- Author: kushti, scalahub, Robert Kornacki
- Status: Proposed
- Created: 12-Mar-2021
- Last edited: 12-Mar-2021
- License: CC0
- Track: Applications, Standards
This Ergo Improvement Proposal defines SigmaUSD contracts actually deployed on the blockchain and used via known user interfaces. Thus in case of bank script update this EIP is to updated as well.
{ // this box
// R4: Number of stable-coins in circulation
// R5: Number of reserve-coins in circulation
val feePercent = 2 // in percent, so 2% fee
// Base-64 version of ERG/USD oracle pool NFT 011d3364de07e5a26f0c4eef0852cddb387039a921b7154ef3cab22c6eda887f
// UI at https://explorer.ergoplatform.com/en/oracle-pool-state/ergusd
// Got via http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
val oraclePoolNFT = fromBase64("AR0zZN4H5aJvDE7vCFLN2zhwOakhtxVO88qyLG7aiH8=")
// Base-64 version of bank update NFT 239c170b7e82f94e6b05416f14b8a2a57e0bfff0e3c93f4abbcd160b6a5b271a
// Got via http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
val updateNFT = fromBase64("I5wXC36C+U5rBUFvFLiipX4L//DjyT9Ku80WC2pbJxo=")
val coolingOffHeight = 460000
val minStorageRent = 10000000L
val minReserveRatioPercent = 400L // percent
val defaultMaxReserveRatioPercent = 800L // percent
val INF = 1000000000L
val LongMax = 9223372036854775807L
val rcDefaultPrice = 1000000L
val isExchange = if (CONTEXT.dataInputs.size > 0) {
val dataInput = CONTEXT.dataInputs(0)
val validDataInput = dataInput.tokens(0)._1 == oraclePoolNFT
val bankBoxIn = SELF
val bankBoxOut = OUTPUTS(0)
val rateBox = dataInput
val receiptBox = OUTPUTS(1)
val rate = rateBox.R4[Long].get / 100
val scCircIn = bankBoxIn.R4[Long].get
val rcCircIn = bankBoxIn.R5[Long].get
val bcReserveIn = bankBoxIn.value
val scTokensIn = bankBoxIn.tokens(0)._2
val rcTokensIn = bankBoxIn.tokens(1)._2
val scCircOut = bankBoxOut.R4[Long].get
val rcCircOut = bankBoxOut.R5[Long].get
val bcReserveOut = bankBoxOut.value
val scTokensOut = bankBoxOut.tokens(0)._2
val rcTokensOut = bankBoxOut.tokens(1)._2
val totalScIn = scTokensIn + scCircIn
val totalScOut = scTokensOut + scCircOut
val totalRcIn = rcTokensIn + rcCircIn
val totalRcOut = rcTokensOut + rcCircOut
val rcExchange = rcTokensIn != rcTokensOut
val scExchange = scTokensIn != scTokensOut
val rcExchangeXorScExchange = (rcExchange || scExchange) && !(rcExchange && scExchange)
val circDelta = receiptBox.R4[Long].get
val bcReserveDelta = receiptBox.R5[Long].get
val rcCircDelta = if (rcExchange) circDelta else 0L
val scCircDelta = if (rcExchange) 0L else circDelta
val validDeltas = (scCircIn + scCircDelta == scCircOut) &&
(rcCircIn + rcCircDelta == rcCircOut) &&
(bcReserveIn + bcReserveDelta == bcReserveOut) &&
scCircOut >= 0 && rcCircOut >= 0
val coinsConserved = totalRcIn == totalRcOut && totalScIn == totalScOut
val tokenIdsConserved = bankBoxOut.tokens(0)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(0)._1 && // also ensures that at least one token exists
bankBoxOut.tokens(1)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(1)._1 && // also ensures that at least one token exists
bankBoxOut.tokens(2)._1 == bankBoxIn.tokens(2)._1 // also ensures that at least one token exists
val mandatoryRateConditions = rateBox.tokens(0)._1 == oraclePoolNFT
val mandatoryBankConditions = bankBoxOut.value >= minStorageRent &&
bankBoxOut.propositionBytes == bankBoxIn.propositionBytes &&
rcExchangeXorScExchange &&
coinsConserved &&
validDeltas &&
// exchange equations
val bcReserveNeededOut = scCircOut * rate
val bcReserveNeededIn = scCircIn * rate
val liabilitiesIn = max(min(bcReserveIn, bcReserveNeededIn), 0)
val maxReserveRatioPercent = if (HEIGHT > coolingOffHeight) defaultMaxReserveRatioPercent else INF
val reserveRatioPercentOut = if (bcReserveNeededOut == 0) maxReserveRatioPercent else bcReserveOut * 100 / bcReserveNeededOut
val validReserveRatio = if (scExchange) {
if (scCircDelta > 0) {
reserveRatioPercentOut >= minReserveRatioPercent
} else true
} else {
if (rcCircDelta > 0) {
reserveRatioPercentOut <= maxReserveRatioPercent
} else {
reserveRatioPercentOut >= minReserveRatioPercent
val brDeltaExpected = if (scExchange) { // sc
val liableRate = if (scCircIn == 0) LongMax else liabilitiesIn / scCircIn
val scNominalPrice = min(rate, liableRate)
scNominalPrice * scCircDelta
} else { // rc
val equityIn = bcReserveIn - liabilitiesIn
