All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.2.0 (2022-08-23)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: validate eip191Jwt (fa98998)
- restructure vc-verification package (b84a39e)
- export claimsrevocationregistry address (9194435)
2.1.0 (2022-08-10)
- change expiration date to miliseconds (8905bef)
- exp: update documentation to reflect expiry in milliseconds (43654d1)
- update claim manager test (087a8ff)
- add validation method for ipfs cid (e930230)
- @energyweb/credential-governance: export resolverv2 type (8d9e930)
- @energyweb/credential-governance: not include parent in subdomains (1a4b62a)
- @energyweb/credential-governance: read domain from domain reader (be12c17)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: check not-null credential before verification (4b81231)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: index signature to offchain claim (fc87d9d)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: replace ts-ignore with ts-expect-error (670f899)
- add check to match addresses (ac0acfa)
- add role credential interface to credential governance (bf6e621)
- allow const condition in loop (b376ddf)
- changes to package-lock.json after npm i (4da3987)
- downgrade truffle to 5.4.29 (9481e73)
- eslint formating (bedc24f)
- export all from models (2d30de7)
- import ts types (5b74529)
- read revoker role as hash (c0f3a7c)
- remove package level package-lock.json (ee1b43c)
- resolve eslint error (85ed4a1)
- return offChainClaim object (2c1e1cc)
- revert changes to root package-lock.json (e201b32)
- rm unused code (39a4d46)
- script: update claimsrevocation registry deploy script (a30900a)
- set ts modules for eslint (6dea9cd)
- spelling correction (1a4a028)
- try to readd ethers via @lerna/add (baa4c9e)
- typo in VC model (e5329af)
- typo in VC tests (fb85ed2)
- unify return type with verification result (72419fd)
- update Issuer Verification to use (665aa6f)
- use correct script name (0c5da00)
- workflow: remove configure git step (da4f10f)
- @energyweb/onchain-role-enrolment: recover onchain issuer (5ce05b3)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: configurable verify proof (013c008)
- @energyweb/vc-verification: verify status list (4970037)
- add
property to role definition (5590f09) - add claimissuer verification to revocation verification (8ff4f6f)
- add eip191JwtsOf and credentialsOf to credentialresolver interface (59b0da9)
- add genralised method to fetch credential (6dda56a)
- add revocation verification for issuer credential (b705b87)
- add single issuer verification api (ff43253)
- add verification tests cases (dd219df)
- change status prop to verified (670f793)
- claims: remove deprecated
property (5cc504c) - code refactor and readme update (b84035f)
- config: add truffle bili and tsconfig to vc verification module (f914795)
- credential: add cached and resolver based did doc resolution (4a86577)
- credential: separate credential fetching from verification code (cf50140)
- dependencies: upgrade ether-v5 typechain and typescript (8c34010)
- domainreader: add validation method for roledefinitionv2 (c89e2f8)
- erc1056: add erc1056 contract (086013b)
- erc1056: add volta erc1056 contract address (042956d)
- export credential type validation checks (c431748)
- instantiate vc and claim issuer verification classes internally (38b58b7)
- issuer-resolver: add validation for roledefinitionv2 (77775c0)
- jwt-credential: replace offchainclaim interface with eip191jwt (39c6791)
- make
method public (53b79cb) - make eip191JwtOf and credentialsOf public (4b035ef)
- package: add scripts and dependencies (bd27d25)
- package: rename packages (60dc159)
- provider: replace signer with provider (72d2c49)
- reafactor vc verification tests (b6746ed)
- resolver: refactor ipfs credential resolver (f3aec82)
- resolver: separate implementation for issuer and revoker resolution (3eb6782)
- revocation: add onchain claim revocation code (9ac1445)
- revocation: add revocation test cases for subject without claim (c0b7fd2)
- revocation: add revocation verification tests (4131213)
- revocation: add tests for revocation code (6c4f730)
- revocation: refactor revocation registry deploy script (ae43f0c)
- revocation: update naming convention in context to claims (607e887)
- revocation: update test case (a4fbebc)
- revocation: vc revocation verification (b7ac05b)
- revoker-def: add revoker def resolution (ba8ab72)
- role: add cache and ens based roledef resolver (2f7fbd5)
- roles: change fields to requestorFields (f65eebd)
- test: add tests for chain of trust verificaiton (ac0b64b)
- types: export domain definitions types (e901136)
- validate credential expiration (02559b5)
- vc: issuer signed vc published to ipfs (dd6c5dc)
- vc: publish stringified vc instead of signed (bb3cfeb)
- verification: add code to verify chain of trust (ee9efd4)
- verification: add issuance verification for offchainclaims (da6a6fc)
- verification: add more tests for vc issuer verification (f389d53)
- verification: add sub methods to verification code (466631c)
- verification: add tests for vc and offchainclaim issuance verification (54c6019)
- verification: reafactor issuance verification for vc (3c21f0e)
- verification: refactor credential and role resolution code (a706ef3)
- verification: refactor verification code (e5954e5)
- verification: refactor verification code (12d2912)
- verification: remove delegate verification code (000dc87)
- verification: update test wrt domainreader (e892f14)
- verification: use domainreader to resolve issuers (11de036)
- workflow: add deploy workflow for publishing (f9816a2)
- claims: deprecated
property removed. UserequestorFields
- Code migration from (iam-contracts)
- Code from (iam-contracts) has been split into more modular codebase serving specific purpose