From 81e285334268e9363eed50525b45d2b69ce643fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtfirek <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 15:30:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] merge master Liquifier.sol

 src/Liquifier.sol    | 93 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 test/Liquifier.t.sol | 71 ++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Liquifier.sol b/src/Liquifier.sol
index 8cfb87e1..aaa17948 100644
--- a/src/Liquifier.sol
+++ b/src/Liquifier.sol
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
     uint32 public DEPRECATED_eigenLayerWithdrawalClaimGasCost;
     uint32 public DEPRECATED_timeBoundCapRefreshInterval; // seconds
-    bool public DEPRECATED_quoteStEthWithCurve;
+    bool public quoteStEthWithCurve;
     uint128 public DEPRECATED_accumulatedFee;
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
     mapping(address => bool) public DEPRECATED_pausers;
+    address etherFiRestakeManager;
     RoleRegistry public roleRegistry;
     BucketRateLimiter public rateLimiter;
@@ -156,15 +158,16 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
     function depositWithERC20(address _token, uint256 _amount, address _referral) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant returns (uint256) {        
         require(isTokenWhitelisted(_token) && (!tokenInfos[_token].isL2Eth || msg.sender == l1SyncPool), "NOT_ALLOWED");
-        IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
+        if (tokenInfos[_token].isL2Eth) {
+            IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);     
+        } else {
+            IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(etherFiRestakeManager), _amount);
+        }
         // The L1SyncPool's `_anticipatedDeposit` should be the only place to mint the `token` and always send its entirety to the Liquifier contract
         if(tokenInfos[_token].isL2Eth) _L2SanityChecks(_token);
-        uint256 dx = quoteByMarketValue(_token, _amount);
-        // discount
-        dx = (10000 - tokenInfos[_token].discountInBasisPoints) * dx / 10000;
+        uint256 dx = quoteByDiscountedValue(_token, _amount);
         uint256 eEthShare = liquidityPool.depositToRecipient(msg.sender, dx, _referral);
@@ -241,6 +244,11 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
+    function sendToEtherFiRestakeManager(address _token, uint256 _amount) external {
+        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
+        IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(etherFiRestakeManager, _amount);
+    }
     // Swap Liquifier's eETH for ETH from the liquidity pool and send it back to the liquidity pool
     function withdrawEEth(uint256 amount) external {
         if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
@@ -267,6 +275,16 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         tokenInfos[_token].totalCapInEther = 0;
+    function updateDiscountInBasisPoints(address _token, uint16 _discountInBasisPoints) external {
+        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(roleRegistry.PROTOCOL_PAUSER(), msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
+        tokenInfos[_token].discountInBasisPoints = _discountInBasisPoints;
+    }
+    function updateQuoteStEthWithCurve(bool _quoteStEthWithCurve) external {
+        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(roleRegistry.PROTOCOL_PAUSER(), msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
+        quoteStEthWithCurve = _quoteStEthWithCurve;
+    }
     // Pauses the contract
     function pauseContract() external {
         if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(roleRegistry.PROTOCOL_PAUSER(), msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
@@ -289,56 +307,6 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         return msg.value;
-    // uint256 _amount, uint24 _fee, uint256 _minOutputAmount, uint256 _maxWaitingTime
-    function pancakeSwapForEth(address _token, uint256 _amount, uint24 _fee, uint256 _minOutputAmount, uint256 _maxWaitingTime) external {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        if (_amount > IERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))) revert NotEnoughBalance();
-        uint256 beforeBalance = address(this).balance;
-        IERC20(_token).approve(address(pancakeRouter), _amount);
-        IPancackeV3SwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory input = IPancackeV3SwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams({
