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In the original French:

Il y avait une autre chose que je voulais vous demander.
Mais maintenant, sur ma vie, impossible de m'en souvenir.
Enfin, bon, ça ne devait pas être important.

Translated in English:

I did have something else I wanted to ask you.
But right now, for the life of me, I can't remember what it is.
Oh well, must not have been important.

Hans Landa - Inglourious Basterds


  • KRKW: kernel read/write
  • PUAF: physical use-after-free
  • VMC: vm_map_copy structure
  • VME: vm_map_entry structure
  • VMO: vm_object structure

Table of Contents


This write-up presents an exploit for a vulnerability in the XNU kernel:

  • Assigned CVE-2023-41974.
  • Fixed in iOS 17.0 and macOS 14.0.
  • Reachable from the App Sandbox but not the WebContent sandbox.
  • Note that Landa is very similar to P0 issue 2361, which was a race condition that allowed writing to read-only mappings. Specifically, vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested() would check that the VMEs in the destination range are overwriteable, but vm_map_copy_overwrite_unaligned() could drop the map lock and it would not perform the same check after taking it back. Landa works the same way, but for VMEs that are "in transition" instead.

The exploit has been successfully tested on:

  • iOS 16.5 and 16.5.1 (iPhone 14 Pro Max)
  • macOS 13.4 and 13.4.1 (MacBook Air M2 2022)

All code snippets shown below are from xnu-8796.101.5.

Part A: From Vulnerability to PUAF

This part of the exploit is made up of 3 steps, which are labeled in the function landa_run(), located in landa.h. Each step will be described in detail below, with figures illustrating the relevant kernel state at certain points in the exploit. Note that the green boxes represent VMEs, the yellow boxes represent VMOs, the purple boxes represent VMCs, and the red text highlights the difference compared to the previous figure. Also, please note that X denotes the desired number of PUAF pages and P denotes the page size (i.e. 16384 bytes). Lastly, before reading the description of each step, please check the corresponding code in the function landa_run(), as it won't be repeated here.


This step is responsible for the setup, such that we can trivially win the race condition in step 2. In substep 1A, we vm_allocate() a memory region of (X+2) pages at a random address A, which will be used as the source range of the copy in step 2. Then, we split that memory region into three distinct VMEs, described in the list below in ascending address order:

  • src_vme_1 has a size of 1 page and owns the only reference to src_vmo_1.
  • src_vme_2 has a size of 1 page and owns the only reference to src_vmo_2.
  • src_vme_3 has a size of X pages and owns the only reference to src_vmo_3.

Note that all source VMEs are initialized with a purgeable object, which has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, by using the flag VM_FLAGS_PURGABLE. In addition, the entire source range is faulted in with memset(). Here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 1A:


In substep 1B, we vm_allocate() a memory region of (X+3) pages at a random address B, which will be used as the destination range of the copy in step 2, except for the last page. Then, we split that memory region into four distinct VMEs, described in the list below in ascending address order:

  • dst_vme_1 has a size of 1 page and owns the only reference to dst_vmo_1. Also, dst_vme_1->user_wired_count is set to MAX_WIRE_COUNT with a simple mlock() for-loop.
  • dst_vme_2 has a size of 1 page and owns the only reference to dst_vmo_2. Also, dst_vme_2->is_shared is set to TRUE by remapping it on itself with vm_remap() and dst_vme_2->user_wired_count is set to 1 with a single call to mlock().

A single VME is originally allocated in the last (X+1) pages, but it is then clipped into two VMEs by marking the last page as read-only with vm_protect():

  • dst_vme_3 has a size of X pages and owns one of two references on dst_vmo_3.
  • dst_vme_4 has a size of 1 page and owns the other reference on dst_vmo_3. Also, dst_vme_4->protection is set to VM_PROT_READ by vm_protect().

Once again, note that all destination VMEs are initialized with a purgeable object, which has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, by using the flag VM_FLAGS_PURGABLE. In addition, the entire destination range, which excludes the read-only page of dst_vme_4, is faulted in with memset(). Here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 1B:



Before triggering the race condition in earnest, we first spawn another thread to run the function landa_helper_spinner_pthread(), which will attempt to wire (X+2) pages starting at address B (i.e. dst_vme_1 to dst_vme_3) in a busy-loop. However, dst_vme_1->user_wired_count is already set to MAX_WIRE_COUNT, so mlock() does basically nothing and just returns ENOMEM. Next, from the main thread, we call vm_copy() to copy (X+2) pages from address A to address B, which will exploit the race condition.

