Concrete: [ ] shrink bit-vectors using range analysis.
- IR analysis infrastructure
- shrink comparisons too
- generalized version of constant comparison? [ ] common sub-expression grouping
- for commutative/associative ops?
- after flattening
- Perhaps one of these algs:
- [ ] array flattening [ ] permutation-based memory checking
- perhaps included: verifier challenges? [ ] printing with global letification cfg [ ] table-based word-splitting for cheap math in R1CS
- depends on good lookups [ ] SMT based FE testing [ ] General FE to interpreter [ ] Improving/parameterizing our IR term distribution
- We use it to fuzz IR passes
- General problem: Fuzzing language FEs [ ] Implement sorts using hash-consing. [ ] Modeling RAM transformations in Coq and proving their correctness
- model a term IR, with functional arrays (like ours!).
- model a RAM-augmented term IR, with conditional stores and reads
- write a converter
- prove that it works
Vague: [ ] FE analysis infrastructure [ ] Recursive proving. [ ] Incorporate verifier challenges. [ ] Support functions in the compiler. [ ] Equality saturation/e-graphs?
Small research questions: [ ] Model a RAM-extraction pass in Coq and prove it correct.
- input: a term-graph computation that uses functional arrays
- output: a term-graph computation that has RAM transcripts attached, has no array sorts, and is provably equivalent.
- Passes that are likely important:
- Replace array variables with mass stores
- Lift tuples out of arrays with AoS -> SoA transformation
- Scalarize array equality with a big AND of EQ
- Flatten nested arrays? I haven't though this out. Requires scalarizing some stores/selects.
- Do a RAM extraction pass that assumes all arrays have primitive keys and value. [ ] Model a RAM-extraction pass in Coq and prove it correct.
- pretty printing term DAGs with letification
- Like LaTeX meets letification.
Bigger research questions: [ ] SoK: compiling to R1CS
- focus on embedding complex datatypes:
- use lookups [ ] Compiling to branching programs