-            tokenIn: _token,
-            tokenOut: pancakeRouter.WETH9(),
-            fee: _fee,
-            recipient: address(pancakeRouter),
-            deadline: block.timestamp + _maxWaitingTime,
-            amountIn: _amount,
-            amountOutMinimum: _minOutputAmount,
-            sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0
-        });
-        uint256 amountOut = pancakeRouter.exactInputSingle(input);
-        pancakeRouter.unwrapWETH9(amountOut, address(this));
-        uint256 currentBalance = address(this).balance;
-        if (currentBalance < _minOutputAmount + beforeBalance) revert WrongOutput();
-    }
-    function swapCbEthToEth(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOutputAmount) external returns (uint256) {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        if (_amount > cbEth.balanceOf(address(this))) revert NotEnoughBalance();
-        cbEth.approve(address(cbEth_Eth_Pool), _amount);
-        return cbEth_Eth_Pool.exchange_underlying(1, 0, _amount, _minOutputAmount);
-    }
-    function swapWbEthToEth(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOutputAmount) external returns (uint256) {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        if (_amount > wbEth.balanceOf(address(this))) revert NotEnoughBalance();
-        wbEth.approve(address(wbEth_Eth_Pool), _amount);
-        return, 0, _amount, _minOutputAmount);
-    }
-    function swapStEthToEth(uint256 _amount, uint256 _minOutputAmount) external returns (uint256) {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        if (_amount > lido.balanceOf(address(this))) revert NotEnoughBalance();
-        lido.approve(address(stEth_Eth_Pool), _amount);
-        return, 0, _amount, _minOutputAmount);
-    }
     // Given the `_amount` of `_token` token, returns the equivalent amount of ETH 
@@ -357,7 +325,11 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         if (!isTokenWhitelisted(_token)) revert NotSupportedToken();
         if (_token == address(lido)) {
-            return _amount; /// 1:1 from stETH to eETH
+            if (quoteStEthWithCurve) {
+                return _min(_amount, ICurvePoolQuoter1(address(stEth_Eth_Pool)).get_dy(1, 0, _amount));
+            } else {
+                return _amount; /// 1:1 from stETH to eETH
+            }
         } else if (_token == address(cbEth)) {
             return _min(_amount * cbEth.exchangeRate() / 1e18, ICurvePoolQuoter2(address(cbEth_Eth_Pool)).get_dy(1, 0, _amount));
         } else if (_token == address(wbEth)) {
@@ -370,6 +342,13 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         revert NotSupportedToken();
+    // Calculates the amount of eETH that will be minted for a given token considering the discount rate
+    function quoteByDiscountedValue(address _token, uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
+        uint256 marketValue = quoteByMarketValue(_token, _amount);
+        return (10000 - tokenInfos[_token].discountInBasisPoints) * marketValue / 10000;
+    }
     function isTokenWhitelisted(address _token) public view returns (bool) {
         return tokenInfos[_token].isWhitelisted;
diff --git a/test/Liquifier.t.sol b/test/Liquifier.t.sol
index 2ca15da9..a67226c6 100644
--- a/test/Liquifier.t.sol
+++ b/test/Liquifier.t.sol
@@ -72,16 +72,25 @@ contract LiquifierTest is TestSetup {
 , 100 ether);
+        vm.startPrank(liquifierInstance.owner());
+        liquifierInstance.updateQuoteStEthWithCurve(true);
+        liquifierInstance.updateDiscountInBasisPoints(address(stEth), 500); // 5%
+        vm.stopPrank();
         stEth.submit{value: 10 ether}(address(0));
         stEth.approve(address(liquifierInstance), 10 ether);
         liquifierInstance.depositWithERC20(address(stEth), 10 ether, address(0));
-        assertGe(eETHInstance.balanceOf(alice), 10 ether - 0.1 ether);
+        assertApproxEqAbs(eETHInstance.balanceOf(alice), 10 ether - 0.5 ether, 0.1 ether);
+        uint256 aliceQuotedEETH = liquifierInstance.quoteByDiscountedValue(address(stEth), 10 ether);
+        // alice will actually receive 1 wei less due to the infamous 1 wei rounding corner case
+        assertApproxEqAbs(eETHInstance.balanceOf(alice), aliceQuotedEETH, 1);
-    function test_deopsit_stEth_and_swap() internal {
+    function test_deposit_stEth_and_swap() internal {
         uint256 lpTvl = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();, 100 ether);
