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Linear algebra


Contains several versions for the Cholesky decomposition algorithm both dense and sparse. Specifically it contains:

  • cholesky(MatrixHandler<T,size_t>& R) which computes the Cholesky decomposition for a dense matrix.
  • choleskyLeftLooking(MatrixCXSHandler<T,IT> L,MatrixCXSHandler<T,IT> A,...) which computes the sparse Cholesky decomposition.

Data Structures

Contains a series of data structures needed to compute the sparse Cholesky decomposition, in particular it contains:


The class LRTree is a left child right sibling forest, supporting the basic tree instructions insert, erase and find. In particular it is compatible with device memory. It's usage is:

  LRTree<KeyType,ValueType,Allocator> tree;
  auto tmp=tree.insert(1); // Inserts a node with key 1 into the root of the forest.
  tree.insert(2,tmp);      // Inserts a node with key 2 with parent 1.
  tree.insert(3,tmp);      // Inserts a node with key 3 with parent 1.
  tree.insert(4);         //  Inserts a node with key 4 into the root of the forest.
  Now the forest holds:
        1              4
    2       3

Matrix Formats

Contains a set of data structures to hold sparse and dense matrices, and routines to convert between those formats. Specifically:


Matrix is a dinamically allocated container for dense matrices, with the capability of performing copies between the HOST and DEVICE, and the option of specifying a pitch for all rows -enabling better cache performance.

  Matrix<double,cpuAllocator,128> Acpu(100,100); // Allocates a 100x100 matrix of type double on the HOST in which each row is aligned to 128 bytes.
  Acpu(0,0)=1; // Now Acpu holds a 1 in the entry 1,1
  Matrix<double,gpuAllocator,128> Agpu(Acpu); // Creates a copy of Acpu on the DEVICE.

As is the case with ArrayHandler 1, there is a MatrixHandler<double> specifically deigned to use the data structure in device code.


Matrix is a dinamically allocated container for sparse matrices in compressed format, with the capability of performing copies between the HOST and DEVICE. In particular it handles the formats coordinate list COO, compressed row storage CRS and compressed column storage CCS.

  MatrixCXS<double,int,cpuAllocator,CRS> Acpu(pow(10,10),100); // Stores a pow(10,10) x pow(10,10) matrix with 100 non zero values on the HOST.
  MatrixCXS<double,int,gpuAllocator,CRS> Agpu(Acpu); // Creates a copy of Acpu on the GPU.

As is the case with MatrixHandler, there is a MatrixCXSHandler<double,int> specifically deigned to use the data structure in device code.


Is a convenient sparse data structure based on std::map, which eases the construction of sparse matrices in compressed format and allows naive versions of complicated sparse algorithms like sparse GEMM.

  MatrixMap<double> A(pow(10,10)); // Creates an empty matrix of dimensions pow(10,10) x pow(10,10).
  MatrixCXS<double,int,cpuAllocator,CRS> Acxs;
  convert(Acxs,A); //Now Acxs holds a sparse matrix of dimensions pow(10,10) x pow(10,10), with non zero values on the entries 1,1 and 101,51.

Matrix Operations

Contains a series of basic matrix operations like transpose and multiply, necessary to verify the correctness of the Cholesky algorithm. In particular it contains:

  • eliminationTree which creates the elimination tree for a sparse matrix in compressed format.
  • colPattern which computes the non zero pattern of the Cholesky decomposition.


  1. See ../core/