All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.9.0 (2023-07-20)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: false pin status of not saved data (#457) (268f190)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: rm claim deserialization (742d8ad)
- add test for service endpoint duplicate check (397f654)
- disable get from cluster by cid v1 (1f07c46)
- import decode from jsonwebtoken (02cc5e5)
- make vc id required (73f8f01)
- packages/jwt/package.json & packages/jwt/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (b8c5e69)
- remove identitymanager deploy script (f23197d)
- skip lib types check (481e829)
- upgrade @types/lodash from 4.14.181 to 4.14.195 (e5868b9)
- upgrade dependencies (ae2dcf7)
- upgrade eciesjs from 0.3.12 to 0.3.16 (57f8ff7)
- upgrade eciesjs from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17 (0a53c4e)
- upgrade promise.allsettled from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 (ec78312)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: add error to indicate not persisted claim (9b1dfad)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: is pinned when fully replicated (ccef0e6)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: remove cluster specific methods (0b90bd1)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: check proxied identity ownership (cf03461)
- add ownership transfer script for identitymanager (775c7ef)
- add uups deployment type (f3a42b0)
- update truffle config to use hdwalletprovider (8e9f3bf)
- validate duplicate service endpoint addition (4d7d3d0)
0.8.0 (2022-09-29)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: change infura ipfs on hosted cluster (4d5c031)
- expiration: add exp prop to ipublicclaim (f4ed866)
- expiration: add exp to public claim before signing (3df553e)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ipfs-store: initializer of did store changed from ipfs node url to ipfs cluster root
0.7.0 (2022-08-09)
- @ew-did-registry/claims: mv sjcl types to dev deps (866ddbf)
- @ew-did-registry/credentials-governance: add vprequest to exchange selection (be00f68)
- @ew-did-registry/credentials-interface: change status list 2021 entry (1c815f5)
- @ew-did-registry/credentials-interface: presentation definitionf from pex (7992b92)
- @ew-did-registry/jwt: replace deep import from (10f155b)
- @ew-did-registry/verification: join status list errors (ebcc9b2)
- add sjcl types to dependencies (994a040)
- credential extends type (bca04ff)
- deploy.yml: preventing double run (#348) (eb2ebbc)
- fix i and open-zeppelin vulnerabilities (3dd879e)
- GH_Action: setting permissions on GITHUB_TOKEN to replace Personal Access Token usage (#345) (57e0fe5)
- jwy: remove fractional digits from
(7e183b8) - proofVerifier: using addressOf() to get address (b19681f)
- remove support for DWN service endpoints (994bb6f)
- serviceEndpoint: Service should have service endpoint (67db59a)
- types: update pex types (83b3eb6)
- validate credential status without status list (4308f21)
- wrapDidDocument: actually make copy (68529df)
- @ew-did-registry/claims: verify assertion by address (bd38798)
- @ew-did-registry/credentials-interface: add exchange types (0083119)
- @ew-did-registry/credentials-interface: status list types (b902b07)
- @ew-did-registry/jwt: verify ES256 (028fb9c)
- @ew-did-registry/revocation: verify credential status (d848ba6)
- add exchange continue types (dcbe407)
- build: config packages webpack (33ae38d)
- build: polyfill Node.js modules (42c5e23)
- build: separate node and web configs (aa14bd3)
- claim: add credentialstatus prop to ipublicclaim (aee7959)
- claim: add expiration timestamp to public claims (69b56a4)
- credentials-interface: add
package (9003e31) - credentials-interface: add exchange type validation (a70a57c)
- credentials-interface: export utils (1481a5b)
- did: updatePublicKey and updateDelegate in did (9b0ba02)
- jwt: add jwt expiration (4ee1c65)
- rename vc api exchange (a36dc3c)
- revocation: add cred status to signed data (eccad52)
- revocation: remove not null check (9253447)
- revocation: remove onchain claim revocation code (294da8d)
- revocation: update naming convention in context to credentials (b76c93b)
- status-list-entry: make fetchStatusListCredential public (2c295a8)
- update
to accept DID address with chain name (90b1c59)
- @ew-did-registry/jwt: JWT initialized from Keys and Signer are non-standard ES256K
0.6.2 (2021-10-21)
- deploy.yml: removing useless rights and resetting Token on merging (9f73032)
0.6.1 (2021-10-08)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.6.0 (2021-10-06)
- @ew-did-registry/claims: skip verify claim requester (db9d414)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: identity tx by name (79194f7)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidenity: sync change owner (31fabdc)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: include validity optionally (e0bed7f)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: unify scripts names (80fdf25)
