diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ab3ce8f..030581d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ These APIs allow the calculation of Schaufensterkonditionen as well as calculating and accepting Angebote based on a Vorgang. All APIs documented here are [GraphQL-APIs](https://docs.api.europace.de/privatkredit/graphql/). +This API may contain advanced beta features that are still in development. Beta features may undergo modifications or be removed at a later release. + > ⚠️ This API is continuously developed. Therefore we expect > all users to align with the "[Tolerant Reader Pattern](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TolerantReader.html)", which requires clients to be > tolerant towards compatible API changes when reading and processing the data. This means: @@ -252,6 +254,9 @@ The URL for calculating and accepting Angebote is: a [GraphQL-Error](#graphql-errors) with the status code `400`. The Vorgang has to be corrected before you can continue. * Please provide the correct value for the vertriebskanal. That is important in order to deliver e.g. the correct documents for **B2B** and **B2B2C** and to generate appropriate and valuable reporting. +* To empower API users with insightful predictions and enhance API capabilities, a feasibility prediction score was added. Based on a prediction model, this score is a **beta feature** that aims at + predicting the likelihood for a Vorgang to secure reliable machbare Angebote. The score is in percent. The higher the score value, the more likely the Vorgang will lead to + machbare Angebote. In case of an error while calculating the feasibility score, the Angebot will be returned with an empty score field. #### Request @@ -525,6 +530,7 @@ The attributes within a block can be specified in any order. There are the scala ratenschutz: Ratenschutz sofortkredit: Boolean vollstaendigkeit: Vollstaendigkeit + vorhersage: Vorhersage } #### AngebotGesamtkonditionen @@ -658,6 +664,18 @@ The field `svg` contains the URL of the svg and not the content. VOLLSTAENDIG } +#### Vorhersage + + { + machbarkeit: Machbarkeitsvorhersage + } + +##### Machbarkeitsvorhersage + + { + score: Prozent + } + ### AnnahmeJob {