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api recon passive active

public apis with or without auth auth for public apis will depend on sensitivity of data that is handled if public api handles only public data = no need for auth in most other instances auth will be required public apis meant to be consumed by end users (to facilitate this api providers share documentatiton -> this servers as instruction manual for a given api) partner apis = meant to be used exclusively by partners of the provider = harder to find if not partner, documentation may be available but limited to partner private apis only for private use within an org, documented less than partner apis if at all, if any documentation exists its harder to find = here learn how to reverse eng api req's

public apis = find apis to attack by discovering the api itself, or api documentation if as end user you find api or and api documentation = success

another way to find api is look trough target landing page for links to api or dev portal

some telling signs you discovered web api : in URL naming formats example:

Look for API indicators within directory names like: /api, /api/v1, /v1, /v2, /v3, /rest, /swagger, /swagger.json, /doc, /docs, /graphql, /graphiql, /altair, /playground

Also, subdomains can also be indicators of web APIs:

Another indicator of web APIs is the HTTP request and response headers. The use of JSON or XML can be a good indicator that you have discovered an API.

HTTP Request and Response Headers containing "Content-Type: application/json, application/xml"

Also, watch for HTTP Responses that include statements like: {"message": "Missing Authorization token"}

One of the most obvious indicators of an API would be through information gathered using third-Party Sources like Github and API directories.


Postman Explore:

ProgrammableWeb API Directory:

APIs Guru:

Public APIs Github Project:

RapidAPI Hub:

any api endpoints discovered and gathered in passive stage of recon will be used for active recon later credential info will help test as auth'd user or admin version info will help test for any improper asset mgmt vulns api documentation will say exactly how to test taregt api

info on api business purpose can give insight into business logic flaws

with OSINT (passive recon) you can find API keys, creds, JWT, secrets, leaked PII, sensitive info, etc

passive recon tools git dorks google dorks api dirs wayback shodan

active recon on apis is basically building your api attack surface directly from target

active recon tools nmap -p- nmap -sC -sV target amass enum -active -d target | grep api