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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 29 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, 17 March 2020 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 46:06 min

Moderator: Tim bieko

Notes: Sachin Mittal



  • Decision Item 29.1: Diversifying the funds. 2/3rd in DAI, and 1/3rd in USDC.

  • Decision Item 29.2: Pooja is chosen as Coordinator in Chief.

  • Decision item 29.3: Incase, the call stretches longer. Payment will be adjusted.


  • Action Item 29.1: Tim will share this in community to get total consensus on this.

  • Action Item 29.2: Hudson and Pooja, will talk to Moloch DAO, and Ken from EF (Ecosystem support program) about funding for Coordinator in Chief.

  • Action Item 29.3: William and Pooja to post a medium blog, about ECH workshop at EthCC and writeup by william.

  • Action item 29.4: We have to decide topics, and reach to speakers for Consensus 2020. Pooja has shared sheet for the same.

  • Action item 29.5: Edson to work along with Hudson on taking down scam streamings of EF.

  • Action Item 29.6: Hudson and Edson will work together on streaming the events and community calls on twitch too.

  • Action item 29.7: Hudson and pooja will contact scott about bounty for Eth 2.0 note making.

  • Action item 29.8: To recruit more note-takers for EIPIP meetings.

  • Action item 29.9: Pooja will contact Helena for this, and figure out how to made the final changes for the website.

  • Action item 29.10: Tim will initiate first tx on pending issues in the funding repo.

  • Action item 29.11: William will ping lane about the pending action item i.e. to create a multi-sig transaction to reclaim the stake in dxDAO.

1. Diversifying ECH fund.

  • Tim: Charles is not in the call, but I think we should change half of our funds to USDC, given the volatility of DAI recently. Also, do we have our funds in SAI or DAI?

  • Hudson: Most of our funds are in SAI.

  • Tim: Challenge with Migration from SAI to DAI is that we need to have all assets in one account. I propose, hudson for this. I will approve the multi-sig tx to move all the SAI to your account. What do other people think?

  • William: I don't have any objections with it, though I am not in favour of diversifying the funds. I think DAI will get stabilized.

  • Hudson: I actually want to see what maker will do, they were talking about collaterlizing DAI with USDC. Some part of it. link

  • Tim: Exactly, since these two have different risk profiles, and I am more comfortable with USDC.

  • Pooja: I am also in favour of Diversifying the funds.

  • Tim: We have rough consensus on this I think, we will just wait for a while to get consensus from the people in the channel and people not on the call.

  • Hudson: We need to figure out the percentage though?

  • Tim: Does 2/3rd in DAI, 1/3rd in USDC, makes you feel more comfortable? Then, let's record this as an action item, and let other people chime in.

  • Action Item 29.1: Tim will share this in community to get total consensus on this.

  • Decision Item 29.1: Diversifying the funds. 2/3rd in DAI, and 1/3rd in USDC.

  • William: Who is making the call-notes today? And who is recording the call?

  • Sachin: I am doing the notes, but I don't know who is recording the call though.

  • Tim: Recording is being stored in zoom cloud.

  • Edson: Are the previous call recordings going to be released?

  • Pooja: No, but now tim and I have the access to the zoom account, so we will be able to provide the recordings now.

2. Pay for a part-time ECH coordinator in chief.

  • Tim: I think we discussed this on chat, and Pooja was choosen unanimously. Does anyone have any comments on that?
  • Everyone says "Aye"
  • Tim: Great! How much and how should we pay for this? As I remember from a email thread between Me, pooja, and hudson. We discussed that, it is a 20 hr/week job. Also, the range of salary for this job profile ranges from 15-75$/hr.

  • Hudson: Does anyone have a good method to calculate this?

  • Brent: I think the question is How much funds do we have? Because we don't need to draw out anything to pay for pooja, but where will we get 75$/ hr to pay for?

  • Hudson: Good call, I think I can put down a proposal on Moloch DAO.

