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![Miroscopio 2 screenshot][miroscopio2]
Together with a group of high-school physics teachers, physics students, and physics education researchers, we coordinated the elaboration of short 1-min animated videos (in Spanish) and educational resources
The YouTube playlist (7 videos) can be dowloaded here:
The complementary material with proposed in-classroom uses (in Spanish) can be downloaded for each video here.
![Quantum outreach slides][quantum-outreach]
Together with physics education researchers, our group developed a low-cost demonstration of quantum entanglement based on a role-playing game that engages the audience and was proven with survey data to be an effective tool for learning basic quantum mechanical concepts and their modern use in secure communication. The experience and the data was published here:
- An Instrument-Free Demonstration of Quantum Key Distribution for High-School Students [[Slides]]({{ "/assets/resources/QKD-demo-talk.pptx" | absolute_url}}) (Spanish and English)
![Thesis image][thesis-image]
F. Recabal, [Electron Transport in Driven Nanojunctions]({{ "/assets/resources/msc-thesis-frecabal.pdf" | absolute_url}}), MSc Physics (2021)
G. González, [Langevin Dynamics for Gas Transport in Carbon Nanotubes]({{ "/assets/resources/msc-thesis-ggonzalez.pdf" | absolute_url}}), MSc Physics (2021)
J. Sepúlveda, [Macroscopic cavity QED approach using the Finite Difference Time Domain method]({{ "/assets/resources/msc-thesis-jsepulveda.pdf" | absolute_url}}), MSc Physics (2020).
V. Olaya, [van der Waals interaction between Rydberg atoms and polar molecules]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-volaya.pdf" | absolute_url}}), MSc Physics (2020).
S. Paiva, [Regresión de datos en elipsometría de Mueller usando inteligencia artificial]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-spaiva.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Phys. (2020).
I. Jara, [Simulación computacional de la eficiencia óptica de estructuras OLED]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-ijara.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Phys. (2019).
G. González, [Simulación computacional de la eficiencia de recombinación OLED con el método Drift-Diffusion]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-ggonzalez.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Phys. (2019).
D. Carvajal, [Oscilador armónico cuántico amortiguado bajo forzamiento periódico]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-dcarvajal.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Math. (2018).
F. Recabal, [Estudio de eficiencia de Celdas Solares Orgánicas]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-frecabal.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Phys. (2018).
J. Sepúlveda, [Estudio computacional de plasmones localizados en nanoparticulas de plata]({{ "/assets/resources/thesis-jsepulveda.pdf" | absolute_url}}), Eng. Phys. (2017).
[quantum-outreach]:{{ "/assets/img/quantum-outreach.png" | absolute_url }} [miroscopio2]:{{ "/assets/img/Miroscopio2-youtube.png" | absolute_url }} [thesis-image]:{{ "/assets/img/einstein-thesis.jpeg" | absolute_url }}