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ECH Meeting 60 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 8 June at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 0.5 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Jim Bennett


DECISION 60.1: Add a link to the ECH website telling people to subscribe to ECH Medium in order to get the newsletter see 4:17

DECISION 60.2: Record and publish the meetiung to discuss documentation and updates of the ECH website. see 5:02

DECISION 60.3: Please respond to the survey about selection of Ethereum clients. see 8:57


ECH - Pooja Ranjan Welcome everyone to Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 60. I just have shared the agenda in chat.

#1. ECH website Update, Website testing & debugging, next steps?

So the first item on the agenda is Ethereum Cat Herders website update, website testing and debugging. And maybe the next steps. This has been discussed on our call for the past few weeks. So we have Michael joined. And today, Michael, if he would quickly like to sum up where we are, and when we can have this task completed.

unvetica.eth Yep. So the website is pretty much done. We’re at the point where now we're just making consistent updates in relation to the new content that's being pushed out on the site, which is great. So the last step here is to integrate this into the existing workflow and have it be more maintained by the community itself via pull requests, and right now, we are configuring everything and making the applicable notes so it's easiest for everyone in terms of documentation, so we should have that up and ready to go by Thursday. I'd like to schedule something Friday, if possible. I don't know how that works with everyone's schedule in terms of time. But what I'd like to do is that Friday, just kind of go over, step by step, these are the main files, these are what they connect to, this is what you would edit sort of just on a top level, and then just answer any questions that anyone may have, and then sort of hand over, just for lack of a better term, a wiki page for all the documentation that we'll have all this for any new coming members, so you don't have to rely on us necessarily, though we will be here to help. And then that's pretty much the last step. And we just handed over the keys, so to speak.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan That sounds great. Thank you for that. I believe, Santhosh, you have been working on the testing and debugging part. If you have anything to share, or maybe to bring into attention of Michael's, that we may look into?

Santhosh J Not really. I put all the findings, bugs and all the updates which required in the document which Pooja shared with me. I think, Michael, if you have any doubts, any clarification, you can just add a comment. I'll be happy to help you.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan So Michael, that is a separate document. That was our old website document, but not the one that your team is referring to. So I will just transfer all the text there today.

unvetica.eth Okay. Actually, if you wouldn't mind if we could, just because the original document is getting just a little bit cluttered, if we could just make a new shared document that would be great.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan We do have that new document.

unvetica.eth Okay, great. I'll just look for that link after the meeting.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Sure. Okay, just one last question on this topic. Do we get to do the analytics of this website? How do we keep track of it?

unvetica.eth Yep, that's a great question. So we actually have Google Analytics tied into it, and you'll be able to pull from there.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Sounds good. So I hope to get it maybe on the Friday meeting.

unvetica.eth Correct. Yep.

Santhosh J Pooja, one suggestion. I'm not sure if you already thought about it. Maybe we can have an option to add a newsletter, basically entering the people's email ID so that they start receiving the newsletter from us. I saw that in the Medium post, but I don't think I found it in the website.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan So the way we handle the newsletter right now is with the help of ECH Medium. So anyone who has subscribed to Ethereum Cat Herders Medium will get the newsletters. So maybe we can add a link to our website saying to subscribe Ethereum Cat Herders Medium in order to get the newsletter. That's a good point. Thank you. Therefore, Michael, I have shared the link of the document where Santhosh added findings there. Any more questions or comments on this topic before we move on?

Brent Allsop Yeah, just a question about timing. So someone's talking about a meeting this Friday to go over coaching of how Cat Herders can help maintain that stuff. That's going to be this coming Friday?

unvetica.eth Yeah, that's just an arbitrary day. I'm open to any day that may work better. Also, to that question, I plan on recording this session as well, just for documentation purposes. So if you or anyone else for that matter is unable to attend whatever day we lock in for that meeting for training, I'll be more than happy to publish that video somewhere so everyone has access to it.

