- Develop and manage the content of club meetings
- Manage the club's engagement with programming competitions and projects
- Liase with other University and High School programming clubs
- Mentor the Junior President
Part of the reason this club, and others, have died is the lack of leadership succession when existing members become too busy or 'graduate-out' of the uni system. In order to ensure stable leadership and running of the club in the long, a junior president will be appointed.
A Junior President must be a 1st or 2nd Year Student. They need not worry about being less capable programmers than their fellow club members. Their focus will be on the running of the club.
If a Junior President moves into 3rd year, a new Junior President must be appointed.
- Assist President in the running and admin of the club.
- Liase with 1st + 2nd Year teaching staff
- Organise a replacement Junior President at the end of their 2nd Year (or before).
The Secretary is the chief administration officer of the club/society. The Secretary is responsible for providing a communication link between all members of the club/society.
- Take 'minutes' of club meetings
- Document the content of club meetings (topics, algorithms, etc.. )
- Maintain club communications on key communication platforms. eg. Facebook, Github, Website*
- Maintain register of club member details
The Treasurer is the chief financial manager of the club/society.
- Organise RUSU Funding for the Club
- Organise and Acquire Sponsorship for the club
- Manage the club's expenses and incomes.
- Organise registration and task delegation
- Document efforts and results