In substep 2A, we consider the vm_map_copyin() part of vm_copy(). Since the source range is entirely made up of purgeable memory, no copy-on-write optimization is applied. Instead, three new VMOs, copy_vmo_1 to copy_vmo_3, are allocated to hold the (X+2) copied pages from the three source VMOs, src_vmo_1 to src_vmo_3, respectively. This happens over three distinct calls to vm_object_copy_strategically() from vm_map_copyin_internal(). Finally, when vm_map_copyin() returns, the output VMC contains three temporary VMEs, copy_vme_1 to copy_vme_3, each of which respectively owns the only reference to copy_vmo_1 to copy_vmo_3 at that point in time. Here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 2A:


In substep 2B, we consider the vm_map_copy_overwrite() part of vm_copy(), up to the point where mlock() is no longer stuck on ENOMEM in the spinner thread. First, the copy is completely page-aligned, so vm_map_copy_overwrite() does not split the VMC with a "head" or "tail", and only calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested() once. Just like for P0 issue 2361, that function checks that all destination VMEs are overwriteable, which also includes making sure that the VMEs are not marked as "in transition". At that point, mlock() is still stuck on dst_vme_1->user_wired_count being equal to MAX_WIRE_COUNT, so the destination range (i.e. dst_vme_1 to dst_vme_3) is guaranteed not to be in transition. Therefore, vm_map_copy_overwrite_nested() proceeds and calls vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() while holding the map lock. There will be three iterations of the top-level while loop in vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned():

  • In the 1st iteration, copy_entry == copy_vme_1, entry == dst_vme_1, and object == dst_vmo_1.
  • In the 2nd iteration, copy_entry == copy_vme_2, entry == dst_vme_2, and object == dst_vmo_2.
  • In the 3rd iteration, copy_entry == copy_vme_3, entry == dst_vme_3, and object == dst_vmo_3.

Also, please note that each pair of copy_entry and entry has been crafted to have the same size, such that no clipping occurs. Finally, we get to the if-else statement which decides whether we take the "fast path" or the "slow path", as shown in the snippet below:

// Location: osfmk/vm/vm_map.c

static kern_return_t
    vm_map_t        dst_map,
    vm_map_entry_t  tmp_entry,
    vm_map_copy_t   copy,
    vm_map_offset_t start,
    __unused pmap_t pmap)
    vm_object_t     object;
    vm_map_entry_t  copy_entry;
    vm_map_size_t   copy_size;
    vm_map_size_t   size;
    vm_map_entry_t  entry;

    while ((copy_entry = vm_map_copy_first_entry(copy)) != vm_map_copy_to_entry(copy)) {

        // this if-else statement decides whether we take the fast path or the slow path
        if (((!entry->is_shared) &&
             ((object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) || (object->internal && !object->true_share))) ||
            (entry->needs_copy)) {
            // fast path branch
        } else {
            // slow path branch

    return KERN_SUCCESS;

During the first iteration, dst_vme_1 and dst_vmo_1 satisfy all the conditions to take the fast path. The snippet below shows what happens inside the fast path branch during the first iteration:

    // NOTE: this is inside the fast path branch
    vm_object_t         old_object = VME_OBJECT(entry); // old_object := dst_vmo_1
    vm_object_offset_t  old_offset = VME_OFFSET(entry); // old_offset := 0
    vm_object_offset_t  offset;

    if ((old_object == VME_OBJECT(copy_entry)) &&
        (old_offset == VME_OFFSET(copy_entry))) { // branch not taken because of different objects


    if ((dst_map->pmap != kernel_pmap) &&
        (VME_ALIAS(entry) >= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC) &&
        (VME_ALIAS(entry) <= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_MEDIUM)) { // branch not taken because alias is 0

    if (old_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL) { // branch taken
        if (entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken because dst_vme_1->is_sub_map == FALSE
        } else {
            if (dst_map->mapped_in_other_pmaps) { // branch not taken
            } else {
                // PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_1 are removed here
            // dst_vmo_1 is deallocated and reaped here


    VME_OBJECT_SET(entry, VME_OBJECT(copy_entry), false, 0); // VME_OBJECT(dst_vme_1) := copy_vmo_1
    object = VME_OBJECT(entry);                              // object := copy_vmo_1
    entry->needs_copy = copy_entry->needs_copy;              // dst_vme_1->needs_copy := FALSE
    entry->wired_count = 0;                                  // dst_vme_1->wired_count := 0
    entry->user_wired_count = 0;                             // dst_vme_1->user_wired_count := 0
    offset = VME_OFFSET(copy_entry);                         // offset := 0
    VME_OFFSET_SET(entry, offset);                           // VME_OFFSET(dst_vme_1) := 0

    // copy_vme_1 is unlinked and deallocated here
    vm_map_copy_entry_unlink(copy, copy_entry);

    start = tmp_entry->vme_end; // start := B+1P
    tmp_entry = tmp_entry->vme_next; // tmp_entry := dst_vme_2

In short, dst_vmo_1 is deallocated and replaced with copy_vmo_1. The PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_1 are also removed, although that is not relevant for the exploit. More importantly, dst_vme_1->wired_count and dst_vme_1->user_wired_count are reset to 0. Note that we still hold the map lock at this point, but as soon as we release it, mlock() will no longer be stuck in the spinner thread.

