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dakalff edited this page Nov 26, 2013 · 3 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use a serial port under linux

If you are usiung a usb-to-serial-adapter your serial-interface might be /dev/ttyUSB0.

Check the permissions of this device with

user@computer:~$ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Aug 11 14:16 /dev/ttyUSB0

In order to access this device the user running openHAB needs to be in the group "dailout".

sudo adduser <user> dialout

Reboot your system.

openHAB and the Cubieboard, what you need to know

Running openHAB on a Cubieboard(2) is possible. But there are some kinks to figure out. First you have to choose a distribution to install. At first I settled for Cubian, since I was already familiar with Raspbian. But Cubian comes only with very few kernel modules for USB to serial bridges. Since many bindings communicate that way, this was a dealbreaker. Currently I run lubuntu-server-13.06-v1.00, which has all needed kernel modules. Simply install this distribution to the NAND memory (see for details). Another problem could be the JDK8. While it was running fine on the Raspberry Pi I had several unexplained crashes of openHAB with the early preview of JDK8. Luckily Oracle released the JDK7 for hard floar arm processors a while ago. Just grab it from here unpack it and use it to run openHAB just like on any other platform.





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