Exponea allows you to easily create complex scenarios which you can use to send push notifications directly to your customers. The following section explains how to enable push notifications.
For push notifications to work, you'll need to setup a few things:
- create an Apple Push Notification service(APNs) key
- integrate push notifications into your application
- set the APNs key in the Exponea web app
We've created a Quick start guide that will guide you through these steps.
Previous versions of the SDK used method swizzling to automatically register for push notifications. In our experience swizzling causes more problems than it solves, so we chose to move away from it. Quick start guide contains list of delegates your application needs to implement in order to properly process push notifications.
Exponea SDK allows you to set a delegate that will be called when push notification is opened, or when silent push notification is received. Delegate will be called with information about action that was selected on the push notification and payload setup in the Exponea web app.
import ExponeaSDK
import UserNotifications
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
Exponea.shared.pushNotificationsDelegate = self
extension AppDelegate: PushNotificationManagerDelegate {
func pushNotificationOpened(
with action: ExponeaNotificationAction,
value: String?,
extraData: [AnyHashable : Any]?
) {
// app open, browser, deeplink or none(default)
print("push action: \(action)")
// deeplink url, nil for open app action
print("value for action: \(value)")
// data payload you specified in Exponea web app
print("extra payload specified: \(extraData)")
// this function is optional
func silentPushNotificationReceived(extraData: [AnyHashable: Any]?) {
// data payload you specified in Exponea web app
print("extra payload specified: \(extraData)")
Notification service extension is required for tracking push notification delivery. This extension is part of Rich notifications setup described in Quick start guide.
Exponea SDK supports both regular "alert" push notifications and silent push notifications(Background Updates). To receive a notification, you need to track your push token to Exponea backend. When push notification tracking is enabled and properly implemented, this will happen automatically. By default, the token is only tracked when the app is authorized to receive alert push notifications. You can change this by setting configuration variable requirePushAuthorization = false
. With this setting, the SDK will register for push notifications and track the push token at application start. Push notification authorization status is tracked as customer property apple_push_notification_authorized
projectToken: "YOUR-PROJECT-TOKEN",
authorization: .token("YOUR-AUTHORIZATION-TOKEN"),
baseUrl: "YOUR-BASE-URL"
pushNotificationTracking: .enabled(
appGroup: "YOUR-APP-GROUP",
requirePushAuthorized: false
To respond to silent push notification, set the Exponea.shared.pushNotificationsDelegate
. Details are described in Handling push notification opening
section of this guide.
Silent push notifications require
Background Modes
Remote notifications
Official Apple documentation states that you should not try to send more than two or three notifications per hour. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/usernotifications/setting_up_a_remote_notification_server/pushing_background_updates_to_your_app
The SDK only handles push notifications coming from Exponea backend. If you use other servers than Exponea to send push notifications, you'll need to implement some of the logic yourself.
Quick start guide describes delegates/extensions required for Exponea push notification handling to work. You can use method Exponea.isExponeaNotification(userInfo:)
in the delegate/extension implementations to check if the notification being processed is coming from Exponea servers and either call Exponea method or process the notification using implementation for other push notification source.
You can completely disable notification tracking and use methods Exponea.shared.trackPushToken
and Exponea.shared.trackPushOpened
to track push notification events. trackPushOpened
expects the notification has Exponea format. You can always track campaign
event manually with any payload you need.
To support the action buttons that can be configured in the Exponea backend on iOS 11 and lower you will need to implement custom notification categories that are used to properly hook up the button actions and titles. ExponeaSDK provides a convenient factory method to simplify creation of such category.
⚠️ Bear in mind that the category identifier you specify here must be identical to the one you specify in Exponea backend.
// Set legacy exponea categories
let category1 = UNNotificationCategory(
actions: [
type: .openApp,
title: "Hardcoded open app",
index: 0
type: .deeplink,
title: "Hardcoded deeplink",
index: 1
intentIdentifiers: [],
options: []