Brent Allsop Yeah, that's why I wanted to make sure you're going to be recording it, because I will be at Lake Powell on that particular Friday. So I'm probably not important enough to move it. But I would be able to attend if we moved it a week or so later. But anyway,

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Oh, you are important. Brent. Your feedback has helped, it definitely helped us setting up the websites, HTTP/HTTPS thing that we were discussing about. Michael, if you can, whenever you are planning to have that session, if you can, just share that in the ECH Discord where we are discussing the website, it will be easier for more people to say what works and whatnot. unvetica.eth Okay.

Brent Allsop Yeah. And if you record it, that'd be great.

unvetica.eth I'll do that. I'll propose a few dates in the Discord. And then now we'll just go from there.

Brent Allsop Cool. Thank you.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you so much.

#2. Blogs & survey - London overview blog - Ethereum blockchain users and developers research

Moving on, the next topic is Blogs and Survey. So Ethereum Cat Herders are going to publish a blog on London overview. Tim, if they would like to take over and speak for it?

Tim Beiko Yeah, so I worked on a draft to just go over kind of the various EIPs in London and try to describe them. I think it's on the Cat Herders publication as a draft. So anyone who has access can probably look. I'm actually looking for the link right now. If people want to have a look maybe today so that we can we can try to publish it tomorrow, that would be great. Okay, here's the link. Yeah, nothing too special. Just give maybe share my screen if that helps. But it just goes over the different EIPs, kind of gives a short explainer for each of them, links things like the PEEPanEIP videos when there are ones. And, yeah, that's pretty much it. So when we have the testnet blocks, we're gonna make a testnet blog post on the Ethereum Foundation blog. And so we'll link this blog post as kind of a bigger description of the London upgrade.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you, Tim. So the next part of this session is about Ethereum blockchain users and developers research. So there is this survey that we have shared on the first of June. It's a survey being done in association with Nethermind client, and Ethereum Cat Herders are trying to collect feedback from users and the developers community to maybe help understand what is the requirement for tools and documentation. I have added the survey link in the agenda.

So far, we have received 31 responses, and it includes the miner, validator, extra validator, on chain projects, API service provider. We have been responded by some community members, researchers, AllCoreDev adjacent, and API providers. So if you haven't gotten a chance to respond to the survey, please take out time to respond. All these questions are 100% optional. And this includes questions like selection of Ethereum clients, interaction with Eth 1.0 clients, maybe basic usage, documentation and future expectation of Ethereum 1.0 and Ethereum 2.0 clients. So for the survey, so far the responses we have received, one of the few responses surprised us that they are still users of Parity Ethereum. There were three nodes that are still being run by using Parity client. So we are requesting people to upgrade the node. Aragon is going to be the future because the Open Ethereum has now merged with Aragon. So that is going to be a future for people who are looking into Parity, and there are other options: Nethermind, Hyperledger Besu if they would want to change their clients. So all in all, it's a good feedback form to help Ethereum clients and development teams to understand what as a member you would like to see. Again, consider responding. The link is provided in the agenda and the YouTube description box. Questions?

William Schwab Do we want to try and make an effort to reach out to groups that we know are using Open Ethereum? Just to make sure they're aware?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Yes, we are trying to, but we are also asking for help from all the community members to share as much as possible. This survey is available on Ethereum Cat Herders Discord announcement section, also in the Twitter, Medium post. So yeah, feel free to share it.

William Schwab I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. You were talking about Open Ethereum Aragon?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan I'm sorry. I was talking about the survey.

William Schwab Okay, so that Open Ethereum Aragon, do we want to try and figure out what major infrastructure or what major projects we know are running Open Ethereum and just touch base with them to make sure that they know that they need to jump ship?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Yeah, that would be the goal, of course. So we will be sharing the data with those. Ronin, unfortunately, I have to mute you because there is some external noise. I'm sorry. If you would like to try again, I can unmute you.

