diff --git a/xml-provisional/DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00008.xml b/xml-provisional/DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00008.xml index c4b2c1ae..c6901fff 100644 --- a/xml-provisional/DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00008.xml +++ b/xml-provisional/DHARMA_INSVengiCalukya00008.xml @@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ -

Halantas. T: ta shape (actually more like na), with elongated stem and no headmark. E.g. l1 vāsakāT, l24 vaseT. The inscription also seems to contain an explicit vowel killer, see apparatus note to line 6, viṣ·ṇuvardhana-. -


Halantas. T: ta shape (actually more like na), with elongated stem and no headmark. E.g. l1 vāsakāT, l24 vaseT.


Other palaeographic observations. The inscription features an explicit vowel killer, see apparatus note to line 6, viṣ·ṇuvardhana-. In addition to the typical southern form of ra, there occurs an alternative form with a single stem and a secondary serif at the bottom (e.g. l2 paripālitānāṁ and especially l5 karasya). Many instances of ta are objectively indistinguishable from na; otherwise, ta is distinguished by a longer right limb, but even then this right limb does not curl back under the body. +

@@ -114,35 +116,35 @@ n="1r"/>

svasti śrīmad-asanapura-vāsakāT svāmi-mahāsena-pādānudhyātānāṁ hārītī-putrāṇā mānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa-paripālitānāṁ Aśvamedha-yājināṁ calukyānāṁ viśuddha-vaṁśodaya-giri-śikharodita-kṣitipaty-ahimadīdhiteḥ sakala-jagad-ārtti-hara-karmaṇa śrī-kīrtivarmaṇaḥ priya-naptā śaśalāñchanasyeva sakala-jagan-mano-nayanānasvasti śrīmad-asanapura-vāsakāT. svāmi-mahāsena-pādānudhyātānāṁ hāritī-putrāṇā mānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa-paripālitānāṁ Aśvamedha-yājināṁ calukyānāṁ viśuddha-vaṁśodaya-giri-śikharodita-kṣitipaty-ahimadīdhiteḥ sakala-jagad-ārtti-hara-karmaṇa śrī-kīrtivarmaṇaḥ priya-naptā śaśalāñchanasyeva sakala-jagan-mano-nayanānandana-karasya sva-rūpa-lāvaṇyāvajita-makarathdhvajasya makaradhvajāpara-nāmnaḥ śrīmad-aidayugīna-viṣṇoḥ viṣ·ṇuvardhana-mahārājasya priya-tanayaḥ pravarddhamānodaya-pratāpopanata-sama-viṣṇoḥ viṣ·ṇuvardhana-mahārājasya priya-tanayaḥ pravarddhamānodaya-pratāpopanata-samasta-sāmanta-makuṭa-taṭa-ghaṭita-maṇi-mayūkha-mañjarī-puṁja-piṁjarita-caraṇāravinda-yugalaḥ nija-guṇa-dīdhiti-kalāpa kaliyuga-dhvāntaṁ nirākariṣṇuḥ Ākhaṇḍala Ivākhaṇḍita-paurauṣaḥ parama-brahmaṇyo mātā-pitr̥-pātdānudhyātaḥ śrī-jayasiṁha-vallabha-mahārājaḥ gaṇḍeṟuvāṭyā vyāghra-nadyāś cottarataḥ vanneṟu-nadyāś ca tīre gaṇḍeṟu-rājadhānyāḥ -guṇa-dīdhiti-kalāpaena kaliyuga-dhvāntaṁ nirākariṣṇuḥ Ākhaṇḍala Ivākhaṇḍita-paurauṣaḥ parama-brahmaṇyo mātā-pitr̥-pātdānudhyātaḥ śrī-jayasiṁha-vallabha-mahārājaḥ gaṇḍeṟuvāḍyā vyāghra-nadyāś cottarataḥ vanneṟu-nadyāś ca tīre gaṇḍeṟu-rājadhānyāḥ pūrva-dig-vibhāge gavyūtagavyūti-dvaye niḍubaṟu nāma grāmam adhivasataḥ kuuṁbinaḥ samavetān ājñāpayati


viditam astu vo yathāsanapura-sthāna-nivāsino ghaṭikā-sāmānyaviditam astu vo yathāsanapura-sthāna-nivāsino ghaṭikā-sāmānyasya sa-pada-kramānukramādhīta-veda-dvayasya sa-kalpopaniṣat-purāṇetihāsāneka-dharmaśāstra-vidaḥ maṇaśarmanaḥ pautrāya sva-pitur adhika-guṇa-saṁpad-gaṇāopārjita-nirmala-yaśo-viśeṣeṇa Ātmano nvayam alam alaṁkariṣṇoḥ Agniṣṭoma-yājinaḥ śivarudraśarmana putrāya dvi-vedādhyāyine yajñāgamopaniṣan-mantrārtthietihāsa-purāṇa-dharmaśāstra-vimalīkr̥ta-vinaīta-mataye hārīta-sagotrāya taittirīya-sabrahmacāraiṇe kāṭiśarmaṇe kārtika-paurṇamāsyāṁ mātā-pitror ātmanaś ca yaśaḥ-puṇyābhivirdhavr̥ddhaye saṁpratto yam niḍupasya sa-pada-kramānukramādhīta-veda-dvayasya sa-kalpopaniṣat-purāṇetihāsāneka-dharmaśāstra-vidaḥ maṇḍaśarmanaḥ pautrāya sva-pitur adhika-guṇa-saṁpad-gaṇāopārjita-nirmala-yaśo-viśeṣeṇa Ātmano nvayam alam alaṁkariṣṇoḥ Agniṣṭoma-yājinaḥ śivarudraśarmana putrāya dvi-vedādhyāyine yajñāgamopaniṣan-mantrārtthietihāsa-purāṇa-dharmaśāstra-vimalīkr̥ta-vinaīta-mataye hārīta-sagotrāya taittirīya-sabrahmacāraiṇe kāṭiśarmaṇe kārtika-paurṇamāsyāṁ mātā-pitror ātmanaś ca yaśaḥ-puṇyābhivirdhavr̥ddhaye saṁpratto yam niḍupaṟu nāma grāmaḥ. nāsya bādhā karaṇīyā

