- Author: JD
- Created: Feb 13 2022
- License: CC0
- Difficulty: Expert
- Ergo Playground Link: Stealth Address on Ergo by Example
This contract shows how to create transactions that involve stealth addresses.
The contract builds on the solution suggested on the Ergo forum by scalahub.
This contract shows how to rely on ProveDHTuple as well as the need to sign transactions that have proveDHTuple with the DHTuple secret.
import java.math.BigInteger
import scorex.utils.Random
import sigmastate.basics.ProveDHTuple
import sigmastate.eval._
import sigmastate.interpreter.CryptoConstants.{EcPointType, dlogGroup}
import special.sigma.GroupElement
import org.ergoplatform.compiler.ErgoScalaCompiler._
import org.ergoplatform.playgroundenv.utils.ErgoScriptCompiler
import org.ergoplatform.playground._
import org.ergoplatform.ErgoBox
def makeStealthAddressBoxFor(
receiverAddress: Address,
receivingFunds: Long) : org.ergoplatform.ErgoBoxCandidate = {
val DHTupleScript = s"""
val g_r1 = SELF.R4[GroupElement].get
val g_r2 = SELF.R5[GroupElement].get
val g_r1_s = SELF.R6[GroupElement].get
val g_r2_s = SELF.R7[GroupElement].get
val stealthAddressContract = ErgoScriptCompiler.compile(Map(), DHTupleScript)
def makeARandomDHTupleProvableBy(pubKey: GroupElement) :
(GroupElement, GroupElement, GroupElement, GroupElement) = {
def makeRandomCustomGeneratorAndEmbedSecretFor(pubKey: GroupElement) :
(GroupElement, GroupElement) = {
val g : GroupElement = dlogGroup.generator
// Large positive number of 32 bytes = Ergo 'private key'.
val r = new BigInteger(1, Random.randomBytes(32))
val rCustomGenerator = g.exp(r)
val embeddedSecretOnRCustomGenerator = pubKey.exp(r) // works since g^ab = g^ba
(rCustomGenerator, embeddedSecretOnRCustomGenerator)
val g_s = pubKey
val (g_r1, g_r1_s) = makeRandomCustomGeneratorAndEmbedSecretFor(g_s)
val (g_r2, g_r2_s) = makeRandomCustomGeneratorAndEmbedSecretFor(g_s)
(g_r1, g_r2, g_r1_s, g_r2_s)
val receiverGroupElement : GroupElement = receiverAddress.proveDlog.h
val (g_r1, g_r2, g_r1_s, g_r2_s) = makeARandomDHTupleProvableBy(receiverGroupElement)
val stealthAddressRegisters:Map[ErgoBox.NonMandatoryRegisterId, Any] = Map(
R4 -> g_r1,
R5 -> g_r2,
R6 -> g_r1_s,
R7 -> g_r2_s
val stealthAddressBox = Box(value = receivingFunds,
registers = stealthAddressRegisters,
script = stealthAddressContract
def unpackBoxForDHTuple(box: ErgoBox) : ProveDHTuple = {
val gv = box.R4[GroupElement].get
val hv = box.R5[GroupElement].get
val uv = box.R6[GroupElement].get
val vv = box.R7[GroupElement].get
// Prepare A Test Scenario //
// Create a simulated blockchain (aka "Mockchain")
val blockchainSim = newBlockChainSimulationScenario("Stealth address scenario 😎")
// Create simulated sender and receiver
val alice = blockchainSim.newParty("Alice")
val bob = blockchainSim.newParty("Bob")
// Defining the amount of nanoergs in an erg, making working with amounts easier
val nanoergsInErg = 1000000000L
val aliceInitialFunds = 3 * nanoergsInErg // 3 Ergs
alice.generateUnspentBoxes(toSpend = aliceInitialFunds)
// Set up complete. //
println("Set up complete.")
// Let's say Alice wants to move her funds to a stealth address
val aliceStealthAddressBox = makeStealthAddressBoxFor(
receiverAddress = alice.wallet.getAddress,
receivingFunds = aliceInitialFunds - MinTxFee)
val sendToAliceStealthAddressTransaction = Transaction(
inputs = alice.selectUnspentBoxes(toSpend = aliceInitialFunds),
outputs = List(aliceStealthAddressBox),
fee = MinTxFee,
sendChangeTo = alice.wallet.getAddress
val sendToAliceStealthAddressTransactionSigned = alice.wallet.sign(sendToAliceStealthAddressTransaction)
// Scenario: Moving assets to Alice's stealth address.
println("Notice: how it says Alice has no funds!")
// Now Alice wants to move her funds to bob's stealth address
val aliceStealthAddressOutputBox = sendToAliceStealthAddressTransactionSigned.outputs(0)
val bobStealthAddressBox = makeStealthAddressBoxFor(
receiverAddress = bob.wallet.getAddress,
receivingFunds = aliceInitialFunds - 2 * MinTxFee)
val sendToBobStealthAddressTransaction = Transaction(
inputs = List(aliceStealthAddressOutputBox),
outputs = List(bobStealthAddressBox),
fee = MinTxFee,
sendChangeTo = alice.wallet.getAddress
val aliceStealthAddressOutputBoxProveDHTuple = unpackBoxForDHTuple(aliceStealthAddressOutputBox)
// Scenario: Moving assets to Bob's stealth address.
val sendToBobStealthAddressTransactionSigned = alice.wallet.withDHSecret(
println("Notice: how it says Bob & Alice have no funds!")
// Just for experimentation sake let's send it to Bob's real address now.
val bobStealthAddressOutputBox = sendToBobStealthAddressTransactionSigned.outputs(0)
val bobAddressBox = Box(value = aliceInitialFunds - 3 * MinTxFee,
script = contract(bob.wallet.getAddress.pubKey))
val sendToBobAddressTransaction = Transaction(
inputs = List(bobStealthAddressOutputBox),
outputs = List(bobAddressBox),
fee = MinTxFee,
sendChangeTo = bob.wallet.getAddress
val bobStealthAddressOutputBoxProveDHTuple = unpackBoxForDHTuple(bobStealthAddressOutputBox)
val sendToBobAddressTransactionSigned = bob.wallet.withDHSecret(
// End Scenario: Moving assets to Bob's regular address.
println("Notice: how it says Bob has funds!")
println("Transaction scenario complete.")