William Schwab If anybody knows who's on Open Ethereum also, it might be worth it to come up with a list. I mean, Gnosis obviously, but they are also the Open Ethereum team. So I think it's pretty safe to say that they're fine. EtherScan I'm pretty sure is on Open Ethereum. Those are off the top my head.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I've reached out to basically those teams, and I'll be visiting with you more. Ronin, can you mute?

ronin Do you hear anything about me?

Tim Beiko You make a lot of noise and you sound like a robot. Oh, now it's better. Yeah, sorry. Anyway, so I was saying, I've been reaching out to teams that are using Open Ethereum. And yeah, I'll keep doing so. In the London hard fork post, it'll be clear that it has been deprecated. So, you know, I think whenever you discuss it, you should probably link to the post. But I don't think there's much of a need for an extra round of outreach.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Yeah, just on that topic, ronin is also working with Open Ethereum team. And he is here to talk on another topic that we had. I think it's on the new initiative, which is the next topic. So anyone looking for any help in implementing that may reach out to him. And okay, that is a good segue moving into the next agenda item if there is any question comments, we can still continue.

ronin So does anyone hear me? I'm actually working on two devices.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan We can hear you better.

ronin This is nice. I'm sorry about the noises before. Short introduction, I'm roninkaizen, member of the Open Ethereum team and of the Aragon as well. I started to preparate myself with several knots in Goerli about 14 days ago, and my experiences are quite fine. I wanted to ask or suggest to anyone to get in little contact on real little practice with Aragon as product. We are definitely at the very good first steps. Well, that's it from me right now.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you for the introduction, ronin. So yeah, there is this new proposal of having a channel created at Ethereum Cat Herders Discord as discontinued products and clients or that may be helpful for people who are looking for any kind of support related to any product that has been discontinued, like many users of Parity or the Open Ethereum in the future, maybe, if they need any kind of help and support, they can reach us on that channel. So what do people think in general about having that created?

William Schwab Sure.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan So ronin has volunteered to kind of respond to the users reaching out on that channel, maybe help out with clients or product services or as can be provided to resolve the issues with the discontinued products and clients. Okay, so that's about it. Ronin, if you want to talk on that, you just messaged on Zoom, "helping the user with migration is my actual topic." Sorry, it looks like there is again some microphone issue, or he may have dropped. We'll get back to it later. So does anyone have any question or comment on this, either on the survey part or on creating this channel? Okay. Antonio, thank you so much for joining us on the call today. We are happy to work. And yeah, if you have to share something from clients perspective.

antonio sabado No, none. Nothing to share at the moment. First and foremost, thank you for inviting me to trhe call. We're looking at ways to further collaborate with ECH, so this is just the first one, the survey. The survey derived from the Eth 1 thing, art anatomy. It's fun to understand, you know, the tools and implementations existing developers would like, improvements, etc. but also making sure that there's a smooth transition when we have new developers coming into the space as well. So I think the survey will hopefully provide some answers to those questions.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Right. And we hope to publish a detailed report based on the feedback received in the month of July. So the survey's open until the 30th of June. Thank you, everyone.

Moving on, the next sub item of the ECH new initiatives are adding resources for Beacon chain upgrade. So currently, the Ethereum Cat Herders website, there is a section called EIP resources where we provide information of all the available resources for any proposal, like if you want to read about any particular proposal that is maybe expected in an upgrade, or is being discussed. So we provide a curated list of resources there. So far, we didn't have it for a Beacon chain. And now we'll try to add that section for Beacon chain upgrades as well. And we are also looking into some kind of maybe pointers for people who are new. And they can reach out to the group by their interest. So we'll try to create some pointers on theEtrhereum Cat Herders website as well. So these are a few things that we are considering other than the ongoing Peep an EIP, and we would also be having some more community calls.

