+ ['pulls', prNumber],
+ async () => {
+ const res = await fetch(
+ `https://api.github.com/repos/equinor/cc-components/pulls/${prNumber}`,
+ { headers: { ['Accept']: 'application/vnd.github+json' } }
+ );
+ if (!res.status) {
+ throw new Error('Failed to load');
+ }
+ return await res.json();
+ },
+ { suspense: false, useErrorBoundary: false }
+ );
if (!isOpen) return null;
+ if (isLoading) {
+ return (
+ Loading...
+ );
+ }
+ if (error || !data) {
+ return Failed to load pr {prNumber}
+ }
return (
+export interface PullRequest {
+ url: string;
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ html_url: string;
+ diff_url: string;
+ patch_url: string;
+ issue_url: string;
+ number: number;
+ state: string;
+ locked: boolean;
+ title: string;
+ user: User;
+ body: string;
+ created_at: string;
+ updated_at: string;
+ closed_at: any;
+ merged_at: any;
+ merge_commit_sha: string;
+ assignee: Assignee | null;
+ assignees: Assignee[];
+ requested_reviewers: any[];
+ requested_teams: any[];
+ labels: Label[];
+ milestone: any;
+ draft: boolean;
+ commits_url: string;
+ review_comments_url: string;
+ review_comment_url: string;
+ comments_url: string;
+ statuses_url: string;
+ head: Head;
+ base: Base;
+ _links: Links;
+ author_association: string;
+ auto_merge: any;
+ active_lock_reason: any;
+ merged: boolean;
+ mergeable: boolean;
+ rebaseable: boolean;
+ mergeable_state: string;
+ merged_by: any;
+ comments: number;
+ review_comments: number;
+ maintainer_can_modify: boolean;
+ commits: number;
+ additions: number;
+ deletions: number;
+ changed_files: number;
+export interface User {
+ login: string;
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ avatar_url: string;
+ gravatar_id: string;
+ url: string;
+ html_url: string;
+ followers_url: string;
+ following_url: string;
+ gists_url: string;
+ starred_url: string;
+ subscriptions_url: string;
+ organizations_url: string;
+ repos_url: string;
+ events_url: string;
+ received_events_url: string;
+ type: string;
+ site_admin: boolean;
+export interface Assignee {
+ login: string;
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ avatar_url: string;
+ gravatar_id: string;
+ url: string;
+ html_url: string;
+ followers_url: string;
+ following_url: string;
+ gists_url: string;
+ starred_url: string;
+ subscriptions_url: string;
+ organizations_url: string;
+ repos_url: string;
+ events_url: string;
+ received_events_url: string;
+ type: string;
+ site_admin: boolean;
+export interface Label {
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ url: string;
+ name: string;
+ color: string;
+ default: boolean;
+ description: string;
+export interface Head {
+ label: string;
+ ref: string;
+ sha: string;
+ user: User;
+ repo: Repo;
+export interface Repo {
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ name: string;
+ full_name: string;
+ private: boolean;
+ owner: Owner;
+ html_url: string;
+ description: string;
+ fork: boolean;
+ url: string;
+ forks_url: string;
+ keys_url: string;
+ collaborators_url: string;
+ teams_url: string;
+ hooks_url: string;
+ issue_events_url: string;
+ events_url: string;
+ assignees_url: string;
+ branches_url: string;
+ tags_url: string;
+ blobs_url: string;
+ git_tags_url: string;
+ git_refs_url: string;
+ trees_url: string;
+ statuses_url: string;
+ languages_url: string;
+ stargazers_url: string;
+ contributors_url: string;
+ subscribers_url: string;
+ subscription_url: string;
+ commits_url: string;
+ git_commits_url: string;
+ comments_url: string;
+ issue_comment_url: string;
+ contents_url: string;
+ compare_url: string;
+ merges_url: string;
+ archive_url: string;
+ downloads_url: string;
+ issues_url: string;
+ pulls_url: string;
+ milestones_url: string;
+ notifications_url: string;
+ labels_url: string;
+ releases_url: string;
+ deployments_url: string;
+ created_at: string;
+ updated_at: string;
+ pushed_at: string;
+ git_url: string;
+ ssh_url: string;
+ clone_url: string;
+ svn_url: string;
+ homepage: string;
+ size: number;
+ stargazers_count: number;
+ watchers_count: number;
+ language: string;
+ has_issues: boolean;
+ has_projects: boolean;
+ has_downloads: boolean;
+ has_wiki: boolean;
+ has_pages: boolean;
+ has_discussions: boolean;
+ forks_count: number;
+ mirror_url: any;
+ archived: boolean;
+ disabled: boolean;
+ open_issues_count: number;
+ license: License;
+ allow_forking: boolean;
+ is_template: boolean;
+ web_commit_signoff_required: boolean;
+ topics: any[];
+ visibility: string;
+ forks: number;
+ open_issues: number;
+ watchers: number;
+ default_branch: string;
+export interface Owner {
+ login: string;
+ id: number;
+ node_id: string;
+ avatar_url: string;
+ gravatar_id: string;
+ url: string;
+ html_url: string;
+ followers_url: string;
+ following_url: string;
+ gists_url: string;
+ starred_url: string;
+ subscriptions_url: string;
+ organizations_url: string;
+ repos_url: string;
+ events_url: string;
+ received_events_url: string;
+ type: string;
+ site_admin: boolean;
+export interface License {
+ key: string;
+ name: string;
+ spdx_id: string;
+ url: string;
+ node_id: string;
+export interface Base {
+ label: string;
+ ref: string;
+ sha: string;
+ user: User;
+ repo: Repo;
+export interface Links {
+ self: Self;
+ html: Html;
+ issue: Issue;
+ comments: Comments;
+ review_comments: ReviewComments;
+ review_comment: ReviewComment;
+ commits: Commits;
+ statuses: Statuses;
+export interface Self {
+ href: string;
+type Html = Self;
+type Issue = Self;
+type Comments = Self;
+type ReviewComments = Self;
+type ReviewComment = Self;
+type Commits = Self;
+type Statuses = Self;
+const OpenPR = () => (
+const MergedPr = () => (