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A small, documented, easy to use implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm.

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An Aho-Corasick Machine allows to implement a fully indexed dictionary of words. A word or pattern is to be considered here in its general meaning, that is a sequence of signs or symbols of a given user defined alphabet (set of symbols).

The dictionary is used in two steps:

  1. Register words in the dictionary, and optionnally definitions associated to words.
  2. Read a text and compare it to words in the dictionary.

The dictionary can also be traversed, and an operator can be applied to each word or associated value.


This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 (see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER as well as headers of aho_corasick_template.h and aho_corasick_template_impl.h).

Therefore, you should give prominent notice, with each copy of your files using the library (modified or not), that the library is used in it and that the library and its use are covered by this license, accompanied with a copy of it and the cpyright notice.


This project offers an efficient implement of the Aho-Corasick algorithm which shows several benefits:

  • It faithfully and acurately sticks, step by step, to the pseudo-code given in the original paper from Aho and Corasick (btw exquisitely clear and well written, see Aho, Alfred V.; Corasick, Margaret J. (June 1975). "Efficient string matching: An aid to bibliographic search". Communications of the ACM. 18 (6): 333–340.)
  • It is generic in the sense that it works for any kind of alphabet (of any number of signs and not limited to 256) and not only for char.
  • The interface is minimal, complete and easy to use.
  • The implementation has low memory footprint and is fast.

In more details, compared to the implementation proposed by Aho and Corasick, this one adds several enhancements:

  1. First of all, it does not make any assumption on the size of the alphabet used. Particularly, unlike most implementations, the alphabet is not limited to 256 signs. The number of possible signs is only defined by the type of symbol the user decides to use. For instance, if the type of signs is defined as long long int rather than the usual char, then the number of possible signs would be 18446744073709551616 !

    • For this to be possible, the assertion "for all a such that g(0, a) = fail do g(0, a) <- 0" in the Aho-Corasick paper, at the end of algorithm 2 can not be fulfilled because it would require to set g(0, a) for all the values of 'a' in the set of possible values of the alphabet, and thus would require to allocate (if not exhaust) a lot of memory.

    • Therefore, rather than being assigned to 0, g(0, a) is kept equal to fail (i.e. g(0, a) is kept undefined) for all 'a' not being the first sign of a registered keyword.

    • Nevertheless, for the state machine to work properly, it must behave as if g(0, a) would be equal to 0 whenever g(0, a) = fail after algorithm 2 has ended: thus, algorithms 1 and 3 (called after algorithm 2) must be adapted accordingly (modifications are tagged with [1], [2] and [3] in the code):

      • [1] g(0, a) = (resp. !=) 0 must be replaced by: g(0, a) = (resp. !=) fail
      • [2] g(state, a) = fail must be replaced by: g(state, a) = fail and state != 0
      • [3] s <- g(state, a) must be replaced by: if g(state, a) != fail then s <- g(state, a) else s <- 0
  2. To reduce the memory footprint, it does not store output keywords associated to states. Instead, it reconstructs the matching keywords by traversing the branch of the tree backward. (Attributes previous and is_matching are added the the state object ACState, see code of ACM_get_match).

  3. It permits to search for keywords even though all keywords have not been registered yet. In other words, new keywords can be registered with ACM_register_keyword between calls to ACM_match without disrupting the current match search. To achieve this, failure states are reconstructed after every registration of a new keyword (see ACM_register_keyword which alternates calls to algorithms 2 and 3.)

  4. It keeps track of the rank of each registered keyword as returned by ACM_get_match(). This rank can be used, for a given state machine, as a unique identifier of a keyword.