#4. Peep an EIP

The next item is Peep an EIP. In the last two weeks, we recorded two episodes on Altair, the beacon chain upgrade, one with Alex Stokes that was focused on accounting reform, and another one with Vitalik and Danny, and these were with other two features that are coming out with the Altair upgrade. It's a very good watch for everyone who wants to understand the Ethereum 2.0 chain, the Beacon chain, as well as understand what are the changes that are being brought in the first upgrade with respect to penalty and reward and other stuff. So it's a good watch. The video is available on Cat Herders YouTube. In the next two weeks, we have planned a couple of more recordings, one for EIP 3541 which is expected with the London upgrade. The meeting is planned for tomorrow, June 9 at 1830 UTC. And the next one is EIP 1559. That is with Tim Beiko, Barnaby, Micah, on June 15 at 1400 UTC. this proposal is also coming out with London upgrade. We already have recorded an episode on EIP 1559 about a year ago. So this talk is going to focus mostly on the changes that have been implemented since then. Any question or comments?

#5. Events and meetup

Moving on about the Events and meetup. EthCC Paris is planned. It's on July 20, I believe. 20 to 22, yeah. So this is an in-person event, and they are inviting speakers. So if anyone is planning to attend the meeting in person there, or they want to be a speaker, they can send their applications. Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians are also thinking of hosting a council for people interested to have an in-person gathering. So if you are planning to go to the EthCC and want to be meeting somewhere there, reach out to [unclear]. Just curious, anyone from the group is planning to go to the EthCC?

William Schwab I had been thinking about it earlier in the year, but I don't think I'm going to make it.

antonio sabado Yeah, half of our team... unfortunately, Thomas and I are based in the UK, and it is difficult for us, because we have to be in quarantine when we get to the EU now. So we quarantine when we get back, so we're trying to work our plans, half of our team will be attending. I'm presenting as well.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Oh, that's nice. If I join that, I'll be happy to follow along.

#6. ECH funding

Okay, moving on. The next item on the agenda is ECH funding. So we have reached out to ESP and Moloch in the past, and it seems that we are good with ESP. Tim, if you would like to take over and speak for it.

Tim Beiko Yeah, sure. So I'm basically the Ethereum Foundation agreed to give a grant to the Cat Herders. So the grant covers six months of operations, I believe, plus a small portion to help pay for EIP editors. And, you know, the grant covers different things, obviously covers Pooja's role, and it covers a couple new roles also that people had proposed. I think William and, I forget who the second one, I believe, Santhosh, you also had proposed kind of a part-time role. So yeah, so the grant will basically cover these three, and also the kind of engineering work by Alita for the next three months.

I think the reasoning, the EF is very happy with the work that the Cat Herders have been doing. And, you know, specifically, one thing that's really valuable is when people kind of grow their contributions to Ethereum by starting in at Cat Herders. So you know, when people kind of start out taking notes, and then they kind of expand the scope of the role. You know, I think the EF sees that as a very valuable on-ramp for people to be part of the Ethereum community. And so that's something we kind of want to encourage with not only funding Pooja, but also funding all these different roles. I think the one thing that the EF sees as like maybe a risk, and that is worth kind of being clear about is, a lot of times for organizations like the Cat Herders, it can be kind of hard to point to the actual thing that you did, because so much of the work is just coordination and getting people together. So one thing that I would suggest is trying to capture and be mindful about creating things that you can point to, so whether this is just like write up documents, you know, when you do a survey to make sure that you have a post explaining it and whatnot, not only because that helps other people in the future know that this stuff has happened, but also because it helps point to, like, you know, we're paying this grant, and these are the actual things that came out of it. And I think one of the best examples of this recently is the Peep an EIP series, which is obviously super valuable, not only when the call is happening, but then they act as really good historical videos that we can keep. And being able to point to this stuff makes it much easier to justify follow-up grants. And so I'll stop here, but I think in general, the EF really likes seeing people onboard the community through the Cat Herders. And we want to encourage more of that. And I think the way to show this is working is by having actual deliverables and pieces of content or things that we can point to.

William Schwab Do you think that reports for the EF are enough or there actually has to be external facing content?

