For pull requests or local commits:
./test/before_install_build && ./test/script
docker run --rm -ti local/ruby ruby_version
travis lint #if you changed .travis.yml
git checkout -b tmp-2.3.1a #name your branch according to your changes
#git add ... git commit ... git push ... open pull request
For repository owners only:
git commit -m "TravisCI fixes"
git tag -d latest #tag latest will be updated from TravisCI
git tag 2.3.1a && git push origin tmp-2.3.1a && git push --tags
-- Wait for Travis to pass OK -- Make sure changes got merged into master by elgalubot
git checkout master && git pull && git branch -d tmp-2.3.1a && git push origin --delete tmp-2.3.1a
-- Re-add TBD_* section in starting with TBD_DOCKER_TAG -- Upgrade release tag in with latest
Failed in Travis? retry
git tag -d 2.3.1a && git push origin :2.3.1a
#git add ...
git commit --amend && git tag 2.3.1a && git push --force origin tmp-2.3.1a && git push --tags
Travis steps involve docker login
and docker credentials encryptions.
- Ruby
gem install travis --no-rdoc --no-ri
travis login --user elgalu
- Encrypt environment variables with travis cli
travis env set DOCKER_EMAIL
travis env set DOCKER_USERNAME elgalubot
travis env set DOCKER_PASSWORD secretsecret #1st space in purpose
travis env set GH_TOKEN secretsecret
- bot: Fork the repo
- owner: Add bot as collaborator
- bot: Generate personal token
- owner: Add bot as collaborator
- owner: Enable the project
- owner: Run all the required
travis env set