  5. It can associate user allocated and defined values to registered keywords, and retrieve them together with the found keywords:

    • a third and fourth arguments are passed to ACM_register_keyword calls: a pointer to a previously allocated value, and a pointer to function for deallocation of the associated value. This function will be called when the state machine will be release by ACM_release.
    • a fourth argument is passed to ACM_get_match calls: the address of a pointer to an associated value. The pointer to associated value is modified by ACM_get_match to the address of the value associated to the keyword.
  6. It extends the state machine in order to be used as well as an indexed dictionary of keywords:

    • ACM_is_registered_keyword() check for the existence of a keyword in the state machine.
    • ACM_unregister_keyword() removes a keyword from the state machine.
    • ACM_foreach_keyword() applies a user defined operator to each keyword of the state machine.
  7. Search for matching patterns is thread safe: several texts can be parsed concurrently (by several threads).

  8. It is short: aho_corasick_template_impl.h is about 700 effective lines of code.

  9. Last but not least, it is very fast. On my slow HD and slow CPU old computer, it takes 0.92 seconds to register 370,099 keywords with a total of 3,864,776 characters, and 0.12 seconds to find (and count occurencies of) those keywords in a text of 376,617 characters.

Hope this helps. Let me know !


This implementation provides a syntax similar to the C++ templates. It makes use of a nice idea of Randy Gaul for Generic Programming in C.

It allows to instanciate the Aho-Corasick machine at compile-time for one or several type specified in the user program (to be compared to the standard implementation which instanciate the machine for a unique type defined in ACM_SYMBOL.)

Except for ACM_register_keyword() and ACM_unregister_keyword(), all functions are thread-safe. Therefore, a given shared Aho-Corasick machine can be used by multiple threads to scan different texts for matching keywords.


In global scope:

  1. Insert "aho_corasick_template_impl.h" in global scope.
  2. Declare, in global scope, the types for which the Aho-Corasick machines have to be instanciated.
    ACM_DECLARE (char);
    ACM_DEFINE (char);

In local scope (function or main entry point), preprocess keywords:

  1. Optionally, user defined operators can be specified for type T.

    • An optional equality operator can be user defined for a type T with SET_EQ_OPERATOR(T, equality)
    • An optional constructor can be user defined for a type T with SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR(T, constructor)
    • An optional destructor operator can be user defined for a type T with SET_DESTRUCTOR(T, destructor)
    SET_EQ_OPERATOR (*T*, equality);
    SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR (*T*, constructor);
    SET_DESTRUCTOR (*T*, destructor);
  1. Initialize a state machine of type ACMachine (T) using ACM_create (T):
    • An optional second argument of type EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE(T) can specify a user defined equality operator for type T.
    • An optional third argument of type COPY_OPERATOR_TYPE(T) can specify a user defined constructor operator for type T.
    • An optional fourth argument of type DESTRUCTOR_OPERATOR_TYPE(T) can specify a user defined destuctor operator for type T.
    • Those operators supersedes those defined by SET_EQ_OPERATOR, SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR, SET_DESTRUCTOR for a specific instance of Aho-Corasick machine.
    ACMachine (char) *M = ACM_create (char, [equality], [constructor], [destructor]);
  1. Add keywords (of type Keyword (*T*)) to the state machine calling ACM_register_keyword(), one at a time, repeatedly.
    • An optional third argument, if not 0, can point to a value to be associated to the registerd keyword.
    • An optional fourth argument, if not 0, provides a pointer to a destructor (void (*dtor) (void *)) to be used to destroy the associated value.
    • The macro helper ACM_KEYWORD_SET (keyword,symbols,length) can be used to initialize keywords with a single statement.
    • The rank of insertion of a keyword is registered together with the keyword.
    • If a keyword was already previously registered in the dictionary, its associated old value is deallocated, forgotten and replaced by the associated value.
    • ACM_nb_keywords (machine) returns the number of keywords already inserted in the state machine.
    int has_been_registered = ACM_register_keyword (machine, keyword, [value], [destructor]);

Then, parse any sequence of any number of texts, searching for previously registered keywords:

