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Reactive Markets Platform SDK Python

The Reactive Platform SDK for Python.

Getting Started


The package only support python3.7 and python3.8, not for lower versions.

Install the package in a python environment:

$ pip install reactive-platform

Uninstall the package:

$ pip uninstall reactive-platform


The REST API has endpoints for different type data, e.g. orders, analytics and references. At this moment, this package only supports querying reference data. To access the platform, a API token must be granted from platform UI.

Create a REST client

Create a client first:

from import Client

key = 'xxx'
url = ""
rc = Client(url=url, key=key)

Reference Data

Reference data includes asset, instrument, venue and markets. Get those data:

asset_ref = rc.fetch_asset_ref()
# json format assets reference data
assets = asset_ref.to_json()
print("asset reference:\n", assets)
# dict format assets
assets_dict = asset_ref.to_dict()
print("assets dict:\n", assets)

# instr reference
instr_ref = rc.fetch_instr_ref()
instrs = instr_ref.to_json()
print("instrument reference:\n", instrs)

# venue reference
venue_ref = rc.fetch_venue_ref()
venues = venue_ref.to_json()
print("venue reference:\n", venues)

# market reference
market_ref = rc.fetch_market_ref()
markets = market_ref.to_json()
print("market reference:\n", venues)

If client uses pandas, the reference data can be viewed in a Dataframe table in jupyter-notebook:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_json(market_ref.to_json())

Feed Gateway WebSocket API

The websocket feed provides real-time level 2 market data snapshots and public trades via


WebSocket Client

To access the feed gateway via web socket, create a Client which manages the web socket connection and provides methods to access the gateway. See the example in example/

The message protocol via feed gateway is Flatbuffers, which provides an efficient serialization/deserializaton mechanism in terms of both processing and space requirements. The reactive-platform generated python classes Flatbuffer schema are located under the dependency reactive.papi.

Client object decodes into reactive.papi.Message.Message and allow user to use customised data_handler call back to handle the flatbuffer message.

Create a FeedClient

The platform-py also provides another option, FeedClient.

from reactive.platform.feed.client import FeedClient

TOKEN = 'xxx'
addr = "wss://"
feed_client = FeedClient(addr=addr, key=TOKEN)

FeedClient provides methods subscribe and unsubscribe to control sending request to platform, and implement python classes for corresponding flatbuffer data types in reactive.papi. see a full example in example/ or example/trade. The client can specify book view parameters in the request. Currently, the feed gateway supports, book depths (1, 5, 10, 20) and tick grouping (1, 50).