diff --git a/www/src/content/blog/2024-12-06-client-side-guide.mdx b/www/src/content/blog/2024-12-06-client-side-guide.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd8aa0987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/src/content/blog/2024-12-06-client-side-guide.mdx
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+title: "Step-by-step guide: Adding client-side logic to your Hono app"
+description: A guide to adding client-side logic to your Hono app.
+slug: client-side-guide
+date: 2024-12-06
+author: Oscar van Zijverden
+ - guide
+ - Hono
+ - hono.js
+ - typescript
+ - hydration
+import {
+ Aside,
+ Card,
+ FileTree,
+ TabItem,
+ Tabs
+} from "@astrojs/starlight/components";
+import videoHydrated from "../../assets/blog/2024-12-06-client-side-guide-hydrated.mov";
+import videoStatic from "../../assets/blog/2024-12-06-client-side-guide-static.mov";
+[Hono](https://hono.dev) is a great framework to build serverless apps with
+familiar APIs using Web Standards. It comes with a ton of features out of the
+One of these features is the ability to compose & render HTML server-side, which
+is great for static content.\
+But what if you want to add some client-side logic to your app?
+You can do so by using the hooks provided by Hono. However, they might not work
+in your browser — that's because we're not shipping any JavaScript to the
+In this guide we'll go over how to build an Hono app with client-side logic,
+unlocking the full potential of your projects.
+## What are we building?
+We're building a simple app that renders a counter component server-side and
+hydrates it client-side.\
+It runs in Cloudflare Workers, leveraging its
+[static asset bindings](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/static-assets)
+\- though the same principles apply to the other supported environments as well.
+Using [Vite](https://vitejs.dev) we'll set up two build steps: one for the
+client-side logic and one for the server-side logic.
+## Let's build!
+First, let's get started with scaffolding a new Hono app.
+npm create hono@latest hono-client
+yarn create hono hono-client
+pnpm create hono hono-client
+bunx create-hono hono-client
+The `src` directory contains a single `index.ts` file with a simple Hono app.
+We're adding a `client` directory with an index and component:
+- src
+ - index.ts
+ - **client**
+ - **index.tsx** logic to mount the app on the client
+ - **Counter.tsx** component to demonstrate client-side logic
+### Adding the component & mounting point
+Let's start by setting up a simple counter component that increments a count
+when a button is clicked:
+```tsx title="src/client/Counter.tsx"
+import { useState } from "hono/jsx";
+export function Counter() {
+ const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
+ return (
+ Count: {count}
+ );
+Then we import the component & hydrate it in the client entry file:
+```tsx title="src/client/index.tsx"
+import { StrictMode } from "hono/jsx";
+import { hydrateRoot } from "hono/jsx/dom/client";
+import { Counter } from "./Counter";
+const root = document.getElementById("root");
+if (!root) {
+ throw new Error("Root element not found");
+ root,
+Your code editor might give you a hint that `document` is not defined. Given we
+added the client-side logic, we need to tell TypeScript that we're running in a
+browser environment:
+```json title="tsconfig.json" ins={6}
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ //...
+ "lib": [
+ "ESNext",
+ "DOM"
+ ],
+ // ...
+ }
+We're going to add some JSX to the `src/index.ts` file, so we first need to
+change the file extension to `.tsx`.
+Once that's done, we can add Hono's
+[JSX renderer middleware](https://hono.dev/docs/middleware/builtin/jsx-renderer)
+to the `/` route and return the statically rendered `` component:
+```tsx title="src/index.tsx" ins={2, 4, 8-23, 26} del={25}
+import { Hono } from "hono";
+import { jsxRenderer } from "hono/jsx-renderer";
+import { Counter } from "./client/Counter";
+const app = new Hono();
+ jsxRenderer(
+ ({ children }) => (
+ hono-client
+ ),
+ { docType: true }
+ )
+app.get("/", (c) => {
+ return c.text("Hello Hono!");
+ return c.render();
+export default app;
+We're almost there. If you run the app now with the `dev` script, you'll get an
+error. Let's fix that by adding the build steps!
