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Findy Agency is an open-source project for a decentralized identity agency. OP Lab developed it from 2019 to 2024. The project is no longer maintained, but the work will continue with new goals and a new mission. Follow the blog for updates.

Sample PoC project for integrating Aries-agent based authentication to OIDC identity provider. The OIDC provider implementation is node-oidc-provider sample code that has been extended with Findy Agency SSI agent capabilities.



Basic OIDC login flow

    participant User
    participant RP
    participant IdP

    User->>RP: Login
    RP->>IdP: Redirect to IdP auth URL
    IdP-->>User: <<login form>>
    User->>IdP: Login with username and password
    IdP->>RP: Redirect to RelayingParty URL
    rect rgb(248, 248, 248)
    Note right of RP: Auth code flow
    RP->>IdP: Exchange code to access token
    IdP-->>RP: <<token>>
    RP->>IdP: Get user info
    IdP-->>RP: <<info>>
    RP-->>User: Redirect to app

OIDC login flow with DIDComm

    participant AgentUser
    participant User
    participant RP
    participant IdP
    participant AgentIdP

    User->>RP: "Login with Findy"
    RP->>IdP: Redirect to IdP auth URL
    IdP->>AgentIdP: New invitation
    AgentIdP-->>IdP: <<invitation>>
    Note left of IdP: Render invitation QR code
    loop Status check
        IdP->>IdP: Is verification ready?
    rect rgb(248, 248, 248)
    Note right of AgentUser: DIDComm: Credential verification
    User->>AgentUser: Use wallet to read QR code
    AgentUser->>IdP: Read invitation
    AgentUser->>AgentIdP: New pairwise connection
    AgentIdP->>IdP: Pairwise created!
    IdP->>AgentIdP: Request for proof of credential
    AgentIdP->>AgentUser: Send proof request
    AgentUser->>User: Ok to reveal attributes?
    User-->>AgentUser: Ok!
    AgentUser->>AgentIdP: Send proof
    AgentIdP->>AgentIdP: Verify proof
    AgentIdP->>IdP: Proof ok, user attributes
    Note right of IdP: Store user data to cache
    IdP->>IdP: Verification ready!
    IdP->>RP: Redirect to RP callback URL
    rect rgb(248, 248, 248)
    Note right of RP: Auth code flow
    RP->>IdP: Exchange code to access token
    IdP-->>RP: <<token>>
    RP->>IdP: Fetch user info
    IdP-->>RP: <<user info>>
    RP->>RP: Login ready
    RP-->>User: Redirect to app



  1. Make sure you have Findy Agency running locally or in the cloud.

  2. Setup node and deps

    nvm use
    npm install
    # generates default clients configuration
    npm run check:clients
  3. Configure client(s). The default client configuration can be found in src/support/configuration.js. It matches the local setup for issuer-tool

        client_id: "issuer-tool-local",
        client_secret: "superSecretKeyLol",
        grant_types: ["authorization_code"],
        redirect_uris: ["http://localhost:3001/auth/findy"],

    If you wish to use other clients, you can add them to file src/support/clients.js. Note: this file is excluded from version control.

  4. Configure connection to agency. If you are using local agency installation, setting following env vars will do, other settings can use the default values:

    export FINDY_OIDC_AGENCY_PORT="50052"
    export FINDY_OIDC_AGENCY_CERT_PATH="/path/to/findy-wallet-pwa/tools/env/config/cert"
  5. Configure cred def id that the service should use for credential verification:

    export FINDY_OIDC_CRED_DEF_ID="DIDEXAMPLE:1:CL:1234:ftn"
  6. Start service with npm start. Generate login URL with your client application. Login page should display the connection invitation QR code.