Tim Beiko I think it's actually better to have public things than to have reports for the EF. It's much better, for example, to be able to say, like, again, I'll take Peep an EIP as an example, just to say, look, we did these 10 videos, here they are on YouTube. You don't need a two-page explainer to explain that. I think that those things are really the most valuable. I guess another way to put this is the EF doesn't want to just sit on some internal report, right? It wants to see the impact that the Cat Herders have had on the community, and obviously, that stuff has to be public.

William Schwab Right. The thing that I'm trying to think about the most is in terms of trying to expand coordination and ecosystem coordination, which is something I'm really trying to focus on right now. You point out exactly how to quantify that in the content. We might be able to do periodic pieces where we talk about places where we've had an impact as an article, but that's basically just the same thing as an internal report, but just publicized, better publicized, I'm all for it.

Tim Beiko Yeah, I think it actually does, because then not only does it give the EF some understanding of what you've done, but also, it tells the community that this is what the Cat Herders are able to do. And it almost acts as a sort of content marketing catalyst. So I would definitely encourage you to go public. For some of this stuff, like very simple ones, if there's meetings, if you're hosting a bunch of meetings within the community, recording those and uploading them to YouTube is obviously very valuable. And it's something you could point to, right? To be clear, I understand not 100% of the work that you all do will have this type of deliverable. You know, that's just kind of the nature of coordination. But because it's hard, I think that's why it's kind of worth being extra mindful about it. So that you don't six months from now have a really hard time articulating what you actually did. Because I think that's the main risk of why the EF would not renew a grant like that if it's very hard to point to the actual concrete things that were done.

William Schwab Got it. Alright, cool. That's great advice. Thanks a bunch.

Tim Beiko And to be clear, one more caveat. We understand your role and Santhosh in his role are kind of new, and it might take some time to figure out exactly what the right thing is and whatnot. So it's fine that things are not fully fleshed out and perfect in three months, right? We don't expect that. But, yeah, I think it's something that's worth thinking about earlier rather than later.

Shane u/Coldsnap Another risk that occurred to me just with this conversation, particularly in the context of bringing on new resources to presumably set up new initiatives ongoing, is that we have a situation where future funding might be dependent on a small number of these key pieces of content, Peep an EIP is a good example, a challenge Cat Herders, Pooja, to have to think about - where would those pieces of content sit if the resources who are responsible for coordinating them where to leave? I don't have an answer. But just something to think about.

Tim Beiko Yeah, definitely trying to share access, I don't know if they kept a Google Drive or something like that. But I agree. You know, there's the Medium and there's the Discord and there's the YouTube channel that are all kind of, like, not public, not fully public, but where multiple people have like access to. Yeah, you don't want most of your stuff in places where only the individual working on it has access, that's for sure.

William Schwab Interesting. That's an interesting thought. I think the YouTube and the Discord are currently kind of single keys. So yeah, that is something to think about, just getting that level of redundancy back.

Shane u/Coldsnap Yeah, it's not just access. In this context, it's also about the the activities themselves. So for instance, God forbid, Pooja, you would just decide to leave. How would Cat Herders propose continuing Peep an EIP, for example?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan So we are trying to keep it as decentralized as possible. For Peep an EIP, especially, if I can talk about it, the process is well defined and it is documented in a document. Maybe it's not that public or it was shared in earlier meetings, so people may get an idea of how does it work. And we have this public schedule that is available on Ethereum Cat Herders GitHub. So that is for that particular thing. But in general, we are trying to provide access to more and more people. Like for example, Tim mentioned that we have YouTube. And we have many contributors now that we have on Twitter, we have added more resources. Same for the GitHub. Alita recently requested access for that, because she would be doing most of the engineering work here. So we have those things getting distributed. Thanks for bringing it up. But yeah, this is something that we should definitely keep it in mind. Santhosh, you may be one of the most recent resources who have joined Ethereum Cat Herders, and we'll be going forward working in this direction. If you have any questions, would you like to share with us?

