Releases: elabftw/elabimg
Releases · elabftw/elabimg
elabimg 2.5.1 with eLabFTW 4.0.1
No changes to the docker image except a minor build instruction. eLabFTW 4.0.1.
elabimg 2.5.1 with eLabFTW 4.0.0
elabimg 2.5.0 with eLabFTW 4.0.0-beta6
- Add brotli compression to nginx for assets
elabimg 2.3.1 with eLabFTW 3.6.7
elabimg 2.3.1 with eLabFTW 3.6.6
elabimg 2.3.1 with eLabFTW 3.6.5
- Fix configuration option PHP_MAX_CHILDREN not taken into account
- Increase number of server threads for php-fpm
- Increase fastcgi_read_timeout in nginx config
elabimg with eLabFTW-3.6.5
elabimg with eLabFTW-3.6.4
eLabFTW 3.6.4
Use s6-overlay to start services instead of supervisord.
Add possibility to communicate with mysql server in SSL context.
eLabFTW-3.6.3 - elabimg 2.3.0
- Use s6-overlay instead of supervisor to launch services
- Add DB_CERT env variable to point to MySQL cert file path
elabimg-2.2.0 with eLabFTW-3.6.2
- Use Alpine 3.12
- Remove deprecated composer option --no-suggest