@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@ contract LiquifierTest is TestSetup {
         lpTvl = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-    function test_deopsit_stEth_with_explicit_permit() public {
+    function test_deposit_stEth_with_explicit_permit() public {
@@ -197,62 +206,6 @@ contract LiquifierTest is TestSetup {
-    function test_pancacke_wbETH_swap() internal {
-        initializeRealisticFork(MAINNET_FORK);
-        setUpLiquifier(MAINNET_FORK);
-        uint256 lpTvl = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-        uint256 lpBalance = address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance;
-        uint256 inputAmount = 50 ether;
-        vm.startPrank(alice);
-        vm.expectRevert("Too little received");
-        liquifierInstance.pancakeSwapForEth(address(wbEth), inputAmount, 500, 2 * inputAmount, 3600);
-        uint256 beforeTVL = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-        uint256 beforeBalance = address(liquifierInstance).balance;
-        uint256 exchangeRate = IWBETH(address(wbEth)).exchangeRate();
-        uint256 maxSlippageBp = 50; // 0.5%
-        uint256 minOutput = (exchangeRate * inputAmount * (10000 - maxSlippageBp)) / 10000 / 1e18;
-        liquifierInstance.pancakeSwapForEth(address(wbEth), inputAmount, 500, minOutput, 3600);
-        assertGe(address(liquifierInstance).balance, beforeBalance + minOutput);
-        assertEq(liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther(), beforeTVL); // does not change till Oracle updates
-        vm.stopPrank();
-    }
-    function test_pancacke_cbETH_swap() internal {
-        initializeRealisticFork(MAINNET_FORK);
-        setUpLiquifier(MAINNET_FORK);
-        uint256 lpTvl = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-        uint256 lpBalance = address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance;
-        uint256 inputAmount = 50 ether;
-        vm.startPrank(alice);
-        vm.expectRevert("Too little received");
-        liquifierInstance.pancakeSwapForEth(address(cbEth), inputAmount, 500, 2 * inputAmount, 3600);
-        uint256 beforeTVL = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-        uint256 beforeBalance = address(liquifierInstance).balance;
-        uint256 exchangeRate = IWBETH(address(cbEth)).exchangeRate();
-        uint256 maxSlippageBp = 50; // 0.5%
-        uint256 minOutput = (exchangeRate * inputAmount * (10000 - maxSlippageBp)) / 10000 / 1e18;
-        liquifierInstance.pancakeSwapForEth(address(cbEth), inputAmount, 500, minOutput, 3600);
-        assertGe(address(liquifierInstance).balance, beforeBalance + minOutput);
-        assertEq(liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther(), beforeTVL); // does not change till Oracle updates
-        vm.stopPrank();
-    }
     function _setup_L1SyncPool() internal {

From 4f9ec8f424cd32d9b8d5813f9f358003616e6839 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtfirek <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 16:23:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] removing unused functions

 src/Liquifier.sol    | 50 --------------------------------------------
 test/Liquifier.t.sol | 50 --------------------------------------------
 test/TestSetup.sol   | 22 -------------------
 3 files changed, 122 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Liquifier.sol b/src/Liquifier.sol
index aaa17948..4aba32e9 100644
--- a/src/Liquifier.sol
+++ b/src/Liquifier.sol
@@ -193,51 +193,6 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         return depositWithERC20(_token, _amount, _referral);
-    /// Initiate the process for redemption of stETH 
-    function stEthRequestWithdrawal() external returns (uint256[] memory) {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        uint256 amount = lido.balanceOf(address(this));
-        return stEthRequestWithdrawal(amount);
-    }
-    function stEthRequestWithdrawal(uint256 _amount) public returns (uint256[] memory) {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        if (_amount < lidoWithdrawalQueue.MIN_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT()) revert IncorrectAmount();
-        if (_amount > lido.balanceOf(address(this))) revert NotEnoughBalance();
-        tokenInfos[address(lido)].ethAmountPendingForWithdrawals += uint128(_amount);
-        uint256 maxAmount = lidoWithdrawalQueue.MAX_STETH_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT();
