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Ed Kolis edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 1 revision

Shields are a type of component or facility which provide extra hitpoints to a vehicle or planet which take damage before armor or other components. There are two types of shields: normal shields and phased shields. The difference is that standard shield piercing weapons can pierce normal shields, but they can't pierce phased shields.

There are several shield related abilities in FrEee:

  • Shield Generation - Generates normal shield points.
  • Phased Shield Generation - Generates phased shield points. Phased shields are not pierced by weapons which pierce normal shields (in stock, that would be the Phased - Polaron Beam).
  • Planet - Shield Generation - Same as Shield Generation.
  • Shield Regeneration - Restores shield points each round of combat.
  • Sector/System - Shield Disruption - Reduces shield points of ships in a sector or star system.
  • Shield Generation From Damage - Restores shield points when the ship's components are damaged.
  • Shield Modifier - Sector/System/Empire - Generates shield points for all owned space objects in the appropriate context.

Eventually we may add moddable shield types like in SE5.

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