+### Adding build steps and scripts
+At this point, we have both server-side and client-side logic and need to add
+two build steps to our project. Let's install Vite and two plugins to facilitate
+npm install vite
+npm install -D @hono/vite-build @hono/vite-dev-server
+ ```sh
+ yarn add vite
+ yarn add -D @hono/vite-build @hono/vite-dev-server
+ ```
+ ```sh
+ pnpm add vite
+ pnpm add -D @hono/vite-build @hono/vite-dev-server
+ ```
+bun add vite
+bun add -D @hono/vite-build @hono/vite-dev-server
+In the root of your project, create a `vite.config.ts` file. We'll define the
+config for both the client-side build and the server-side build:
+```ts title="vite.config.ts"
+import build from "@hono/vite-build/cloudflare-workers";
+import devServer from "@hono/vite-dev-server";
+import cloudflareAdapter from "@hono/vite-dev-server/cloudflare";
+import { defineConfig } from "vite";
+export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
+ if (mode === "client") {
+ return {
+ build: {
+ rollupOptions: {
+ input: "./src/client/index.tsx",
+ output: {
+ entryFileNames: "assets/[name].js",
+ },
+ },
+ outDir: "./public"
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ const entry = "./src/index.tsx";
+ return {
+ server: { port: 8787 },
+ plugins: [
+ devServer({ adapter: cloudflareAdapter, entry }),
+ build({ entry })
+ ]
+ };
+Now we need to adjust the `package.json` scripts to facilitate the new build
+steps. Additionally, we set the type to `module` to allow for ESM imports:
+```json title="package.json" del={5} ins={3, 6, 7}
+ "name": "hono-client",
+ "type": "module",
+ "scripts": {
+ "dev": "wrangler dev",
+ "dev": "vite dev",
+ "build": "vite build --mode client && vite build",
+ "deploy": "wrangler deploy --minify"
+ }
+ // ...
+#### Running the app
+If you run the app now with the `dev` script, you'll see the counter component
+rendered server-side. The client-side script hasn't been loaded yet, so the
+counter component won't work.
+npm run dev
+yarn dev
+pnpm dev
+bun dev
+There's only one step left to make the counter component work. We're almost
+### Load the client-side script
+As a final step we need to load the client-side script in the document's head.
+For the script that we're loading we need to make a distinction between a
+development and production environment. Vite allows us to do this easily with
+its [built-in env](https://vite.dev/guide/env-and-mode#env-variables).
+For the dev environment we can load the client's `.tsx` file; for production we
+have to read it from the `public` directory.
+First we add the `vite/client` types to the TypeScript config:
+```json title="tsconfig.json" ins={6}
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ //...
+ "types": [
+ // ...
+ "vite/client"
+ ]
+ //...
+ }
+Then we adjust the `src/index.tsx` file to load the client-side script,
+depending on the environment:
+```tsx title="src/index.tsx" ins={11-18}
+// ...
+ jsxRenderer(
+ ({ children }) => (
+ hono-client
+ ),
+ { docType: true }
+ )
+// ...
+#### Run locally
+Great! You can now run the app with the `dev` script and see the counter
+component in action.
+npm run dev
+yarn dev
+pnpm dev
+bun dev
+## Deploying
+To deploy the app to Cloudflare Workers we have to update `wrangler.toml` so it
+points to the correct worker build & resolves the public assets directory.
+Lastly, we update the `deploy` script.
+```toml title="wrangler.toml" del={2} ins={3, 5}
+name = "hono-client"
+main = "src/index.ts"
+main = "dist/index.js"
+assets = { directory = "./public/" }
+# ...
+```json title="package.json" del={6} ins={7}
+ // ...
+ "scripts": {
+ "dev": "vite dev",
+ "build": "vite build --mode client && vite build",
+ "deploy": "wrangler deploy --minify",
+ "deploy": "$npm_execpath run build && wrangler deploy --no-bundle"
+ }
+ // ...
+### Deploy your app
+You can now deploy your app to Cloudflare Workers with the `deploy` script:
+npm run deploy
+yarn deploy
+pnpm deploy
+bun deploy
+## Conclusion
+That's it! You've built a simple Hono app with client-side logic. You can now
+extend your app with more complex client-side features, such as fetching data
+from an API route, adding a form to your project, or even building a full SPA.
+Check out the [GitHub example repo](https://github.com/oscarvz/cf-workers-hono-client-side)
+if you'd like to see the full application code. It has a few additional
+features, like a simple Hono RPC implementation, and a SPA example.