  1. (Optionally) Initialize a match holder (of type MatchHolder (T)) with ACM_MATCH_INIT (match) before the first use by ACM_get_match (if necessary).
  2. Initialize a state (of type const ACState (T)) with ACM_reset (machine)
  3. Inject symbols of the text, one at a time by calling ACM_match (state, symbol).
  4. After each insertion of a symbol, check the returned value to know if the last inserted symbols match at least one keyword.
    • If a new text has to be processed by the state machine, reset it to its initial state (ACM_reset) so that the next symbol will be matched against the first letter of each keyword.
  5. (Optionally) If matches were found, retrieve them calling ACM_get_match () for each match (if necessary).
    • ACM_MATCH_LENGTH (match) and ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (match) can be used to get the length and the content of a retreieved match.
    • An optional third argument, a pointer to a MatchHolder (T), if not 0, will point to the matching keyword on return.
    • An optional fourth argument, a pointer to a (void *) pointer, if not 0, will point to the pointer to the value associated with the matching keyword.
    size_t rank = ACM_get_match (machine, index, [match], [value]);
  1. (Optionally) After the last call to ACM_get_match (), release to match holder by calling ACM_MATCH_RELEASE (match) (if necessary).

Steps 6, 10 and 11 are optional.

Finally, when all texts have been parsed:

  1. After usage, release the state machine calling ACM_release() on M.

Extra features are available to manage keywords:

  • ACM_is_registered_keyword (machine, keyword, [value]) can check if a keyword is already registered, and retreives its associated value if the third argument (of type void **) is provided and not equal to 0.
  • ACM_unregister_keyword (machine, keyword) allows to unregister a keyword (if previously registered).
  • ACM_foreach_keyword (machine, function) applies a function (void (*function) (Keyword (T), void *)) on each registerd keyword. The function is called for each keyword and should keep it unchanged. The first argument of this function is the keyword, the second is the pointer to the value associated to the keyword.
  • ACM_nb_keywords (machine) yields the number of registered keywords.

Here is a simple example:

#include <string.h>
#include "aho_corasick_template_impl.h"

ACM_DECLARE (char);                            /* template */
ACM_DEFINE (char);                             /* template */

main (void)
  ACMachine (char) *M = ACM_create (char);    /* template */

  char *keywords[] = { "buckle", "shoe", "knock", "door", "pick", "sticks", "ten" };
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof (keywords) / sizeof (*keywords); i++)
    Keyword (char) kw;                        /* template */
    ACM_KEYWORD_SET (kw, keywords[i], strlen (keywords[i]));
    ACM_register_keyword (M, kw);

  char BuckleMyShoe[] =
    "One, two buckle my shoe\nThree, four knock on the door\nFive, six pick up sticks\nNine, ten a big fat hen...\n";

  const ACState (char) * state = ACM_reset (M);
  MatchHolder (char) m;                       /* template */
  for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen (BuckleMyShoe); i++)
    size_t nb = ACM_match (state, BuckleMyShoe[i]);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < nb; j++)
      ACM_get_match (state, j, &m);
      for (size_t k = 0; k < ACM_MATCH_LENGTH (m); k++)
        printf ("%c", ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (m)[k]);
      printf ("\n");
  ACM_release (M);


Source code:

  • aho_corasick_template.h defines and fully documents the interface.
  • aho_corasick_template_impl.h defines the implementation.


  • aho_corasick_template_test.c gives a complete and commented example.
  • words and mrs_dalloway.txt are input files used by the example.

ahoperftest.c and aho_corasick_template_speed_test.c

Two very similar simple examples for performance tests.


