GraphQL API for the University of Limerick's timetable.
- Written in TypeScript
- Uses DataLoader for per-request caching
- Caches scraped data in MongoDB
- GraphiQL IDE for development and debugging
- GraphiQL IDE/graphql
- GraphQL API endpoint
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install dependencies
$ cd <project_name>
$ npm install
- Start your MongoDB server (you'll probably want another command prompt)
$ mongod
- Build and run the project
npm start
Navigate to http://localhost:3000
Environment variables can be set at system level, or can be configured using a dotenv (.env
) environment variables file.
Npm Script | Description |
Can be set to development or production |
Defaults to 3000 in development and 8080 in production |
URI of the MongoDB database to use |
Npm Script | Description |
start |
Runs full build before starting all watch tasks. Can be invoked with npm start |
build |
Full build. Runs ALL build tasks (build-ts , tslint ) |
serve |
Runs node on dist/server.js which is the apps entry point |
watch |
Runs all watch tasks (TypeScript, Node). Use this if you're not touching static assets. |
build-ts |
Compiles all source .ts files to .js files in the dist folder |
watch-ts |
Same as build-ts but continuously watches .ts files and re-compiles when needed |
tslint |
Runs TSLint on project files |
schema {
query: RootQuery
# A type describing the root query.
type RootQuery {
# Request a student's timetable.
# The student's ID number.
_id: ID!,
# Week numer as displayed on the timetable (optional).
week: String
): Timetable
# Request module details.
# The module code.
_id: ID!
): Module
# Request room details.
# The room number.
_id: ID!
): Room
# Request week details.
# Week number as displayed on the timetable.
_id: ID!
): Week
# Request all weeks.
weeks: [Week!]!
# A type that describes a module.
type Module {
# The module's code.
_id: ID!
# The module's name.
name: String!
# A type that describes a room.
type Room {
# The room number.
_id: ID!
# The name of the building in which the room is located.
building: String!
# The code of the building in which the room is located.
buildingCode: String!
# The floor on which the room is located.
floor: String!
# The numeric part of the room number.
number: String!
# An enum describing a lesson's type.
enum Type {
LEC # Lecture
TUT # Tutorial
LAB # Lab
# A type describing a single lesson on a timetable.
type Lesson {
# The lesson's start time on the 24-hour clock.
startTime: String!
# The lesson's end time on the 24-hour clock.
endTime: String!
# The lesson's module.
module: Module!
# The lesson's group, if applicable.
group: String
# The lesson's type (lab, lecture or tutorial).
type: Type!
# The room(s) in which the lesson is held.
rooms: [Room!]!
# The week(s) in which the lesson is held.
weeks: [Week!]!
# A type describing a student's timetable.
type Timetable {
# The student's ID number.
_id: ID!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Monday.
monday: [Lesson!]!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Tuesday.
tuesday: [Lesson!]!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Wednesday.
wednesday: [Lesson!]!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Thursday.
thursday: [Lesson!]!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Friday.
friday: [Lesson!]!
# The timetable's lessons held on a Saturday.
saturday: [Lesson!]!
# A type describing a week of the current semester.
type Week {
# The week number displayed on the timetable.
_id: ID!
# The teaching week name.
name: String!
# The ISO8601 datetime on which the week commences.
date: Date!