Next, we go back to the top of the while loop for the second iteration. However, this time we take the slow path because dst_vme_2->is_shared is set to TRUE. The snippet below shows what happens inside the slow path branch during the second iteration:

    // NOTE: this is inside the slow path branch
    vm_map_version_t    version;
    vm_object_t         dst_object;
    vm_object_offset_t  dst_offset;
    kern_return_t       r;

    if (entry->needs_copy) { // branch not taken because dst_vme_2->needs_copy == FALSE

    dst_object = VME_OBJECT(entry); // dst_object := dst_vmo_2
    dst_offset = VME_OFFSET(entry); // dst_offset := 0

    if (dst_object == VM_OBJECT_NULL) { // branch not taken

    vm_object_reference(dst_object); // dst_vmo_2->ref_count++
    version.main_timestamp = dst_map->timestamp + 1;
    vm_map_unlock(dst_map); // map lock is dropped here

    copy_size = size; // copy_size := 1P

    r = vm_fault_copy(

    vm_object_deallocate(dst_object); // dst_vmo_2->ref_count--

    if (r != KERN_SUCCESS) { // branch not taken because vm_fault_copy() returns KERN_SUCCESS

    if (copy_size != 0) { // branch taken because copy_size == 1P
        vm_map_copy_clip_end(copy, copy_entry, copy_entry->vme_start + copy_size);
        vm_map_copy_entry_unlink(copy, copy_entry);
        vm_object_deallocate(VME_OBJECT(copy_entry)); // copy_vmo_2 is deallocated here
        vm_map_copy_entry_dispose(copy_entry); // copy_vme_2 is deallocated here

    start += copy_size; // start := B+2P
    vm_map_lock(dst_map); // map lock taken back here

    // NOTE: the spinner thread should always take the map lock before we take it back,
    // but the possible outcomes of the race condition will be discussed later
    if (version.main_timestamp == dst_map->timestamp && copy_size != 0) { // branch not taken
    } else {
        if (!vm_map_lookup_entry(dst_map, start, &tmp_entry)) { // tmp_entry := dst_vme_3

In short, we take a temporary reference on dst_vmo_2, then we drop the map lock before calling vm_fault_copy(), which will do a physical copy of the page from copy_vmo_2 into dst_vmo_2. Before we proceed with what happens after the map lock is released, here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 2B:


As mentioned in a comment in the snippet above, the spinner thread should always take the map lock before vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes it back when vm_fault_copy() returns. Therefore, let's move our attention to the spinner thread. Here, mlock() calls vm_map_wire_kernel(), which in turn calls vm_map_wire_nested(). This function takes the map lock and performs a lookup for address B, which returns dst_vme_1. Then, there will be three iterations of the top-level while loop in vm_map_wire_nested(), one for each of dst_vme_1, dst_vme_2 and dst_vme_3.

During the first iteration, entry is set to dst_vme_1, which has a reference to copy_vmo_1. Since copy_vmo_1 has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_SYMMETRIC, vm_map_wire_nested() will call VME_OBJECT_SHADOW() on dst_vme_1, but the shadow creation will be skipped. However, copy_vmo_1->copy_strategy is set to MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_DELAY and copy_vmo_1->true_share is set to TRUE. Please note that none of this is really relevant for the exploit, I only mention it in case you are following along with the XNU source code. Next, vm_map_wire_nested() calls add_wire_counts(). This time around, dst_vme_1->wired_count and dst_vme_1->user_wired_count have been reset to 0, so add_wire_counts() will bump each of them to 1 instead of returning KERN_FAILURE. Then, dst_vme_1->in_transition is set to TRUE, the map is unlocked, and vm_fault_wire() is called, which will wire the single page in copy_vmo_1. Once again, vm_map_wire_nested() must take back the map lock before vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes it back when vm_fault_copy() returns. However, wiring a single page is much faster than physically copying a page, so that race is also easy to win. One important thing to note is that even if we lose the race, the lookup after the timestamp check failure is guaranteed to still return dst_vme_1 such that we are guaranteed not to trigger the "vm_map_wire: re-lookup failed" panic. Instead, we could simply restart the exploit. But in practice, we always win this race so let's continue. After the map lock is retaken, dst_vme_1->in_transition is set back to FALSE, and we move on to the next VME.