Ājñaptir atrāryya-manobhirāmaḥ -śrī-vīryamān sarva-jaśrī-vīryamān sarva-janāśrayo yaṁ bhūpendra-nīti-pravibhāga-dakṣaḥ vedāṅga-vit sarva-kalāntarañjñaḥ @@ -185,42 +187,34 @@ n="3v"/>
Plates - svasti hārītī- - None of the i/ī mātrās in the first line are discernible in the scanned estampage, and there is very little distance to the upper edge of the plate. Since the edges are slightly raised into rims, it is possible that these vowel marks are in fact restored by Hultzsch but were never engraved, possibly excepting that in svāmi, where the arms of m may have been closed into a compressed circle. + hāritī- + hārītī- - -kīrtivarmaṇaḥ - I accept Hultzsch's reading, but no r is visible in the scanned estampage. - - - makarathdhvajasya - I once again accept Hultzsch's reading but note that judging by the scan, the faint dot in the middle of this character could well be noise, and there is no other feature by which this character could be read as th rather than the expected dh. However, in line 22 yathā is similarly inscribed for yadā, and the th is quite clear there. + -kīrtivarmaṇaḥ + -kīrtivarmaṇaḥ viṣ·ṇuvardhana- - This being the last line on the page with barely any margin at the botton, a vertically composed ligature would not have fit in the space. I agree with Hultzsch that the engraver seems to have used a vowel killer here, which takes the shape of a tiny slash (Hultzsch calls it a dash) at the top right of what is otherwise a normal-looking ṣa. If correct, this is a rare and quite early example of an explicit vowel killer used in an Indian Sanskrit inscription, all the more remarkable because it is used in a conjunct, not in a final position. + This being the last line on the page with barely any margin at the botton, a vertically composed ligature would not have fit in the space. I agree with Hultzsch that the engraver seems to have used a vowel killer here, which takes the shape of a tiny slash (Hultzsch calls it a dash) at the top right of what is otherwise a normal-looking ṣa. This is a rare and quite early example of an explicit vowel killer used in an Indian Sanskrit inscription, all the more remarkable because it is used in a conjunct, not in a final position. - - -kalāpa - Hultzsch proposes emending to -kalāpena. While the text does need emendation, inscribing -kalāpa instead of -kalāpena is not a likely scribal error; an omitted final member to the compound (e.g. varcasā) may perhaps be more likely. + + gaṇḍeṟuvāḍyā + gaṇḍeṟuvāṭyā + Interestingly, in line 11 (kuuṁbinaḥ) EH too reads the exact same consonant glyph as , emending to the expected . - - ghaṭikā-sā° - Of these characters, only a few inconclusive strokes and the vowel markers are discernible in the scanned rubbing. I assume Hultzsch could see them clearly. + + -vinaīta- + I adopt Hultzsch's emendation but note that the text is intelligible without it. - - ābhivirdhavr̥ddhaye + + °ābhivirdhavr̥ddhaye I wonder whether, rather than being a strange scribal error, this is again an out-of-the ordinary way of dealing with the last line on an all but marginless page: vr̥ddha would have been very hard to fit in the space. - - saṁpratto - No trace of the subscript characters is visible in the scanned estampage. - -vīryamān sarva-janāśrayo - -vīryamāt sanāśrayo + -vīryamāt sanāśrayo Hultzsch tentatively proposes -vīryavān sarva-janāśrayo. The restoration is very plausible, but seems to require an emendation: although is damaged, its vowel marker is attached to the body, not to the head, so it is impossible to read . I believe it should be possible to read nsa instead of Hultzsch's tsa, but only an indistinct trace of this character is visible in the scanned rubbing. For the lost text, sādhujanāśrayo seems likewise possible. Hultzsch notes that the name of this person (minister?) may have been Sarvajanāśraya, while Estienne-Monod assumes the name was Vīryavān. The latter seems less likely to be a name, so I assume that śrī is not an honorary suffix but part of a dvandva. Could the presence of śrī have motivated the choice of the suffix -mat instead of -vat? @@ -287,13 +281,12 @@ celui qui la prend ou qui le permet demeure aussi longtemps en enfer.

Each plate is engraved with 6 lines, of which the third and fourth begin with an indent, skipping the space around the binding hole.


For the district(?) Gaṇḍeṟuvāṭī compare kantheṟuvāṭi-viṣaye in the Pedda-Vegi plates, line 13.


First reported in 6A/1916-19177 with a description at 11319. Edited from estampages by E. Hultzsch () with estampages of the plates and photograph of the seal, with an abstract (not a full translation) of the contents. Also edited in Bhārati, Vol. II, No. 5, pp. 90 ff, not traced. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on a collation of Hultzsch's text with his facsimiles.


First reported in 6A/1916-19177 with a description at 11319. Edited from estampages by E. Hultzsch () with estampages of the plates and photograph of the seal, with an abstract (not a full translation) of the contents. Also edited in Bhārati, Vol. II, No. 5, pp. 90 ff, not traced. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on a collation of Hultzsch's text with estampages preserved at the ASI (Mysore).The estampages are accompanied by a Telugu transcript and do not include an image of the seal.