Santhosh Not at the moment, definitely. Maybe sometime in the next call. I might have some questions or some feedback. Sorry about that.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Sure. Thank you. Thank you so much, Tim, for providing an overview of the expectation of the foundation with this grant and with this team. We really appreciate for considering Ethereum Cat Herders for this grant. And we should be in a position to secure the next grant, too. We'll try to keep everyone updated.

Tim Beiko Yeah, and again, thank you all for your work. It's been really valuable. And I think it's been really great to see how the Cat Herders have grown over the past two years. I'm glad we could finally get the grant processed after many times of trying.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you. That's about it. And for Moloch for the time being, we will not be processing with the Moloch plan because we are good with ESP for some time, maybe after a period of time when we think that we need it for maybe EIP editing work or any other new tasks, then we'll reach out to Moloch.

#7. Meeting notes and action items for ECH

Alright, so the next item on the agenda is Meeting notes and action item for Cat Herders. So we are documenting meeting notes for several meetings. And generally, I requested the resource who has been documenting the notes to maybe come up and share the summary with the group, especially if there is any action item related to any of the tasks that is for Cat Herders per se. I'm not sure if anyone is available in the call today who would like to go through any of the meetings listed here? If not, I think we have a few action items from EIPIP meeting that I can remember off the top of my head. And one of those was about an additional feature for current EIP bot. The issue is created in the EIPIP GitHub repo. I'm sharing here for people to refer to. It is available for the new EIP editors or people who are trying to be an EIP editor, anyone who is interested, to look into this issue. The goal here is to move all the EIPs listed at to an appropriate status. Requirement is listed and there is some discussion in the meeting, I have referred to the recording. If anyone from the group or maybe who are listening to the meeting later on interested, please respond to the issue.

William Schwab Do you know where the bot's code is?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan I am not sure if Alita is on the call.

William Schwab She is.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Alita, if you may have any visibility to the bot code?

Alita Moore Do you mind repeating the question?

William Schwab The bot repo. We're discussing an item now about making the bot able to push EIPs into "Withdrawn" if there hasn't been any activity on them for a year or so and was looking for anyone who might potentially be able to do that. So I'm just curious where the bot lives. If someone would be interested in doing that and wanting to take a look at the code first, is there a repo where the bot lives?

Alita Moore So this one is not going to be something that you want to handle with the bot itself?

William Schwab This should be like just a custom script that's run once or a separate bot entirely.

Alita Moore Yeah, so we need a separate bot.

William Schwab Like withdrawal bot. Got it.

Alita Moore Well, the way that you do queues and stuff along those lines, or you wouldn't call it a chron task where you run, where you just check every EIP to see whether it passes the criteria. All of that can be done with GitHub actions, and it can be done with a regular bot. But it's just worth doing a different one. But with that said, it's something I can definitely do. It seems a little bit like a bigger project. I mean, it's not as big as the bot itself, like EIP 1 team bot. So just let me know. I mean, I'm doing engineering work, but I am focusing primarily right now on the EIP 1 team bot, so maybe when that's done, I can get on to that. Does that answer your question?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Sorry, I was on mute. So if this is not a feature to be considered for an existing bot, I might want to correct the header here. Is it appropriate to put it in an additional feature for a bot needed for EIPs?

Alita Moore Yeah, it's fine to just have another bot. Yeah.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Okay, sounds good. So I have updated it. Just to be clear, Alita, at this point of time, do you think that inviting participation from community for this work would be good? I know this is not a very high priority work right now, but maybe an opportunity for people who are looking into some contribution to give it a try.

Alita Moore I mean, yeah, if someone wants to hop in to write a recurring bot, that sounds interesting. I will be happy to help you out or anything along those lines. Yeah, though, I am doing the Cat Herders engineering, so I can't also do that. I don't work that much.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Okay, so that was about it.

