- hold-one out vs k-fold
- information leaking when use to validate parameters
- Use Bootstrapping
- 1/e rule
- Time-Series Data
- not use future information
- how to decompose bias and variance
- in-sample vs out-of sample error
- When Accuracy can be irrelavant
- unbalanced sample
- High Precision/High Recall situation
- system error/security - recall first
- spam mail - precision first
- investment signal
- F1 score, F beta score
- ROC Curve, PR Curve
- ROC's relationship with rank correctness
- ROC vs PR Curve*
- RMSE weakness
- noise/outlier
- Explain/derive Bias-Variance Tradeoff
- How to decompose error to bias/variance
- in-sample and out-of-sample error
- lower bias/underfitting
- more data/data augmentation
- model complexity
- regularization
- ensemble learning
- lower vairance/overfitting
- new feature/feature engineeting
- model complexity
- lower regularization