The goal of HRHRpal is to ...
You can install HRHRpal from the Folkehelseinstituttet repository via:
r <- getOption("repos")
r["fhi"] = ""
options(repos = r)
This function takes a data.table (data
) with a numerical identifier (id
#> id weight
#> 1: 1001 41
#> 2: 1001 42
#> 3: 1002 43
#> 4: 1001 44
#> 5: 1003 45
#> 6: 1003 46
We can then apply the ProtectIdentifier
function to data
key <- ProtectIdentifier(data=data,identifier = "id", seed=4)
works by obtaining a list of all unique values of the identifier
#> old
#> 1: 1001
#> 2: 1002
#> 3: 1003
The rows are then sorted randomly:
#> old
#> 1: 1002
#> 2: 1003
#> 3: 1001
The rows are then numbered:
#> old new variableName
#> 1: 1002 1 id
#> 2: 1003 2 id
#> 3: 1001 3 id
The new values are then assigned to the original dataset:
#> id weight
#> 1: 3 41
#> 2: 3 42
#> 3: 1 43
#> 4: 3 44
#> 5: 2 45
#> 6: 2 46