This is the TMDb movie data set for data analysis. This data set contains information about 10,000 movies collected from The Movie Database (TMDb).
This database contains the following features:-
movie_id - A unique identifier for each movie.
imdb_id - A unique identifier for each movie on IMDB.
cast - The name of lead and supporting actors.
director - the director of the movie.
budget - The budget in which the movie was made.
genre - The genre of the movie, Action, Comedy ,Thriller etc.
homepage - A link to the homepage of the movie.
id - This is infact the movie_id as in the first dataset.
keywords - The keywords or tags related to the movie.
original_title - The title of the movie before translation or adaptation.
overview - A brief description of the movie.
popularity - A numeric quantity specifying the movie popularity.
production_companies - The production house of the movie.
production_countries - The country in which it was produced.
release_date - The date on which it was released.
revenue - The worldwide revenue generated by the movie.
runtime - The running time of the movie in minutes.
tagline - Movie's tagline.
vote_average - average ratings the movie recieved.
budget_adj - shows the budget associated movie in terms of 2010 dollars.
revenue_adj - shows the revenue associated movie in terms of 2010 dollars.
Contain: 10866 Rows x 21 Columns