Description Function name
Type operators setters
Declares destructor SET_DESTRUCTOR
Declares copy constructor SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR
Declares equality operator SET_EQ_OPERATOR
Dictionary instanciators
Declares a local dictionary ACM_DECL
Allocates a dictionary dynamically ACM_create
Deallocates a dictionary ACM_release
Keyword management
Initializes a keyword for registrattion ACM_KEYWORD_SET
Registers a keyword in a dictionary ACM_register_keyword
Unregisters a keyword in a dictionary ACM_unregister_keyword
Indicates whether or not a keyword is registered in a dictionary ACM_is_registered_keyword
Gets the number of registered keywords in a dictionary ACM_nb_keywords
Calls a callback function for each keyword registered in a dictionary ACM_foreach_keyword
Helpers for registered keywords retrieved from dictionary
Initializes a container for registered keywords from a dictionary ACM_MATCH_INIT
Gets the length of a registered keyword from a dictionary ACM_MATCH_LENGTH
Gets the array of symbols of a registered keyword from a dictionary ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS
Gets the unique identifier of a registered keyword from a dictionary ACM_MATCH_UID
Releases a container for registered keywords from a dictionary ACM_MATCH_RELEASE
Keyword matching
Prepares a dictionary for keyword matching ACM_reset
Searches text for matching keywords registered in a dictionary ACM_match
Retrieves one of the found matching keywords ACM_get_match

User defined type helpers




T can be any standard basic type or any user defined type, such as a structure.

These macros let declare and define tools to use a Aho-Corasick machine for a user defined type T.


 ACM_DEFINE (int);

Operators setters

If a user defined type T uses internal allocated resources, operators can be optionnaly defined.




  • SET_DESTRUCTOR optionally declares a destructor for type T, of type: void (*destructor) (const T) (a.k.a DESTRUCTOR_TYPE(T)).

  • SET_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR optionally declares a copy constructor for type T, of type: T(*copy_constructor) (constT) (a.k.a COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE(T)).

  • SET_EQ_OPERATOR optionally declares equality operator for type T, of type: int (*equal_operator) (const T, const T) (a.k.a EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE(T)).

    • equal_operator must return 0 if its two arguments are different, non 0 otherwise.
    • The default equality operator memcmp is used otherwise.

Dictionary instanciators

ACM_DECL (var, T, [EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE (T) equal_operator], [COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE (T) copy_constructor, DESTRUCTOR_TYPE (T) destructor])

Available with compilers gcc and clang.

This macro let declare a local variable var of type ACMachine (T) where ACMachine (T) is the type of the Aho-Corasick finite state machine for type T

var will be properly free'd when going out of scope.

Specific operators equal_operator, copy_constructor, destructor can optionnaly be declared for type T and dictionary var. They supersede the operators applied to type T.

Dictionary dynamic allocation


ACMachine (T) *ACM_create (T, [EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE (T) equality_operator], [COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE (T) copy constructor, DESTRUCTOR_TYPE (T) destructor])


  • [in] T type of symbols composing keywords and text to be parsed.

  • [in, optional] equality_operator Equality operator of type EQ_OPERATOR_TYPE(T).

  • [in, optional] copy constructor Copy constructor of type COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_TYPE(T).

  • [in, optional] destructor Destructor of type DESTRUCTOR_TYPE(T).

Returns: A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine for type T.

This function ACM_create creates a dictionary (implemented with a Aho-Corasick finite state machine) for type T.

Specific operators equal_operator, copy_constructor, destructor can optionnaly be declared for type T and the allocated dictionary. They supersede the operators applied to type T.

Example: ACMachine (char) * M = ACM_create (char);


void ACM_release (const ACMachine (T) *machine)

[in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine to be realeased.

ACM_release must be called to release the ressources of a dictionary created with ACM_create.

Example: ACM_release (M);

Keyword management

Words initialization

Words are any sequences of symbols of type T.

They can be instanciated with

void ACM_KEYWORD_SET (Keyword(T) kw, T* array, size_t length)


  • [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be initialized.
  • [in] array Array of symbols
  • [in] length Length of the array

ACM_KEYWORD_SET initializes a keyword kw from an array of symbols.

