diff --git a/docs/latest/user/grpc-routing.md b/docs/latest/user/grpc-routing.md index 7421c936311..ef28dac199f 100644 --- a/docs/latest/user/grpc-routing.md +++ b/docs/latest/user/grpc-routing.md @@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ You should see the below response Envoy Gateway also supports [gRPC-Web][] requests for this configuration. The below `curl` command can be used to send a grpc-Web request with over HTTP/2. You should receive the same response seen in the previous command. +The data in the body `AAAAAAA=` is a base64 encoded representation of an empty message (data length 0) that the Ping RPC accepts. + ```shell curl --http2-prior-knowledge -s ${GATEWAY_HOST}:80/yages.Echo/Ping -H 'Host: grpc-example.com' -H 'Content-Type: application/grpc-web-text' -H 'Accept: application/grpc-web-text' -XPOST -d'AAAAAAA=' | base64 -d ```