  • Pooja: In the meantime, I talked to ken from EF, where in a video at EthCC they were talking about ecosystem support program. So, I wanted to get his opinion on this. And he replied back "Sounds like a good idea for requesting funds, would like some more details on this". So, what do people think about asking funds from ESP(Ecosystem Support Program)

  • Hudson: Sounds good, I can be in that conversation too.

  • Pooja: Great, I will start a email thread then.

  • Tim: I think, we should definitely talk to moloch about this too, since I know they allocate funds for this kind of profiles.

  • Hudson: Okay, me and pooja will cover this.

  • Action Item 29.2: Hudson and Pooja, will talk to Moloch DAO, and Ken from EF (Ecosystem support program) about funding for Coordinator in Chief.

  • Decision Item 29.2: Pooja is chosen as Coordinator in Chief.

3. EIP Improvement Process meeting

  • Pooja: I think there was a google form shared by Edson, can you throw some light on that?

  • Edson: Yes, I have created a google form to identify the problems in current EIP process. It's share in the telegram group. Will appreciate some feedback, before it is pushed into the community.

  • Brent: Yeah it looks good. Are we focusing on the minor tweaks in the current system, or we want to do a full swoop by re-writting it?

  • Edson: Actually, we stopped the clean-up process for the past EIPs becuase we were thinking of doing the major changes.

  • William: Maybe you can add a suggestion box for people.

  • Edson: I can add that.

4. Events & conferences

4.1. EthCC writeup by William

  • William: Tim, I and Helena ran the workshop for ECH at EthCC. And after that, I made a writeup on, "How to onboard new comers on Ethereum, and What ECH do, and how to be a part of it". I would really appreciate the feedback. Also, I am thinking of posting it through ECH medium channel.

  • Brent: How many attended that workshop?

  • William: About 10-15. But people were quite engaged so it was quite good.

  • Pooja: I will suggest adding presentation link in the doc, so people would have more visibility over what kind of workshop we did at EthCC.

  • William: Sure, I can link it to slides. I will need that from you tim.

  • Pooja: I think we can keep it open for today, and publish it 9 am tomorrow.

  • Action Item 29.3: William and Pooja to post a medium blog, about ECH workshop at EthCC and writeup by william.

4.2 Consensus 2020 event: ECH booth/talk/presentation

  • Hudson: So it's no longer an in-person conference, its virtual. From the notes I took, there are going to be different tracks. Like Eth 2.0, Defi. Also, there maybe an interview session, for eg. Ethereum community and Zcash talks about privacy, and security. It's all idea now, not confirmed yet. They will get back to us on how they are going to setup and what they need from us, and we will facilitate speakers for it. Abot
  • About having ECH in of the sessions, it would have been great to have general track but since it is looking it will be specific, we need to have speakers from our side who are specialized. We might not get to speak as a group, but we will help facilitate finding these people. So, it is still an important role. But not sure, if we will actually be in the thing.
  • Pooja: Yeah, so we will be providing 8-12 topics, and speakers for it. They are allocating us 2-3 hrs, and it is virtual so we maybe having presentation, or pre-recorded videos. So, I have share a sheet, I will appreciate the suggestions on more topics that can be very helpful for the community. Current status, development of protocol, mass adoption of ethereum, and at the enterprise level as well.

  • Tim: I just saw the sheet, its view only.

  • Pooja: I will change that.

  • Action item 29.4: We have to decide topics, and reach to speakers for Consensus 2020. Pooja has shared sheet for the same.

5. Ethereum Foundation YouTube jacking

  • Hudson: I have redacted a sheet from EF lawyer, having information about all the trademarks we have. So, someone wants to go through, and start putting down takedown request from the channel.
  • So, I guess we go to channel -> report -> I have a trademark -> put down some trademark information -> upload the document -> send it. Hopefully that works.
  • Edson: I can help out, One thing I noticed is that youtube has changed their bots to filter scam streaming.

  • Edson: Thank you for volunteering this.

  • Action item 29.5: Edson to work along with Hudson on taking down scam streamings of EF.

