We here at Conservancy would like to thank all of the donors – both large and small – that enabled us to do our work in FY2013. Some of you supported us by donating to our member projects; others made general contributions. All of your donations helped us promote, develop, and defend FLOSS for the public’s benefit.
We also salute the thousands of volunteers – the developers, maintainers, designers, documenters, sys admins, and website amdins who support us by contributing time, skill, code, and more to our member projects. We wouldn’t exist without you.
If you would like to donate to Conservancy, visit us on the web at sfconservancy.org/donate/. If you would like to volunteer for one of our member projects, you can find links to our member projects’ websites at http://sfconservancy.org/members/current/. And, if you would like to contribute to Conservancy in other ways, contact us at volunteer@sfconservancy.org.