel: optionsUrlMatcherLabel, + optionsCustomRulesLabel: optionsCustomRulesLabel, + currentScopeLabel: currentScopeLabel, + addScopeLabel: addScopeLabel, + addScopePrompt: addScopePrompt, + deleteScopeLabel: deleteScopeLabel, + deleteScopeConfirm: deleteScopeConfirm, + learnMoreButton: learnMoreButton, + importButton: importButton, + importPrompt: importPrompt, + exportButton: exportButton, + exportPrompt: exportPrompt +}; + /** * event-lite.js - Light-weight EventEmitter (less than 1KB when gzipped) * @@ -3341,6 +3410,7 @@ function getInvalidLabel(domain) { /* eslint-env browser */ + var INVALID_TAGS = { a: true, noscript: true, @@ -3890,41 +3960,6 @@ async function startLinkifyPlusPlus(getPref) { /* global $inline */ function getMessageFactory() { - const translate = { - "optionsFuzzyIpLabel": "Match IP with only 4 digits.", - "optionsIgnoreMustacheLabel": "Ignore URLs inside mustaches e.g. {{ ... }}.", - "optionsEmbedImageLabel": "Embed images.", - "optionsEmbedImageExcludeElementLabel": "Exclude following elements. (CSS selector)", - "optionsUnicodeLabel": "Match unicode characters.", - "optionsMailLabel": "Match email address.", - "optionsNewTabLabel": "Open links in new tabs.", - "optionsStandaloneLabel": "The URL must be surrounded by whitespaces.", - "optionsLinkifierLabel": "Linkifier", - "optionsTriggerByPageLoadLabel": "Trigger on page load.", - "optionsTriggerByNewNodeLabel": "Trigger on dynamically created elements.", - "optionsTriggerByHoverLabel": "Trigger on mouse over.", - "optionsTriggerByClickLabel": "Trigger on mouse click.", - "optionsBoundaryLeftLabel": "Allowed characters between the whitespace and the link. (left side)", - "optionsBoundaryRightLabel": "Allowed characters between the whitespace and the link. (right side)", - "optionsExcludeElementLabel": "Do not linkify following elements. (CSS selector)", - "optionsIncludeElementLabel": "Always linkify following elements. Override above. (CSS selector)", - "optionsTimeoutLabel": "Max executation time. (ms)", - "optionsTimeoutHelp": "The script will terminate if it takes too long to convert the entire page.", - "optionsMaxRunTimeLabel": "Max script run time. (ms)", - "optionsMaxRunTimeHelp": "Split the process into small chunks to avoid freezing the browser.", - "optionsUrlMatcherLabel": "URL matcher", - "optionsCustomRulesLabel": "Custom rules. (RegExp per line)", - "currentScopeLabel": "Current domain", - "addScopeLabel": "Add new domain", - "addScopePrompt": "Add new domain", - "deleteScopeLabel": "Delete current domain", - "deleteScopeConfirm": "Delete domain $1?", - "learnMoreButton": "Learn more", - "importButton": "Import", - "importPrompt": "Paste settings", - "exportButton": "Export", - "exportPrompt": "Copy settings" - }; return (key, params) => { if (!params) { return translate[key]; diff --git a/rollup.config.mjs b/rollup.config.mjs index ccaa265..c6a10bf 100644 --- a/rollup.config.mjs +++ b/rollup.config.mjs @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ export default async () => [ dir: "dist" }, plugins: [ + cleanMessages(), ...commonPlugins(false), - cleanMessages() ] } ]; diff --git a/src/userscript/index.js b/src/userscript/index.js index 3c4cb27..da4bf8a 100644 --- a/src/userscript/index.js +++ b/src/userscript/index.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ /* global $inline */ +const translate = require("../static/_locales/en/messages.json"); // default const GM_webextPref = require("gm-webext-pref"); const prefDefault = require("../lib/pref-default"); const prefBody = require("../lib/pref-body"); const {startLinkifyPlusPlus} = require("../lib/main"); function getMessageFactory() { - const translate = $inline("../static/_locales/en/messages.json|cleanMessage|indent"); return (key, params) => { if (!params) { return translate[key];