- The good practice is to:
- Fork the project on your account
- Clone your repo using HTTPS
- Work on a new git branch.
- Need help with git? Anyway you can't use Ocado Technology's master.
- The issues are listed on ocadotechnology/rapid-router.
It's even better if you're using ZenHub because it will allow you to look at a Kanban-ish board for the project.
One word of caution: please do not add any issues related to security. Evil hackers are everywhere nowadays... If you do find a security issue, let us know using our contact form.
- To work on the project, you can use whichever editor you like. Lots here like IntelliJ or PyCharm, for instance.
- There are some more guidelines here
- As said in the readme, you should set up a virtual environment.
- e.g. the first time,
mkvirtualenv -a path/to/rapid-router rapid-router
- and thereafter:
workon rapid-router
- e.g. the first time,
- You can test your change by running the test suite - you can go to the root of the project and type:
python example_project/manage.py test
; but Travis usespython setup.py test
(will also install stuff in your virtualenv needed for the tests) - To manually test things and run the project,
in the root.
- Then you can commit! On a new branch for a new Pull Request please.
- If your commit resolves a GitHub issue, please include “fixes #123” in the commit message.
- Then you can push to your forked repo, and create a pull request from your branch to ocadotechnology's master branch.
- Some tests will run automatically: Travis will run the automated tests, coverage will test the test coverage and codeclimate will test the code quality. Please fix found issues, then repush on your branch - it will rerun the tests.
- Do not accept a PR yourself - at least one other person should review your code and approve it first.
- Some old PRs will need to see the branch rebased on the current master
- When a PR is accepted, congrats! It will be merged on master.