The array is NOT duplicated by ACM_KEYWORD_SET and should be allocated and deallocated by the calling user program, if necessary.

Example: ACM_KEYWORD_SET (kw, "Duck", 4);

Word registration

ACM_register_keyword add a word in the dictionary, together with an optional pointer to an associated value.

int ACM_register_keyword (ACMachine (T) *machine, Keyword (T) kw, [void * value_ptr], [void (*destructor) (void *)])


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
  • [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be registered.
  • [in, optional] value_ptr Pointer to a previously allocated value to associate with keyword kw.
    • The default pointer is 0.
  • [in, optional] destructor A destructor to be used to free the value pointed by value_ptr.
    • The default destructor is the standard library function free if value_ptr is not null, 0 otherwise.
    • Use 0 if the allocated value need not be managed by the finite state machine (in case of automatic or static values).
    • the expected signature of destructor is void destructor (void *)
    • destructor must accept the null pointer 0.

ACM_register_keyword returns 1 if the keyword was successfully registered, 0 otherwise (if the keywpord is empty).

  • When returning 0, the destructor (if any) is called on value (if any).
  • When returning 1, the destructor (if any) will be called on value (if any) when the dictionary is deallocated.


  • Keyword kw is passed by value and can be released after its registration. The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.
  • The keyword is registered together with its rank. The rank is a unique 0-based identifier of the registered keyword. It can later be retrieved by ACM_get_match.
  • If the keyword was already previously registered in the dictionary, its associated old value is deallocated, forgotten and replaced by the new associated value (or 0).


 ACM_register_keyword (M, kw);
 ACM_register_keyword (M, kw, calloc (1, sizeof (int)), free);

Word unregistration

ACM_unregister_keyword removes a word from the dictionary.

int ACM_unregister_keyword (ACMachine(T) *machine, Keyword(T) kw)


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
  • [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be registered.

ACM_unregister_keyword returns 1 if the keyword was successfully unregistered, 0 otherwise (if the keyword is not registered in the machine).

The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.

Word checking

int ACM_is_registered_keyword (const ACMachine (T) * machine, Keyword(T) kw, [void **value_ptr])

ACM_is_registered_keyword checks whether a word is already registered in the dictionary and optionally retrieves the associated value.


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
  • [in] kw Keyword of symbols of type T to be checked.
  • [out, optional] value_ptr *value_ptr is set to the pointer of the value associated to the keyword after the call.

ACM_is_registered_keyword returns 1 if the keyword is kw registered in the machine, 0 otherwise.

The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.

Word counting

size_t ACM_nb_keywords (const ACMachine (T`) *machine)

returns the number of keywords registered in the dictionary.


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.

Dictionary iterator

void ACM_foreach_keyword (const ACMachine(T) * machine, void (*operator) (MatchHolder(T) kw, void *value))

ACM_foreach_keyword applies an operator to every registered keyword (by ACM_register_keyword) in the machine.


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
  • [in] operator Function of type void (*operator) (Keyword (T), void *)

The operator is called for each registered keyword and pointer to associated value successively. The order in which the keywords are processed in unspecified.


 static void print_match (MatchHolder (wchar_t) match, void *value) { /* user code here */ }
 ACM_foreach_keyword (M, print_match);

Word matching


const ACState (T) * ACM_reset (ACMachine(T) * machine)

gets a valid initial state (ignoring all the symbols previously matched by ACM_match) prior to keyword search with ACM_match.


  • [in] machine A pointer to a Aho-Corasick machine.
  • [in] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state.

Calls to ACM_reset on the same machine can be used to parse several texts concurrently (e.g. by several threads).


size_t ACM_match (const ACState(T) *& state, T letter)

ACM_match sends a symbol letter into the Aho-Corasick machine and counts the number of registered word in the dictionary matching with the last symbols sent since the last call to ACM_reset. This is the main function used to parse a text, one symbol after the other, and to search for pattern matching.


