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A list of words and/or phrases (mostly words) that could (arguably) make great Operating System names (from a certain point of view), on the rare occassion that they do not already (very debatable).

OS NAME Submitted By OS Description / Ideas Etymology of the OS Name / The Reference Taken IRL?
NachOS exitflynn Nachos are a Mexican food consisting of fried tortilla chips or totopos covered with melted cheese or cheese sauce, as well as a variety of other toppings. yes
DoritOS exitflynn Doritos is an American brand of flavored tortilla chips (see: Illuminati). yes
CheetOS exitflynn nah dont think so
MentOS exitflynn same as above
BailamOS exitflynn Early 2000's computers + Ricardo MilOS + Beaches + Spanish vibes and Dancing Title of an absolute jammer Enrique Iglesias song de nada
ZapdOS exitflynn One of the three Legendary Gen-1 / Kanto region Pokémon, literally thunderbird. must be free n up for grabs, im lazy rn to check
chocOS exitflynn
DistrOS arvindpunk 😳
adiOS exitflynn
amigOS exitflynn
morbiOS akshgpt7 // POOP SIR 😎
BezOS exitflynn CEO, Entrepreneur. Born in 1964. Jeffrey, Jeffrey Bezos. no way
Los Polos HermanOS arvindpunk
OuroborOS arvindpunk a distro which has everything connected via circular linked lists.
solylOS exitflynn a distro which only uses double linked lists or something because it's the same thing backwards, idk dsa.
sophOS exitflynn
KronOS exitflynn imagine a real minimal* arch-based OS, greek mythology themed sht everywhere, uh which somehow really beginner friendly for automating work stuff and built so as to be able to run multiple cron-jobs really ez'ly *KDE only. Super-Powerful Titan in Greek Mythology.
GyaradOS exitflynn
KratOS गमछा drip
TacOS गमछा drip
ThanOS गमछा drip
mayoOS exitflynn
negrOS iwaili
chaOS daemon1024
CosmOS eminarican
LogOS eminarican
thermOS eminarican
KantOS TheoCGaming After the Kanto region of Pokémon
Brosb4hOS S4N1DHY4 This operating system will always be there for you, even when she yo ho no mo. Priorities. Famous words of MICHAEL SCOTT
MuertOS eminarican After the Pixar movie Coco obviously Día de los Muertos, a holiday celebrated mostly by Mexican people / people of Mexican heritage
DangerOS eminarican with a small edit by exitflynn Executes sudo rm -rf / the moment you make an error, so sudo carefully 😈 I'd be putting us both in danger if I told you, because it's Dangerous. 🤦 Nope. Phew.
CaicOS eminarican Peaceful island themed After the Caicos Isles. Nope, a bit too niche ig
CalypsOS eminarican The Greek goddess-nymph of the mythical island of Ogygia and a daughter of the Titan Atlas (see: Homer's Odyssey and a more recent update). No
JealOS osBins UI so beautiful it makes the other distros jealous No
Los SantOS adityaaa07
PoisonOS adityaaa07
PreciOS adityaaa07 Something worth fighting for,like hacktoberfest 4 pull request. YES
yodOS adityaaa07 People say you only live once, its actually wrong you live daily but you die only once... YES