- deploy.yml: fix deployment order (60c0a32)
- deploy.yml: fix indentation (acd98d4)
- did-ethr-resolver: removing caching from resolver.ts (c90168f)
- ethers: updated to ethers version ^5.4.6 (8eb0648)
- github action: update token name (204ede8)
- interfaces: remove the duplicated IdentityOwner from interfaces (#318) (bcba5f5)
- offerableIdentityOperator: params are not array (a620a8a)
- Operator: Resolver base class was always using default provider (#327) (4e01826)
- packages: restoring package-lock (bb66c8b)
- proxyIdentity: rename test-rpc script to test (e990ac5)
- proxyIdentity: update openzeppelin to 4.3.1 (ac2a724)
- resolver: readOnwerPubKey() handle key with 0x (b337a8b)
- compile to es6 (8d85582)
- @energyweb/iam-contracts: impl IOwned on offerable identity (aa8551a)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: clone from openzeppelin (717ab04)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: proxy call to any contract (373e242)
- eslint: setting eslint (0e77331)
- eslint: setting eslint (f9626e0)
- ethers packages: Updating ethers from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 (cee0da7)
- EwJsonRpcSigner: construct from ethers provider (3705c4c)
- EwSigner: add fromEthersSigner (#328) (921886b)
- GHA ctions: setting semantic release to use (f685f2d)
0.5.3 (2021-10-04)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.5.2 (2021-10-04)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.5.1 (2021-04-06)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.5.0 (2021-03-30)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: reuse highlevel funcs (e5d8ed3)
0.4.2 (2021-03-25)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.4.1 (2021-03-25)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
0.4.0 (2021-03-22)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: require owner to send tx (73d733c)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidenity: timestamp in events (3826a35)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidenity: timestamp in events (9930171)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: acknodwledge transfer (ef3297c)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: send tx through identity (55e21e6)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: test identity transfer (6026bc1)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: test notify on offer (3870341)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: test notify on reject (189c76a)
- @ew-did-registry/proxyidentity: test notify on transfer (25c092b)
0.3.0 (2021-03-19)
- @ew-did-registry/claims: alias sjcl-complete (74230c5)
- @ew-did-registry/did-resolver-interface: add undef to optional props (b6d8d2b)
- @ew-did-registry/jwt: add jsonwebtoken types (9698864)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: compile in strict mode (4315227)
- remove prerelease id (09d4aec)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: replace ethers internal imports (bc03513)
- add package-locks to git (2ae5beb)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: update with zero validity (7381837)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: wrap read attribute in document (083642c)
- replace web3 in resolver (77759b6)
- rm web3 from proxyIdentity (624a0e5)
- @ew-did-registry/did-document: add readFromBlock (7b4f857)
- @ew-did-registry/did-document: test restore doc from logs (590e0ef)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: add documentFromLogs (aa00834)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: add readFromBlock (faffd31)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: update to return block number (1f1e7d7)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: replace ethers internal imports (bc03513)
- add package-locks to git (2ae5beb)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: update with zero validity (7381837)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: wrap read attribute in document (083642c)
- replace web3 in resolver (77759b6)
- rm web3 from proxyIdentity (624a0e5)
- @ew-did-registry/did-document: add readFromBlock (7b4f857)
- @ew-did-registry/did-document: test restore doc from logs (590e0ef)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: add documentFromLogs (aa00834)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: add readFromBlock (faffd31)
- @ew-did-registry/did-ethr-resolver: update to return block number (1f1e7d7)
0.0.1-alpha.694.2 (2021-02-19)
0.0.1-alpha.694.1 (2020-11-17)
Note: Version bump only for package ew-did-registry
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to