A collection of Sublime Text 3 Liquid template snippets to make developing a tad easier.
I love using the Jekyll framework, but find it tedious to type out the liquid templating {% %}
syntax. So, I made a few snippets for Sublime Text 3 to make life a bit easier. This all started with the {% comment %}
snippet, and added snippets as I felt necessary. Feel free to use for your projects.
- For OSX users, place each snippet you want to use inside
<user>/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
- Windows or other platforms, you're on your own for the location, but there's enough documentation out there.
The snippet is called by a series of keys followed by Tab
key. In each snippet file, look for <tabTrigger>
and you will see the keys needed to initiate the snippet.
I have not defined the <scope>
of these snippets. If you would like to do so, here's some more info: Sublime Text 3 docs
Don't like the tabtrigger keys, or want to modify the snippet? Go for it.
+ Tab
outputs {% comment %} {% endcomment %}
+ Tab
outputs {% if %} {% endif %}
+ Tab
outputs {% elsif %}
+ Tab
outputs {% else %}
+ Tab
outputs {% for %} {% endfor %}
+ Tab
outputs {% %}