During the second iteration, entry is set to dst_vme_2, which has a reference to dst_vmo_2. However, dst_vme_2->wired_count is already set to 1, so add_wire_counts() simply bumps dst_vme_2->user_wired_count to 2, and we immediately move on to the next VME without dropping the map lock.

During the third iteration, entry is set to dst_vme_3, which has a reference to dst_vmo_3. Unlike the first iteration, dst_vmo_3 has a copy_strategy of MEMORY_OBJECT_COPY_NONE, so no shadow creation is attempted. Next, vm_map_wire_nested() calls add_wire_counts(), which bumps both dst_vme_3->wired_count and dst_vme_3->user_wired_count to 1. Then, dst_vme_3->in_transition is set to TRUE, the map is unlocked, and vm_fault_wire() is called, which will wire the X pages in dst_vmo_3. Crucially, vm_fault_wire() receives a shallow bitwise copy of dst_vme_3, which will always point to dst_vmo_3 even if VME_OBJECT(dst_vme_3) is modified later while the map is unlocked. Technically, dst_vme_3 is marked as "in transition", so this should never happen, but this is precisely what our race condition exploits. At this point, vm_fault_wire() will call vm_fault_wire_fast() for each of the X pages of dst_vmo_3. However, this time, we expect vm_fault_copy() to finish physically copying the single page of dst_vmo_2 before vm_fault_wire() finishes wiring all X pages of dst_vmo_3, such that vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes back the map lock here. Please note that I will discuss the possible outcomes of this race at the very end of step 2, but first let's assume this is what happens. Before we proceed, here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 2C:


Back in the main thread, as shown in the snippet above for the slow path after vm_fault_copy() returns, the extra reference on dst_vmo_2 is released, then copy_vme_2 and copy_vmo_2 are deallocated, and finally the map lock is taken again. The map timestamp has changed so a lookup is performed, which returns dst_vme_3, and we move on to the third and final iteration of the while loop in vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned(). This time, dst_vme_3 and dst_vmo_3 satisfy all the conditions to take the fast path. The snippet below shows what happens inside the fast path branch during the third iteration:

    // NOTE: this is inside the fast path branch
    vm_object_t         old_object = VME_OBJECT(entry); // old_object := dst_vmo_3
    vm_object_offset_t  old_offset = VME_OFFSET(entry); // old_offset := 0
    vm_object_offset_t  offset;

    if ((old_object == VME_OBJECT(copy_entry)) &&
        (old_offset == VME_OFFSET(copy_entry))) { // branch not taken because of different objects


    if ((dst_map->pmap != kernel_pmap) &&
        (VME_ALIAS(entry) >= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC) &&
        (VME_ALIAS(entry) <= VM_MEMORY_MALLOC_MEDIUM)) { // branch not taken because alias is 0

    if (old_object != VM_OBJECT_NULL) { // branch taken
        if (entry->is_sub_map) { // branch not taken because dst_vme_3->is_sub_map == FALSE
        } else {
            if (dst_map->mapped_in_other_pmaps) { // branch not taken
            } else {
                // PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_3 are removed here
            // dst_vmo_3->ref_count drops to 1


    VME_OBJECT_SET(entry, VME_OBJECT(copy_entry), false, 0); // VME_OBJECT(dst_vme_3) := copy_vmo_3
    object = VME_OBJECT(entry);                              // object := copy_vmo_3
    entry->needs_copy = copy_entry->needs_copy;              // dst_vme_3->needs_copy := FALSE
    entry->wired_count = 0;                                  // dst_vme_3->wired_count := 0
    entry->user_wired_count = 0;                             // dst_vme_3->user_wired_count := 0
    offset = VME_OFFSET(copy_entry);                         // offset := 0
    VME_OFFSET_SET(entry, offset);                           // VME_OFFSET(dst_vme_3) := 0

    // copy_vme_3 is unlinked and deallocated here
    vm_map_copy_entry_unlink(copy, copy_entry);

    start = tmp_entry->vme_end; // start := B+(X+2)P
    tmp_entry = tmp_entry->vme_next; // tmp_entry := dst_vme_4 but we exit the loop here

In short, the PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_3 are removed, which is relevant because those are the PTEs from which we want to obtain a PUAF primitive. Next, dst_vmo_3->ref_count drops to 1, and VME_OBJECT(dst_vme_3) is updated to copy_vmo_3 instead of dst_vmo_3. After this, the VMC is empty so vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() is done, and vm_copy() returns KERN_SUCCESS.