  • [in, out] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state, initialized by ACM_reset. state is passed by reference (à la C++): it is modified by the function call.
  • [in] letter A symbol.

ACM_match returns the number of registered keywords that match a sequence of last letters sent to the last calls to ACM_match.

The equality operator, either associated to the machine, or associated to the type T, is used if declared.

Example: size_t nb = ACM_match(state, letter);


size_t ACM_get_match (const ACState(T) * state, size_t index, [MatchHolder(T) * match], [void **value_ptr])

gets the ith keyword matching with the last symbols.


  • [in] state A pointer to a valid Aho-Corasick machine state.
  • [in] index Index (ith) of the ith matching keyword. index must be lower than value returned by the last call to ACM_match.
  • [out, optional] match *match is set to the ith matching keyword.
  • [out, optional] value_ptr *value_ptr is set to the pointer of the value associated to the keyword after the call.

ACM_get_match returns the rank (unique id) of the ith matching keyword.

*match should have been declared as a variable of type MatchHolder (T) and initialized by ACM_MATCH_INIT before use, and released by ACM_MACTH_RELEASE after use.


 MatchHolder (int) match;
 ACM_MATCH_INIT (match);
 size_t rank = ACM_get_match (state, j, &match, 0);
 size_t len = ACM_MATCH_LENGTH (match);
 int* word = ACM_MATCH_SYMBOLS (match);

Machine displayer

void ACM_print (ACMachine(T) * machine, FILE * stream, int (*symbol_displayer) (FILE *, T))

For debugging purpose, ACM_print displays the states of the Aho-Corasick machine machine into the stream stream. A displayer for symbols can be provided by the function pointed by the third argument symbol_displayer of ACM_print: this function should print, on a single line, the symbol passed as its second argument to the output stream passed as its first argument, and return the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings). For instance, a displayer for symbols as wide characters could be

 int print_wchar_t (FILE *f, wchar_t wc) { return fprintf (f, "%lc", wc); }

Example of a displayed machine (from example/aho_corasick_template_test.c):



  • (n): states n.
  • ---x-->: state transition by symbol x between two states ; x is displayed by symbol_displayer (if provided.)
  • (-->f): fail state to state f.
  • [k]: keyword identifier k composed by all symbols from initial state (000).

Performance test

This implementation is fast.

The following performance test (also look at file aho_corasick_template_test.c) can be applied on a sample data of 184 MB available here.

  • Get the sample data from the internet:
gzip -d googlebooks-eng-all-1gram-20120701-0.gz
  • Type in the source of the performance test, say in ahoperftest.c:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "aho_corasick_template_impl.h"

ACM_DEFINE (char);
int main (void)
  ACM_DECL (M, char);   // local automatic variable 'M' of type 'ACMachine (char)' declared.
  Keyword (char) kw;

  ACM_KEYWORD_SET (kw, "1984", 4);
  ACM_register_keyword (&M, kw);

  ACM_KEYWORD_SET (kw, "1985", 4);
  ACM_register_keyword (&M, kw);

  size_t nb_matches = 0;
  FILE *f = fopen ("googlebooks-eng-all-1gram-20120701-0", "r");
  char line[4096];
  const ACState (char) *state = ACM_reset (&M);
  while (fgets (line, sizeof (line) / sizeof (*line), f))
    for (char *c = line; *c; c++)
      nb_matches += ACM_match (state, *c);
  fclose (f);
  printf ("%lu\n", nb_matches);
  • Build and run:
clang -O3 -pthread ahoperftest.c -o ahoperftest
time ./ahoperftest

real  0m3.710s
user  0m3.620s
sys 0m0.088s

It's a little bit slower than usual implementations (such as but with a clean, generic and template interface. Genericity (alphabet is user defined and not restricted to 256 characters as most implementations do) comes with a slight loss of performance.

Anyway, it can process 184 MB against matching keywords is few seconds.

Have fun !