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wakatime Crowdin

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The userbot I use with some specific features written in Pyrogram.



Commands work only when sent by the user who runs userbot. Default command prefix is , unless overriden in config.

Click to expand full command list
List of userbot commands available:

• about — Shows information about this userbot.
• help [command] — Sends help for all commands or for a specific one.
• stats ['bot'|'short'|'full'] — Shows some statistics about this userbot.

Chat administration:
• chatban|chatrestrict <'reply'|user_id|username|user_group> ['0'|'forever'|timespec] ['*'|perms] [reason...] — Restricts or bans a user in a chat.
• chatcleardel — Kicks Deleted Accounts from the chat.
• chatinvite <user_id|username|user_group> ['verify'] — Invites users to the current chat.
• chatunban <'reply'|user_id|username|user_group> — Unbans a user in a chat.
• <in reply> no_react2ban|noreact2ban — Stops react2ban on the message.
• <in reply> pin ['silent'] — Pins the message.
• <in reply> promote <admin_title...> — Promotes a user to an admin without any rights but with title.
• react2ban — Bans a user whoever reacted to the message.
• <in reply> s_pin ['silent'] — Pins the message silently (without returning the result).

Chat info:
• rndinfo ['photo'|'title'] — Sets random chat photo and/or title.
• rndmsg — Sends a random message from the chat.

• color <color_spec> — Sends a specified color sample.
• usercolor [user_id|username|user_group] — Sends a color sample of user's color as shown in clients.

Content converters:
• toaudio — Extracts audio from video.
• togif — Converts a video to a mpeg4 gif.
• tosticker ['png'|'webp'] — Converts a photo to a sticker-ready png or webp.
• <in reply> totext — Transcribes speech in voice and video messages to text.

• roll|dice <dice_spec> — Rolls dice according to `d20.roll` syntax.

• download|dl ['single'|'all'] [filename]... — Downloads a file or files.

• hooklist|hook_list — Lists all available hooks.
• hookshere|hooks_here — Lists enabled hooks in the chat.

• lang [language_code] — Gets or changes the language of the bot for the current chat.

• <in reply> copyhere|cphere|cph — Copies replied message to current chat.
• <in reply> delete|delet|del — Deletes replied message for everyone.
• dump [jq_query...] — Dumps entire message or its attribute specified with `jq` syntax.
• userfirstmsg — Looks for the user's very first message in the chat.

• get|note|n <key...> — Sends saved note.
• note_del|ndel <key...> — Deletes saved note.
• notes|ns — Shows all saved notes.
• <in reply> save|note_add|nadd <key...> — Saves replied message as note for later use.

• <in reply> r [emoji] — Reacts to a message with a specified emoji or removes any reaction.
• <in reply> rr — Reacts to a message with a random available emoji.
• <in reply> rs — Gets message reactions with users who reacted to it.

• remind <time> [message...] — Sets a reminder in the chat.
• remindme <time> [message...] — Sets a reminder for myself.
• sremind <time> [message...] — Sets a silent reminder in the chat (no confirmation about scheduled message).
• sremindme <time> [message...] — Sets a silent reminder for myself (no confirmation about scheduled message).

• longcat — Sends random longcat.
• rnds <pack_shortlink|pack_alias|emoji> — Sends random sticker from specified pack or one matching specified emoji.

Text converters:
• <in reply> caps — Toggles capslock on the message.
• <in reply> s <args...> — sed-like replacement.
• <in reply> tr ['en'|'ru'] — Swaps keyboard layout from en to ru or vice versa.

• cal [month] [year] — Sends a calendar for a specified month and year.
• calc|eval <python_expr...> — Evaluates Python expression.
• exec <python_code...> — Executes Python code.
• <in reply> id — Sends replied user's ID as link.
• ugping <user_group> [text...] — Pings a user group with optional text.