Meanwhile, back in the spinner thread, vm_fault_wire() will continue to wire the X pages of dst_vmo_3, which will re-enter the PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_3 with the physical address of those pages, with both read and write permissions. After this, vm_map_wire_nested() is done, and mlock() returns 0. Here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after substep 2D, which is the final substep of step 2:


As promised, I will now discuss the possible outcomes of the various race conditions. Please note that until the point where vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() drops the map lock, before it calls vm_fault_copy() during the second iteration, the exploit is fully deterministic. Now, let's consider three different scenarios:

  1. vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes back the map lock before vm_map_wire_nested() even has a chance to take it for the first time in the spinner thread, which would be extremely unlikely. In that case, vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() would run to completion with the map lock. Therefore, the reference of dst_vme_3 to dst_vmo_3 would be replaced by copy_vmo_3 before the map lock is released for a second time. Thus, the shallow bitwise copy of dst_vme_3 eventually received by vm_fault_wire() would also point to copy_vmo_3. As a consequence, the pages of copy_vmo_3 would be wired instead of the pages of dst_vmo_3. The PUAF exploit would fail, but safely so, and could be retried as many times as necessary.
  2. vm_map_wire_nested() takes the map lock, marks dst_vme_1 as in transition, then drops the map lock before it calls vm_fault_wire(). However, vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes it back before vm_map_wire_nested() can manage to do the same. This is more likely than the first scenario, but still unlikely because physically copying 1 page in vm_fault_copy() is much slower than wiring 1 PTE in vm_fault_wire_fast(). Nonetheless, if it did happen, then the outcome would be identical to the first scenario for the same reason: the reference of dst_vme_3 to dst_vmo_3 would already be replaced by copy_vmo_3 by the time vm_map_wire_nested() makes a shallow bitwise copy of it.
  3. On the opposite end of the spectrum, vm_map_wire_nested() manages to run to completion before vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() takes back the map lock. This means that vm_fault_wire_fast() would have been executed (X+1) times before the physical copy of a single page in vm_fault_copy() is finished. For large values of X, this is also unlikely as each individual call to vm_fault_wire_fast() will need to take both the object lock and the page queue lock, amongst other things. Nonetheless, if it did happen, then we would have successfully wired X pages from dst_vmo_3 in the VA range of dst_vme_3, but all those PTEs would be removed later by vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() when it finally takes back the map lock and replaces the reference to dst_vmo_3 with copy_vmo_3. Once again, the PUAF exploit would fail safely, and could be retried as needed.

Of course, there is yet another possible scenario. At some point, the main thread is busy executing vm_fault_copy() and the spinner thread is busy executing vm_fault_wire(), and neither of them holds the map lock. In that case, it is possible for vm_fault_wire() to wire a certain number of PTEs at the beginning of the VA range of dst_vme_3, then for vm_fault_copy() to return and vm_map_copy_overwrite_aligned() to call pmap_remove_options() for dst_vme_3, which would remove all of its PTEs. That said, after that, vm_fault_wire() can continue wiring the remaining pages of dst_vmo_3, which would re-enter the remaining PTEs in that VA range. Ultimately, we would end up with a PUAF primitive on a fraction of the X pages. And that does happen sometimes! As it stands, according to my tests when X is set to 2048, the exploit obtains a PUAF primitive on all 2048 pages for the vast majority of the time. However, sometimes, my tests indicate that the very first PTE in the range of dst_vme_3 is cleared, and therefore the exploit obtains a PUAF primitive on a meager 2047 pages. Those are the only two outcomes I have observed with the current state of the exploit. In the past, before I tweaked some things, I had seen up to 4 PTEs getting cleared. Anyway, because this PUAF exploit is safe, it can be repeated if we are unable to obtain the KRKW primitive from the PUAF primitive the first time around.


This step simply deallocates dst_vme_4, which has the only remaining reference to dst_vmo_3. Therefore, this triggers vm_object_reap() for dst_vmo_3, which will put all of its pages back on the free list without calling pmap_disconnect(). That said, the PTEs in the VA range of dst_vme_3 still point to (up to) X of those pages with both read and write permissions. Here is an illustration of the relevant kernel state after step 3:


Part B: From PUAF to KRKW

This part of the exploit is shared across all PUAF exploits, so please check the write-up about exploiting PUAFs for more details.

Part C: From KRKW to Cleanup

This exploit does not corrupt the kernel state such that it needs to be cleaned up post-KRKW in order to prevent a kernel panic.