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The easy way to generate LaTeX projects, and including great templates for projects in LaTeX. Also provides a naive build system implementation, with syntax inspired by Cargo.
Personal project for now - this isn't actually useful to anyone but me.
- Generate a LaTeX project structure from the command line.
- Feature a nice CLI menu that shows options.
- Implement a 'paper' template.
- Implement a 'letter' template.
- Implement a multi-chapter book template.
- Implement a nice thesis template.
- Implement a math notes template.
- Read and write project config to a TOML file.
- Initialize a Git repository including the document.
- Create a remote repository to host it.
- Multiplatform. It should work on all the major operating systems (Arch, Fedora, Debian, BSD, and maybe even that MacOS thing. Non-standard OSes not supported, Windows!)
- Build the project with the local LaTeX installation.
- Actually work well.
To get started, run
texrs interactive [NAME]
which starts an interactive prompt allowing you to select your document type, &c. Use the --help
option to see other techniques.