val equityRate = if (rcCircIn == 0) rcDefaultPrice else equityIn / rcCircIn
val rcNominalPrice = if (equityIn == 0) rcDefaultPrice else equityRate
rcNominalPrice * rcCircDelta
val fee = brDeltaExpected * feePercent / 100
val actualFee = if (fee < 0) {-fee} else fee
// actualFee is always positive, irrespective of brDeltaExpected
val brDeltaExpectedWithFee = brDeltaExpected + actualFee
mandatoryRateConditions &&
mandatoryBankConditions &&
bcReserveDelta == brDeltaExpectedWithFee &&
validReserveRatio &&
} else false
val isUpdate = INPUTS(0).tokens(0)._1 == updateNFT
sigmaProp(isExchange || isUpdate)
{ // This box (update box):
// Registers empty
// ballot boxes (Inputs)
// R4 the pub key of voter [GroupElement] (not used here)
// R5 dummy int due to AOTC non-lazy evaluation (from the line marked **** below)
// R6 the box id of this box [Coll[Byte]]
// R7 the value voted for [Coll[Byte]]
// Base-64 version of the stablecoin bank NFT 7d672d1def471720ca5782fd6473e47e796d9ac0c138d9911346f118b2f6d9d9
// Issued in https://explorer.ergoplatform.com/en/transactions/134db72906d84ea8f6d5b4dc0bbfeaed880836f36dffc4bda8254071b519000a
// Got via http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
val bankNFT = fromBase64("fWctHe9HFyDKV4L9ZHPkfnltmsDBONmRE0bxGLL22dk=")
// Base-64 version of the ballot token ID f7995f212216fcf21854f56df7a9a0a9fc9b7ae4c0f1cc40f5b406371286a5e0
// Issued in https://explorer.ergoplatform.com/en/transactions/744f7080e0373c754f9c8174989c1307e92f4a3937799f15628b1d434d70afb9
// Got via http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
val ballotTokenId = fromBase64("95lfISIW/PIYVPVt96mgqfybeuTA8cxA9bQGNxKGpeA=")
val minVotes = 3
// collect and update in one step
val updateBoxOut = OUTPUTS(0) // copy of this box is the 1st output
val validUpdateIn = SELF.id == INPUTS(0).id // this is 1st input
val bankBoxIn = INPUTS(1) // bank box is 2nd input
val bankBoxOut = OUTPUTS(1) // copy of bank box is the 2nd output
// compute the hash of the bank output box. This should be the value voted for
val bankBoxOutHash = blake2b256(bankBoxOut.propositionBytes)
val validBankIn = bankBoxIn.tokens.size == 3 && bankBoxIn.tokens(2)._1 == bankNFT
val validBankOut = bankBoxIn.tokens == bankBoxOut.tokens &&
bankBoxIn.value == bankBoxOut.value &&
bankBoxIn.R4[Long].get == bankBoxOut.R4[Long].get &&
bankBoxIn.R5[Long].get == bankBoxOut.R5[Long].get
val validUpdateOut = SELF.tokens == updateBoxOut.tokens &&
SELF.propositionBytes == updateBoxOut.propositionBytes &&
updateBoxOut.value >= SELF.value
def isValidBallot(b:Box) = {
b.tokens.size > 0 &&
b.tokens(0)._1 == ballotTokenId &&
b.R6[Coll[Byte]].get == SELF.id && // ensure vote corresponds to this box ****
b.R7[Coll[Byte]].get == bankBoxOutHash // check value voted for
val ballotBoxes = INPUTS.filter(isValidBallot)
val votesCount = ballotBoxes.fold(0L, {(accum: Long, b: Box) => accum + b.tokens(0)._2})
sigmaProp(validBankIn && validBankOut && validUpdateIn && validUpdateOut && votesCount >= minVotes)
{ // This box (ballot box):
// R4 the group element of the owner of the ballot token [GroupElement]
// R5 dummy Int due to AOTC non-lazy evaluation (since bank box has Long at R5). Due to the line marked ****
// R6 the box id of the update box [Coll[Byte]]
// R7 the value voted for [Coll[Byte]]
// Base-64 version of bank update NFT 239c170b7e82f94e6b05416f14b8a2a57e0bfff0e3c93f4abbcd160b6a5b271a
// Got via http://tomeko.net/online_tools/hex_to_base64.php
val updateNFT = fromBase64("I5wXC36C+U5rBUFvFLiipX4L//DjyT9Ku80WC2pbJxo=")
val pubKey = SELF.R4[GroupElement].get
val index = INPUTS.indexOf(SELF, 0)
val output = OUTPUTS(index)
val isBasicCopy = output.R4[GroupElement].get == pubKey &&
output.propositionBytes == SELF.propositionBytes &&
output.tokens == SELF.tokens &&
output.value >= SELF.value
val castVote = proveDlog(pubKey)
val notVoted = output.R7[Coll[Byte]].isDefined == false
val update = INPUTS(0).tokens(0)._1 == updateNFT && notVoted
// Note: We want that during an update, a new valid vote should not be generated
// notVoted ensures that the update action does not generate a new vote.
// This is already prevented by having R6 contain the id of the update box,
// This guarantees that R6 can never contain this box Id (because it depends on the outputs)
// However, notVoted is used for additional security
isBasicCopy && (castVote || update)