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File metadata and controls

78 lines (53 loc) · 2.14 KB

Usage Guide

Once Shapt is one of his dependencies. You gonna need to create a feature toggle module:

defmodule TestModule do
  use Shapt,
    adapter: {Shapt.Adapters.Env, []},
    toggles: [
      feature_x?: %{
        key: "MYAPP_FEATURE_X",
        deadline: ~D[2019-12-31]
      feature_y?: %{
        deadline: ~D[2009-12-31]

This module is a worker that you need to add to your supervision tree. Shapt will create the proper child_spec/1 and start_link/1 functions. All the state of the toggles are kept inside an ets table.


  • adapter: receives a keyword list of adapters by environment.
  • toggles: receives a keyword list of toggles to be configured.

Provided functions

Just by using Shapt you gonna have some extra functions on your feature toggle module:


Besides the key named functions you gonna have toggle/2. It can be used to evaluate the feature toggle and what to do when it's on or off. Some usage examples:

# just returning values
TestModule.toggle(:feature_x?, on: FeatureX, off: OldFeature)

# applying functions and params:
TestModule.toggle(:feature_x?, on: {&Feature.x/2, params_x}, off: {&Feature.old/2, params_old})

# applying module, function_name and params
TestModule.toggle(:feature_x?, on: {ModuleX, :function, [paramsx]}, off: {Module, :fuction, [params]})

In those two last examples we use the apply function, be aware of that when using this feature. So make sure that the params provided are always a list which the size is the same as the provided function arity.


It receives the name of a toggle and says if it's expired or not.


It receives the name of a toggle and says if it's enabled or not.


List all expired toggles


Return the binary representing the template file generated by the Adapter.


Reloads the ets table with the current state of toggles according to the adapter options.

Env Adapter

Shapt.Adapters.Env will work directly with environment variables using the System.get_env/1 or loading it from a configuration file.