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Vision-language feature fields

Installing LSeg

In addition to the regular installation instructions, you also need to install LSeg. This can be done by running the following commands with your python environment loaded.

git clone
cd lang-seg
pip install -e .

Running ScanNet experiment

First follow the instructions in docs/ to convert the ScanNet scenes into the right format. Then use the following commands to compute vision-language features, fit the scene representation and evaluate against the ground truth:

# Train . Has to be run separately for each scene.
python scripts/ <dataset-dir>/<scene> --features lseg --checkpoint <lseg-weights>
python scripts/ --features lseg --feature-dim 512 --iters 25000 <dataset-dir>/<scene>

# Once trained on all scenes, evaluate.
# 3D queries evaluated against the 3D pointcloud
python scripts/language/ --pc --label-map <label-map> --feature-checkpoint <lseg-weights> <dataset-dir>
# 2D queries against the ground truth semantic segmentation maps
python scripts/language/ --label-map <label-map> --feature-checkpoint <lseg-weights> <dataset-dir>

dataset-dir is the path to the scannet converted scenes, scene is the name of the scene. lseg-weights is the path to the lseg checkpoint .ckpt file which contain the lseg model weights.

Running the real-time ROS node

The scripts/ros/ directory contains ROS nodes which can be used to integrate with a real-time SLAM system. These have been tested under ROS Noetic.

scripts/ros/ is the node which listens to keyframes and integrates the volumetric representation as they come in. It listens to the following topics:

  • /slam/rgb image messages.
  • /slam/depth depth frames encoded as uint16 values in millimeters.
  • /slam/keyframe PoseStamped messages which correspond to camera poses for the rgb and depth messages.
  • /slam/camera_info CameraInfo message containing the intrinsic parameters.
  • /slam/odometry (optional) PoseStamped messages. Each time a message comes in, it renders an rgb frame and semantic segmentation map which is published at /autolabel/image and /autolabel/features respectively.
  • /autolabel/segmentation_classes segmentation class prompts as a String message published by the node.

It can be run with python scripts/ros/ --checkpoint <lseg-weights> -b <bound>. The bound parameter is optional and defaults to 2.5 meters. It defines the size of the volume, extending bound meters from [-bound, -bound, -bound] to [bound, bound, bound] in the x, y and z directions.

For an implementation of the SLAM node, you can use the ROS node from the SpectacularAI SDK examples, in case you have an OAK-D stereo camera.

scripts/ros/ presents a graphical user interface which can be used to define the segmentation classes used by the ROS node. It published class at /autolabel/segmentation_classes.