-        uint256 numReqs = (_amount + maxAmount - 1) / maxAmount;
-        uint256[] memory reqAmounts = new uint256[](numReqs);
-        for (uint256 i = 0; i < numReqs; i++) {
-            reqAmounts[i] = (i == numReqs - 1) ? _amount - i * maxAmount : maxAmount;
-        }
-        lido.approve(address(lidoWithdrawalQueue), _amount);
-        uint256[] memory reqIds = lidoWithdrawalQueue.requestWithdrawals(reqAmounts, address(this));
-        emit QueuedStEthWithdrawals(reqIds);
-        return reqIds;
-    }
-    /// @notice Claim a batch of withdrawal requests if they are finalized sending the ETH to the this contract back
-    /// @param _requestIds array of request ids to claim
-    /// @param _hints checkpoint hint for each id. Can be obtained with `findCheckpointHints()`
-    function stEthClaimWithdrawals(uint256[] calldata _requestIds, uint256[] calldata _hints) external {
-        if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
-        uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
-        lidoWithdrawalQueue.claimWithdrawals(_requestIds, _hints);
-        uint256 newBalance = address(this).balance;
-        // to prevent the underflow error
-        uint128 dx = uint128(_min(newBalance - balance, tokenInfos[address(lido)].ethAmountPendingForWithdrawals));
-        tokenInfos[address(lido)].ethAmountPendingForWithdrawals -= dx;
-        emit CompletedStEthQueuedWithdrawals(_requestIds);
-    }
     // Send the redeemed ETH back to the liquidity pool & Send the fee to Treasury
     function withdrawEther() external {
         if (!roleRegistry.hasRole(LIQUIFIER_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) revert IncorrectRole();
@@ -386,11 +341,6 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         return _getImplementation();
-    function isDepositCapReached(address _token, uint256 _amount) public view returns (bool) {
-        uint256 amountOut = quoteByMarketValue(_token, _amount);
-        return rateLimiter.canConsume(_token, _amount, amountOut);
-    }
     function _afterDeposit(address _token, uint256 _amount) internal {
diff --git a/test/Liquifier.t.sol b/test/Liquifier.t.sol
index a67226c6..98816af2 100644
--- a/test/Liquifier.t.sol
+++ b/test/Liquifier.t.sol
@@ -145,56 +145,6 @@ contract LiquifierTest is TestSetup {
         liquifierInstance.depositWithERC20WithPermit(address(stEth), 1 ether, address(0), permitInput2);
-    function test_withdrawal_of_non_restaked_stEth() public {
-        test_deposit_stEth();
-        uint256 lpTvl = liquidityPoolInstance.getTotalPooledEther();
-        uint256 lpBalance = address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance;
-        uint256 liquifierStEthTvl = liquifierInstance.getTotalPooledEther(address(stEth));
-        uint256 liquifierBalance = address(liquifierInstance).balance;
-        vm.prank(alice);        
-        uint256[] memory reqIds = liquifierInstance.stEthRequestWithdrawal(10 ether);
-        assertApproxEqAbs(liquifierInstance.getTotalPooledEther(address(stEth)), liquifierStEthTvl, 1);
-        bytes32 FINALIZE_ROLE = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().FINALIZE_ROLE();
-        address finalize_role = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().getRoleMember(FINALIZE_ROLE, 0);
-        // The redemption is approved by the Lido
-        vm.startPrank(finalize_role);
-        uint256 currentRate = stEth.getTotalPooledEther() * 1e27 / stEth.getTotalShares();
-        (uint256 ethToLock, uint256 sharesToBurn) = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().prefinalize(reqIds, currentRate);
-        liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().finalize(reqIds[reqIds.length-1], currentRate);
-        vm.stopPrank();
-        // The admin claims the finalized withdrawal, which sends the ETH to the liquifier contract
-        uint256 lastCheckPointIndex = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().getLastCheckpointIndex();
-        uint256[] memory hints = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().findCheckpointHints(reqIds, 1, lastCheckPointIndex);
-        vm.prank(alice);
-        liquifierInstance.stEthClaimWithdrawals(reqIds, hints);
-        assertApproxEqAbs(liquifierInstance.getTotalPooledEther(address(stEth)), liquifierStEthTvl - 10 ether, 1 gwei);
-        assertApproxEqAbs(address(liquifierInstance).balance, liquifierBalance + 10 ether, 1 gwei);