#8. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues/PRs

And moving on to the GitHub issues and PRs, I see there are a few issues created by you, would you like to share about it or what you are looking for?

Alita Moore Are these the EIP people?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan No, no, no, I'm talking about the Ethereum Cat Herders PM repo.

Alita Moore Oh, yeah, no, I'm just creating issues for product management, tracking things. If making the tickets in the repo itself, a PM repo, is not a good way of doing it, then I can track the projects otherwise with task management and stuff in other places. It's really hard to run like, in certain ways, a company. ECH is kind of a company as it has an organizational structure. It's really hard to run that kind of thing without a proper task management, priority management and a situation awareness tool, or approach to task management. And so I was kind of treating GitHub as that, but Pooja brought up the fact that we might want to keep it more top level on that repo. And that's okay. But I do think that we should invest in, not necessarily financially, but we should invest in a more streamlined task management approach and prioritizations.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan That's a good point. So far, Project Board is being used for any kind of management or tracking purposes. If there are any tasks that we undertake and if someone wants to follow along, the progress, Project Board has helped. Because we didn't have so much of engineering work. I primarily would like to see the Cat Herders be an issue especially for people to bring into issues which might need attention of this particular group, the Cat Herders, to discuss or for the community to come and see if there are any openings for it. So for example, this one, "Find someone to help with JSON RPC work," I see that someone has already responded to it, saying that, okay, he would be interested in working. So if we need any more resources, or we are still looking for that, we are continuing the search, we can keep it open. But everything that "Okay, fine, this is done," we can just check it and move it to another table. Does that sounds reasonable and can be manageable?

Alita Moore So yes, that's totally fine. I think the primary issue is the projects and stuff with the checkboxes and stuff on the issue. But if you wanted to track tickets in a project, you would need to create tickets and issues, which is kind of back to the original issue of not having a thorough approach to that. Maybe there's a different way of doing it. I mean, I agree that having the issues pages is awesome. But there's other ways to communicate that to people, like the fact that we have a website that's now a proper website, so you could easily just make a web page on there that just kind of talks about issues or links to it or whatever. Certain issues, specifically.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Yeah, right. So the primary focus of having this official section is obviously to bring issues to the Cat Herders group, but I want to keep it open for the community as well if they feel like they have something that they would like to be addressed. We had this thing done in the past, somebody requested for some help with Besu team or some documentation for Besu team, so they created an issue, there was this request to update certain chart that was available for network upgrade process, so we address that. So it should be accessible for people to come and kind of add their issues.

Alita Moore So I think it is accessible, even if we don't keep it super clean. You can also use tags and stuff to organize things. Essentially, I guess, my point is that the argument or the complaint that I was making too many issues is totally valid. I just think it would be beneficial if we had some system that you're happy with of task management that's socialized. Because I don't see one right now, which is totally fine. Maybe we can create a new repo, maybe we can use Notion, whatever it is, I think it's worth doing. So anyway, I totally agree with you. I mean, I think it's great.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Maybe we can work on this together. But if anyone else has any suggestion to how to deal with this kind of situation management, as well as technical progress on the task, feel free to jump in. Or later, you can always reach out to me for Alita and we can work on this together.

All good. Moving on to the next item.

Okay, so we have completed the funding of most of the issues created here in the funding issue. I believe two of the recent ones that were created a couple of days ago are not fulfilled. We'll try to fulfill that request at the earliest. And rest all, if you have received the funds, please go ahead and close the issue.

#9. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meetings

Going to the next item review of outstanding action item from previous ECH meeting.

Outstanding Action Items Description
59.1 Choose a .crypto domain name for the ECH

Yes, this is what we discussed in the last meeting that we would like to have a .crypto Cat Herders Domain. I reached out to the team and am waiting on their response. I'll update as soon as I get any answers from the team.

59.3 | Find a Moloch member to propose our funding request

I don't think it is needed at this point of time, because we are trying to postpone it for some time.