User groups:
• usergroupadd|ugadd <group_name> [user_id|username|user_group]... — Adds a user to the user group for later use with user resolving.
• usergroupdel|ugdel <group_name> [user_id|username|user_group]... — Removes a user from the user group.
• usergrouplist|uglist <group_name> ['resolve'] — Lists the users in the user group.
• usergroups|ugs — Lists all user groups.

• wakatime|waka — Gets your Wakatime stats for today and the last 7 days.

Hooks (triggers)

Triggers can be enabled by .<hookname>here and disabled by .no<hookname>here. They are disabled everywhere by default. To check if a hook is enabled or disabled, use .hookshere.

  • emojis:
    • Sends a duck emoji (🦆) when someone writes "дак" (pronounced as "duck") or "кря" (pronounces as "krya", English equivalent is "quack")
    • Sends a pancake emoji (🥞) when someone writes "блин" (English equivalent is "pancake", also that's how Russian equivalent to the English "f*ck" may be "censored")
  • tap: Sends a sticker with a finger touching a seal when someone writes "тык" or sends that sticker itself (link to the pack)
  • mibib: Sends a sticker (with 20% chance) with an animated pixelated bear when someone sends that sticker itself (link to the pack)
  • bra: Sends a picture from this Reddit post when someone sends "бра" or "bra"
  • uwu: Sends a picture when someone sends "uwu", "owo", "уву" or "ово"
  • auto_transcribe: Automatically transcribes speech in voice and video messages to text whenever it is sent in the chat


Shortcuts work only when sent by the user who runs userbot.

Click to expand full shortcut list
  • yt:<id> — Sends a YouTube video with the specified ID
  • @:<id> — Mentions a user with the specified ID
    • @:<id>:<name>@ — Mentions a user with the specified ID with a custom name
  • github:<username> or gh:<username> — Sends a GitHub link to the specified user's profile
    • github:<username>/<repo> — ... to the specified repo, <repo> can be "@" which means "same as <username>"
    • github:<username>/<repo>:/<path> — ... to the specified path on the default branch
    • github:<username>/<repo>:/<path>#<line1> — ... to the specified line in file
    • github:<username>/<repo>:/<path>#<line1>-<line2> — ... to the specified lines in file
    • github:<username>/<repo>@<branch-or-commit> — ... to the specified branch or commit of the repo
    • github:<username>/<repo>@<branch-or-commit>:/<path> — ... to the specified path on the branch or commit
    • github:<username>/<repo>@<branch-or-commit>:/<path>#<line1> — ... to the specified line in file
    • github:<username>/<repo>@<branch-or-commit>:/<path>#<line1>-<line2> — ... to the specified lines in file
    • github:<username>/<repo>#<issue-or-pr> — ... to the specified issue or pull request
  • :uwu: — Sends a 🥺👉👈 emoji
    • :uwu<number>: — Sends a 👉👈 emoji with the specified number of finger pairs
  • google://<query>/ — Sends a link to a Google search for the specified query
  • :shrug: — Sends a shrug kaomoji ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • n://<key>/ — Sends a saved note with the specified key
  • xkcd:<number> — Sends a link to XKCD comic with the specified number
  • pypi://<package>/ or pip://<package>/ — Sends a link to PyPI page of the specified package
  • tg:<username>/<message-id> or tg:<username>#<message-id> — Sends a link to the specified message in the specified chat

Installation and running

  1. Copy .env.example file to .env and modify for yourself.
  2. Make sure docker is installed, then run docker-compose build.
  3. Go through interactive authentication (needed only once as /data is mounted as docker volume) by running docker-compose run --rm main python -m userbot.
  4. Stop the script by pressing Ctrl+C as soon as you see Bot started message in console.
  5. Run docker-compose up -d to run the userbot in the background.
  6. To run migrations, run docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint /usr/bin/env main python3.11 -m userbot.migrations. Userbot must be stopped before running any migrations to prevent conflicts.