-        // The admin withdraws the ETH from the liquifier contract to the liquidity pool contract
-        vm.prank(alice);
-        liquifierInstance.withdrawEther();
-        assertApproxEqAbs(address(liquidityPoolInstance).balance, lpBalance + 10 ether + liquifierBalance, 1 gwei);
-    }
-    function test_stEthRequestWithdrawal() public {
-        test_deposit_stEth();
-        vm.startPrank(alice);        
-        liquifierInstance.stEthRequestWithdrawal(1 ether);
-        liquifierInstance.stEthRequestWithdrawal(5 ether);
-        liquifierInstance.stEthRequestWithdrawal();
-        vm.stopPrank();
-    }
     function _enable_deposit(address _strategy) internal {
         IEigenLayerStrategyTVLLimits strategyTVLLimits = IEigenLayerStrategyTVLLimits(_strategy);
diff --git a/test/TestSetup.sol b/test/TestSetup.sol
index fd09ebbe..e617377e 100644
--- a/test/TestSetup.sol
+++ b/test/TestSetup.sol
@@ -1424,28 +1424,6 @@ contract TestSetup is Test {
-    function _finalizeLidoWithdrawals(uint256[] memory reqIds) internal {
-        bytes32 FINALIZE_ROLE = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().FINALIZE_ROLE();
-        address finalize_role = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().getRoleMember(FINALIZE_ROLE, 0);
-        // The redemption is approved by the Lido
-        vm.startPrank(finalize_role);
-        uint256 currentRate = stEth.getTotalPooledEther() * 1e27 / stEth.getTotalShares();
-        (uint256 ethToLock, uint256 sharesToBurn) = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().prefinalize(reqIds, currentRate);
-        liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().finalize(reqIds[reqIds.length-1], currentRate);
-        vm.stopPrank();
-        // The admin claims the finalized withdrawal, which sends the ETH to the liquifier contract
-        vm.startPrank(alice);
-        uint256 lastCheckPointIndex = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().getLastCheckpointIndex();
-        uint256[] memory hints = liquifierInstance.lidoWithdrawalQueue().findCheckpointHints(reqIds, 1, lastCheckPointIndex);
-        liquifierInstance.stEthClaimWithdrawals(reqIds, hints);
-        // The admin withdraws the ETH from the liquifier contract to the liquidity pool contract
-        liquifierInstance.withdrawEther();
-        vm.stopPrank();
-    }
     function _prepareForDepositData(uint256[] memory _validatorIds, uint256 _depositAmount) internal returns (IStakingManager.DepositData[] memory) {
         IStakingManager.DepositData[] memory depositDataArray = new IStakingManager.DepositData[](_validatorIds.length);
         bytes[] memory pubKey = new bytes[](_validatorIds.length);

From 6f2f13636e761032b14707eaa95429f8f39909c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtfirek <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 16:26:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] adding back isDepositCapReached

 src/Liquifier.sol | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Liquifier.sol b/src/Liquifier.sol
index 4aba32e9..999f7bfa 100644
--- a/src/Liquifier.sol
+++ b/src/Liquifier.sol
@@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         return _getImplementation();
+    function isDepositCapReached(address _token, uint256 _amount) public view returns (bool) {
+        uint256 amountOut = quoteByMarketValue(_token, _amount);
+        return rateLimiter.canConsume(_token, _amount, amountOut);
+    }
     function _afterDeposit(address _token, uint256 _amount) internal {

From 6959be5dd0ff3fe52674a47778e2065e82fad217 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jtfirek <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 17:57:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] prepare for restaker upgrade

 src/Liquifier.sol | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/Liquifier.sol b/src/Liquifier.sol
index 5187b351..af562cb1 100644
--- a/src/Liquifier.sol
+++ b/src/Liquifier.sol
@@ -150,6 +150,10 @@ contract Liquifier is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, Pausab
         rateLimiter = BucketRateLimiter(_rateLimiter);
+    function initializeOnRestakerUpgrade(address _etherFiRestakeManager) external onlyOwner {
+        etherFiRestakeManager = _etherFiRestakeManager;
+    }
     /// Deposit Liquid Staking Token such as stETH and Mint eETH
     /// @param _token The address of the token to deposit
     /// @param _amount The amount of the token to deposit