59.4 | Continue with ESP 59.5 | Pooja to organize block gas limit discussion meeting

So this is one of the meetings that we discussed in the past that we would like to organize. I'm working on it. And yeah, it might take some time getting more concrete. I'm trying to reach out to these people and maybe the right participants for the meeting, maybe helping Santhosh in that to get this thing organized.

59.6 | Brent to ask for legal advice regarding the Nethermind invoice

So for this time, like, for the month of May, we have not submitted any invoice, and we have requested the team that we would be coming up in June with a combined May and June invoice. And they agreed for being a legal entity. we did talk to a couple of people in the space. And so far, the responses that we have received are that it would be good to go with a particular structure of organization, yet the need of getting it registered as early as possible is not that prominent. That's how it appears to me. So we are taking some more time to think in this direction. If anyone has anything else to share on it?

Brent Allsop Yeah, I agree. That sounds great, Pooja.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you. So yeah, so we are taking a step back at the moment for this, but we will continue working with Nethermind or any other team that we would like to do in future, and we'll try to be as a working group itself only for the time being.

That's all from the agenda. Is there anything else that anyone would like to bring up for the meeting today?

Alita Moore So for the JSON RPC, I talked with Pooja about the possibility of the Cat Herders handling the funding for the person that we hire. This is associated with Nethermind and would require that Nethermind pay the Cat Herders directly. I can reach out to their financial department and try to get in touch with people. I'm having some difficulty in communications along those lines. But in any case, would the Ethereum Cat Herders be willing to handle the distribution of funds?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan From what I see, it looks okay to me, because we did it in the past for 1559 outreach, the funds were provided to Ethereum Cat Herders multiSIG, and whoever worked on that task, they created a request for funding in the issue that we have especially for funding out resources, and that's how it managed. Do you see it in any different way? Or if people have any other thoughts on that?

Alita Moore No, it would be the exact same. I just don't know if there's a socialized process that we follow for this. It seems a core responsibility or hole that the Cat Herders fill as the distribution of funds, kind of like HR in many ways like the corps of Ethereum, Ethereum corps, but I'm not sure if there's like a socialized or documentation on how we do it, how like, what I should tell Nethermind, specifically, and how to communicate and process the funds, what address, etc. and how we can get it all in writing and be very public about it and transparent. So in any case, do we have any document like that?

ECH - Pooja Ranjan We have just one multiSIG sheet that we maintain, at our end, stating what amount of funds have been allocated to which resource and for what purpose. If that is something that can be managed and helpful?

Alita Moore Yeah, that would be super helpful.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Sure, though, I don't know any legal implications, if there are any, for this management of funds. I would like to bring it up to the Ethereum Cat Herders multiSIG signers, and then we'll confirm with you.

Alita Moore Sure, I think more generally, it would just be my suggestion to write documentation for all these processes. From my experience working in industry, with startups in general, groups that are forming, having clear documentation is how you sort of prevent one person from holding the reins, which is always just dangerous.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan That's right. We are evolving and we are trying to get more and more documents in place. That's an excellent question. Thank you all right. I don't know, ronin, if you got your microphones fixed or if you would like to speak for that particular item?

ronin Sure. I can. I switched to my iPad, and I like to thank you for the invite. Very interesting. I did not get or understand everything, but it's quite clear for the first time, and I enjoyed.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan Thank you so much for joining.

ronin Thank you so much for for inviting me. It's different, gave me a conclusive overview what Cat Herders are engaged in, which was really good and interesting. I guess we could can continue our dialogue on Discord a little later.

ECH - Pooja Ranjan thank you, everyone. Thank you for joining us. See you all in two weeks.


  • Alita Moore
  • Antonio Sabado
  • Brent Allsop
  • Jim Bennett
  • Pooja Ranjan (Host)
  • Ronin
  • Santhosh
  • Shane u/Coldsnap
  • Tim Beiko
  • William Schwab

Date for Next Meeting: June 22 at 1500 UTC