diff --git a/src/Fable.Transforms/Python/Fable2Python.fs b/src/Fable.Transforms/Python/Fable2Python.fs
index a4f62155b1..7234989dfb 100644
--- a/src/Fable.Transforms/Python/Fable2Python.fs
+++ b/src/Fable.Transforms/Python/Fable2Python.fs
@@ -2223,12 +2223,13 @@ module Util =
// printfn "transformGet: %A" kind
// printfn "transformGet: %A" (fableExpr.Type)
- match kind with
- | Fable.ExprGet (Fable.Value(kind = Fable.StringConstant "length"))
- | Fable.FieldGet { Name = "length" } ->
+ let inline lenFunctionCall () =
let func = Expression.name "len"
let left, stmts = com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, fableExpr)
Expression.call (func, [ left ]), stmts
+ match kind with
+ | Fable.ExprGet (Fable.Value(kind = Fable.StringConstant "length")) ->
+ lenFunctionCall ()
| Fable.FieldGet { Name = "message" } ->
let func = Expression.name "str"
let left, stmts = com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, fableExpr)
@@ -2243,25 +2244,29 @@ module Util =
expr, stmts @ stmts' @ stmts''
| Fable.FieldGet i ->
- //printfn "Fable.FieldGet: %A" (fieldName, fableExpr.Type)
- let fieldName = i.Name |> Naming.toSnakeCase // |> Helpers.clean
- let fableExpr =
- match fableExpr with
- // If we're accessing a virtual member with default implementation (see #701)
- // from base class, we can use `super` in JS so we don't need the bound this arg
- | Fable.Value (Fable.BaseValue (_, t), r) -> Fable.Value(Fable.BaseValue(None, t), r)
- | _ -> fableExpr
- let expr, stmts = com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, fableExpr)
- let subscript =
- match fableExpr.Type with
- | Fable.AnonymousRecordType _ -> true
- | Fable.GenericParam (_, _, [ Fable.Constraint.HasMember (_, false) ]) -> true
- | _ -> false
- // printfn "Fable.FieldGet: %A" (fieldName, fableExpr.Type)
- get com ctx range expr fieldName subscript, stmts
+ // see TestArray.fs/``test Array slice with lower index work`` and https://github.com/fable-compiler/Fable/issues/3496
+ match fableExpr.Type, i.Name with
+ | Fable.AST.Fable.Type.Array _, "length"->
+ lenFunctionCall ()
+ | _ ->
+ //printfn "Fable.FieldGet: %A" (fieldName, fableExpr.Type)
+ let fieldName = i.Name |> Naming.toSnakeCase // |> Helpers.clean
+ let fableExpr =
+ match fableExpr with
+ // If we're accessing a virtual member with default implementation (see #701)
+ // from base class, we can use `super` in JS so we don't need the bound this arg
+ | Fable.Value (Fable.BaseValue (_, t), r) -> Fable.Value(Fable.BaseValue(None, t), r)
+ | _ -> fableExpr
+ let expr, stmts = com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, fableExpr)
+ let subscript =
+ match fableExpr.Type with
+ | Fable.AnonymousRecordType _ -> true
+ | Fable.GenericParam (_, _, [ Fable.Constraint.HasMember (_, false) ]) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ // printfn "Fable.FieldGet: %A" (fieldName, fableExpr.Type)
+ get com ctx range expr fieldName subscript, stmts
| Fable.ListHead ->
// get range (com.TransformAsExpr(ctx, fableExpr)) "head"
diff --git a/tests/Python/Fable.Tests.Python.fsproj b/tests/Python/Fable.Tests.Python.fsproj
index bbffa79843..545dd2710e 100644
--- a/tests/Python/Fable.Tests.Python.fsproj
+++ b/tests/Python/Fable.Tests.Python.fsproj
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/Python/TestNonRegression.fs b/tests/Python/TestNonRegression.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013cbfeab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Python/TestNonRegression.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Fable.Tests.NonRegression
+open Util.Testing
+module Issue3496 =
+ type Class(length: int) =
+ member x.Length = length
+ static member StaticLength (length: int) = length
+ let returnLength (length: int) = length
+ []
+ let testLengthPassedToCtorIsOk() =
+ let c = Class(1)
+ equal 1 c.Length
+ equal 1 (returnLength 1)
+ equal 1 (Class.StaticLength 1)
\ No newline at end of file