Redesign the mirror API in order to allow the existing classes to be extended per use case (e.g. documentation, runtime reflection, code generation, access control etc.). SourceCodeKit should be able to leverage it unlike now. See:
- Mirrors: Design Principles for Meta-level Facilities of Object: bracha.org/mirrors.pdf
- Proxies: Design Principles for Robust Object-oriented Intercession: soft.vub.ac.be/~tvcutsem/proxies/assets/proxies.pdf
- Mirages: Behavioral Intercession in a Mirror-based Architecture: soft.vub.ac.be/Publications/2007/vub-prog-tr-07-16.pdf
- Newspeak Mixin implementation: newspeaklanguage.org
Finish the mirror implementation and write a related test suite
Finish metamodel implementation (validation, role classes etc.) and extend the test suite
Get rid of glibc_hack_unistd.h if possible
Support CommonCrypto API for iOS and Mac OS X, in addition to openssl (this can be done with some preprocessor macros easily, see how CoreObject does it)
Add NSFastEnumeration support to NSPointerArray on GNUstep (see ETEntityDescription)
Split Collection protocols and categories into multiple files
Add some useful HOM methods such as -flattenedCollection, -deepFlattenedCollection, -flatMappedCollection etc. and their block equivalent methods.
Rename ETSourceDidUpdateNotification to ETCollectionDidUpdateNotification
Fix doc generation issues (links, emphasis etc.) in ETStackTraceRecorder class description
Fix broken method aliasing with trait in +[ETKeyValuePair initialize]
Relax metamodel freezing for:
- Model presentation attributes
- Transient property addition/removal
Don't add both both simple and batch mutation methods with ETMutableCollectionTrait (we do this for compatibility with legacy code mostly in EtoileUI and few other projects that depend on it)
Add ETIndexedCollection protocol or similar (for NSArray-like collections)
Remove ETCollectionHOMIntegrationInformalProtocol in favor of @optional in ETCollectionHOMMapIntegration
Turn GSDoc link in ETUUID abstract into a Markdown link
Correct ETPropertyValueCoding documentation
Review collection protocol documentation
Remove -insertObjects:atIndexes:hints: and -removeObjects:atIndexes:hints: implementations in ETMutableCollectionTrait
- was added for backward compatibility, but once all EtoileUI projects have been updated, should be removed
Fix doc generation issue with 'To recap' appearing on the same line than '@section Discussion of Composite and Aggregate [snip]'
Probably hide categories that just adopt the collection protocols in the generated doc
- Figure out why CArray doesn't compile on Mac OS X