Contributions and suggestions for new features are welcome, as are bug reports! Please create a new issue or better still, dive right in with a pull-request.
- Create a new venv with a python3.7+ interpreter using
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the venv with
source venv/bin/activate
- Install our the package as an editable including all dev dependencies with
pip3 install -e ".[dev]"
- Install pre-commit with
pre-commit install
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv uv
- Initialize
: runpyenv virtualenv-init
and follow instructions.
pyenv install --skip-existing 3.7 3.12
pyenv virtualenv 3.7 rich-click-3.7
pyenv virtualenv 3.12 rich-click-3.12
echo '#rich-click-3.7
rich-click-3.12' >.python-version
uv pip install --all-extras -r pyproject.toml --editable .
echo 'rich-click-3.7
#rich-click-3.12' >.python-version
uv pip install --extra dev -r pyproject.toml --editable .
Note: 3.7 is the minimum supported Python version for rich-click, but docs are rendered in 3.12.
Our pre-commit hooks contain the following hooks:
- Prettier: formats our markdown and yaml files nicely.
- no relative imports: prevents you from using relative imports.
- iSort: will automatically sort the imports alphabetically.
- black: will automatically format your code to be according to standardized python format.
- flake8: will do linting checks to make sure all your code is correctly styled and used.
- mypy: static type checker which verifies you are not using objects incorrectly.
As mentioned, some of these tools automatically fix your code while other only highlight potential issues. Sometimes it will be enough to try to commit a second time and it will pass, while other times it may require manual changes to your code.
In rare cases it may be difficult or undesirable to change to code to pass the linting rules.
If this happens, it's ok to add a flake8 # noqa
or mypy # type: ignore
comment to skip that line.
For details of how to do this, please see the flake8 docs
and mypy docs.
This package was written by Phil Ewels (@ewels), based on initial code by Will McGugan (@willmcgugan).
rich-click is co-maintained by Daniel Reeves (@dwreeves).
Furthermore, these contributors helped make the package what it is today:
See the full list of contributors here.