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Special Syntax

Martino Ferrari edited this page Feb 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Mathematical Formulas (KaTeX)

For in line formulas: $your formula in latex syntax$
For block formulas:

your formula in latex

Diagram and Flow Chart (Mermaid)

To create a mermaid diagram:


Plots (Charter)

To create charter plots:


External files and references

To work with big document (e.g. a thesis or a book) is often simpler to split the work in multiple files (as LaTeX users do) for this reason Marker added two new tokens to Markdown:

  • @include(path) include an external file at the current line is inserted
  • @bib(path) load the footnotes reference of an external file

You can use absolute or relative path and this is an example of a multi file markdown file:

# Book Title
**Author Name**



Some text before the next document.