6. Ethereum live streams on Twitch?

  • Edson: So, I brought up this idea on marketing DAO. To live stream videos of EF, and ECH on Twitch. And live events too.
  • I think this is a good idea because twitch has a section of science and tech, they have twilio there. It will be a good marketing idea for ethereum, since twitch is also a good place to save these videos. It will reduce a step from the current process since video gets automatically saved after streaming.
  • Hudson: I can find a way to upload the stream on both youtube and twitch together.

  • Edson: It can be done using Restream service.

  • Hudson: So, what should we stream? Just the community calls?

  • Edson: I think streaming live events will be really impactful. For eg, Ethglobal will be definitely worth streaming.

  • Hudson: Cool

  • Action Item 29.6: Hudson and Edson will work together on streaming the events and community calls on twitch too.

7. ECH meetings video processing and meeting notes

7.1 Ethereum 2.0

  • Pooja: Earlier we used to submit the call notes on Eth 2.0/pm repo, mentioning the name of the cat herder making the notes. Bounty was created for it, and awarded to that herder. But it has not been happening for past 5 meetings. Earlier brett was taking care of it. I tried reaching out but we are stuck. Hudson, maybe you can help us with this.

  • Hudson: Yes, I can help with that. I have talked to Scott and danny regarding this in the past. It's long time back, Pooja talk to me after this call and we will figure it out.

  • Action item 29.7: Hudson and pooja will contact scott about bounty for Eth 2.0 note making.

7.2 Note-taker for EIPIP meetings

  • Pooja: We need more note-takers for EIPIP meetings, currently we only have three. If anybody is interested in this, please let me know.

  • Hudson: We can send out a shoutout for this, in the community gitter.

  • Tim: I don't think it was mentioned at EthCC, but we can recruit some of the members from such events.

  • William: I think we mentioned it in EthCC. When is the next meeting?

  • Pooja: Its next week.

  • Action item 29.8: To recruit more note-takers for EIPIP meetings.

7.3 Guidelines for meeting notes

  • Pooja: Here is the meeting note guidelines for the new members.

8. ECH website update

  • Pooja: For this I talked to Helena, she was in touch with hugo to get it updated but things are not well on that side. But if in couple of weeks, if everything starts moving along she will get in touch again.

  • Meanwhile I have a question on this, I see the code on github but can't find the server. So, anyone have any idea about this? I will be willing to take this responsibility going forward, but I need to know where it is.

  • No Answer

  • Okay, then I will try to figure this out with Helena.

  • Action item 29.9: Pooja will contact Helena for this, and figure out how to made the final changes for the website.

9. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

  • Pooja: I think, james need to take actions on those.

  • Tim: Okay, then we will wait for James.

  • Tim: There has been two open issues. One for ACD call, pooja and other is for an EIPIP meeting, edson. I think we should probably fund these asap.

  • Pooja: For the last core dev call, the meeting was 3 hrs long and tim also proposed that we should pay double for that. Would like others opinions.

  • Brent: Will it come out of cat herders funds?

  • Yes

  • Brent: I planned on giving Sachin 100$, I don't care for the rest. Thanks for the help Sachin. We can close this, I am not worried about it.

  • Tim: What do you mean by closing this?

  • Brent: I meant, I am not interested on getting paid for this. I just want sachin to get paid.

  • Pooja: It's really kind gesture from you Brent, but same thing may happen in future, so should we double the bounty for that? - in general

  • Everyone says yes!

  • Sachin will create the issue for funding mentioning 200$, and two payable addresses (Brent, Sachin)

  • Action item 29.10: Tim will initiate first tx on pending issues in the funding repo.

  • Decision item 29.3: Incase, the call stretches longer. Payment will be adjusted.

10. Review of outstanding action items

  • Most of them are done.

  • Tim: 2 pending items,

  1. Charles to write up a proposal around moving SAI to DAI and what options there are for DAI savings so that the ECH can make a better-informed decision.
  • But this has been already decided, in today's call
  1. Lane to create a multi-sig transaction to reclaim the stake in dxDAO
  • Action item 29.11: William will ping lane about the pending action item i.e. to create a multi-sig transaction to reclaim the stake in dxDAO.


  • Tim Beiko
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Hudson
  • Edson
  • Brent Allsop
  • William
  • Sachin Mittal