The goal of this exercise is to create a demo calendar application using React & Redux. We strongly recommend create-react-app to make the bootstrapping of your application really easy.
You should start by rendering a single month view of a calendar for the current month – along with the lines of the below illustration: All made from the ground, without external components
- Ability to add a new “reminder” (max 30 chars) for a user entered day and time.
- Display reminders on the calendar view in the correct time order.
- Allow the user to select a color when creating a reminder and display it appropriately.
- Properly handle overflow when multiple reminders appear on the same date.
- Ability to edit reminders – including changing text, day and time & color.
- Ability to delete reminders.
- Expand the calendar to support more than the current month.
- The data should be retained across different page views, but it’s not necessary to persist it beyond a browser refresh.
- This is a coding activity and not a design activity. That’s not to say we don’t appreciate good design or that we don’t value those skills if you have them! It’s just that it won’t have a high value when scoring this particular project.