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File metadata and controls

431 lines (298 loc) · 10.5 KB

🌟 File2Link – Your Reliable File Sharing and Storage Assistant! 🌟

File2Link – is a simple and convenient bot that allows you to quickly and securely upload files to a server and receive a download link. Use it for file sharing or for quick file transfers to the server.

📋 Features:

  • File Upload: Send your files to the bot, and it will save them on the server.
  • Get a Download Link: After the upload, you will receive a unique link to download the file.
  • Easy to Use: Simple interface for uploading and receiving files.

🚀 How It Works:

  1. Send a File to the Bot: You can upload any file you wish to save or share.
  2. Bot Saves the File on the Server: Your file will be stored on the server where the bot is running.
  3. Receive the Download Link: The bot will provide you with a link to download the uploaded file.

📂 Use Cases:

  • File Sharing: Quickly share documents, images, or videos with friends and colleagues.
  • Data Transfer to Server: Upload files for backup or further processing.
  • Download files from http - You can download files to the server by sending a link to the bot.

📥 Send a File to the Bot:

  1. Send a File:

    Send a file to the bot by attaching it to a message. The bot will save the file on the server.

  2. Receive the Download Link:

    After the file is uploaded, the bot will provide you with a unique link to download the file.

Send a File

📤 Download Files from HTTP:

  1. Send a Link:

    Use /url command to send a link to the bot. The bot will download the file to the server.



    Download Files from HTTP

    Or reply for the message with the link.

    Download Files from HTTP

  2. Receive the Download Link:

    After the file is downloaded, the bot will provide you with a unique link to download the file.

🧩 Installation and Setup

📝 Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory based on the .env.example file and add the following variables:

# application

# telegram bot api server

Here's a breakdown of each environment variable:

  • BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token, which you can obtain from BotFather.


  • SERVER_PORT: The port on which the application will run.


  • APP_FILE_DOMAIN: The domain or IP address where your application is accessible with files endpoint.





    Note: This variable is used to generate a link to the file.

  • TELEGRAM_API_URL: The URL of the Telegram API server. If you are running the API server in Docker, it’s usually the name of the Docker service.


  • RUST_LOG: Log level for the Rust application.


  • ENABLE_FILES_ROUTE: Enable /files folder to get list.


  • TELEGRAM_API_ID: Your Telegram API ID, which you can obtain from


  • TELEGRAM_API_HASH: Your Telegram API hash, which you can obtain from


  • TELEGRAM_LOCAL: Set to true to indicate that the bot is running on a local environment.


  • F2L_PIPE_PATH: Path to the FIFO.



    Note: CLI DO NOT use .env file. You need to pass the path to the FIFO as an argument or set the F2L_PIPE_PATH.

🐳 Run Using Docker Engine

Files uploaded via the bot are stored in the /app/files directory within the Docker container. The volumes section in the docker-compose.yml file maps this directory to /path/to/store/files on your host machine. This means you can access the files through /path/to/store/files on your host machine. Also, permissions file location is a /app/config/permissions.json.

You can easily run File2Link using Docker. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Clone the Repository

    Clone the repository from GitHub to your local machine:

    git clone
    cd file2link
  2. Run the Docker Container

    Run the Docker container with the environment variables:

    docker compose up -d
  3. Access the Application

    File2Link will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.

File2Link – The perfect solution for easy and efficient file management!

🌟 Try it out now and see how easy file handling can be! 🌟

🚀 Run Locally

For running locally or testing, you can run File2Link without Docker Compose. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Install Rust

    Ensure you have Rust installed on your machine. You can install it from the official website.

  2. Run Telegram Bot API

    Before running the bot, you need to run the Telegram Bot API server. You can run it locally or use the official API. For launch the API server locally, you need to configure .env file and run the following command:

    docker compose -f dockerc-compose-telegram-api.yml up -d

    Note: The API server will be accessible at http://localhost:8088.

    Note: If you want to use the official API, you don't need to run the API server locally and don't need to set TELEGRAM_API_URL environment variable.

  3. Build and Run the Application

    Build and run the application using cargo commands:

    cargo build
    cargo run
    • By default, the bot will listen on http://localhost:8080.
  4. Access the Application

    • File2Link will be accessible at http://localhost:8080 for local development.

Note: For local testing, the ./files directory will be relative to project’s root directory.

Note: Permissions file location is a ./config/permissions.json.


Cli is used to manage permissions. You can use the following commands:

  • update-permissions: Update permissions from the configuration file.



Docker usage:

docker exec -it file2link-app f2l-cli [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>


  • --path - Path to the FIFO.

    default: /tmp/file2link.pipe

    env: F2L_PIPE_PATH

    Note: The path should be the same as in the bot configuration.


  • update-permissions - Updates the permissions from the config file.
  • shutdown - Shutting down the system.
  • help - Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s).

Update permissions:

./f2l-cli --path /path/to/fifo.pipe update-permissions

Docker update permissions:

docker exec -it file2link-app f2l-cli update-permissions

Note: Docker container default path is /app/f2l.pipe.

🛡️ Permissions

Permissions in the application are managed through a JSON configuration file that sets access rules for all users or specific users regarding different chats.

Permissions updates every restart or by using the CLI command update-permissions

🔧 Configuration File Format

The configuration file located at config/permissions.json and use the following format:

  "allow_all": [
  "chats": {
    "CHAT1_ID": [
    "CHAT2_ID": "USER1_ID, USER2_ID",
    "CHAT3_ID": 1234567,
    "CHAT4_ID": "*"

⚙️ Configuration File Fields

Possible values for the chat configuration are:
  • STRING: A list of IDs separated by commas - "," (spaces are allowed) or "*" for all users.


      "field1": "1234567, 2345678",
      "field2": "*"
  • NUMBER: A single user ID.


      "field1": 1234567
  • LIST: A list of user IDs that have access to the chat. Allowed combination of strings and numbers.


      "field1": [1234567, 2345678],
      "field2": ["1234567", "2345678"],
      "field3": [1234567, "2345678"]
Configuration Fields:
  • allow_all: Defines access rules for all users.

  • chats: A dictionary where the key is the chat ID and the value is the chat configuration.


      "allow_all": "*",
      "chats": {
        "chat1": "*",
        "chat2": [1234567, 2345678]

🔑 Configuration Examples

1. Grant Access to All Users for All Chats
  "allow_all": "*",
  "chats": {}

In this example, all users have access to all chats because allow_all is set to "*".

2. Grant Access to Only Specific Users for All Chats
  "allow_all": [
  "chats": {}

This example grants access to all chats only to 1234567 and 2345678.

3. Grant Access to All Users for General Chats and Set Special Permissions for Specific Chats
  "allow_all": 4567890,
  "chats": {
    "chat1": [
    "chat2": "*"

In this example:

  • User 4567890 have access to all chats due to allow_all being "4567890" for general access.
  • For chat1, access is granted only to 1234567 and 2345678.
  • For chat2, access is granted to all users (just like the other chats).
4. Restrict Access for All Users and Set Special Permissions
  "allow_all": "31235425",
  "chats": {
    "chat3": [

In this example:

  • Only 31235425 has access to all chats.
  • Only 43243243 has access to chat3.