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AWS Client SRVPN Terraform module

Softether based VPN with LDAP/MFA auth via RADIUS with multi-AZ deployment

data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {
  state = "available"

locals {
  project_name       = lower("vpn")
  vpc_cidr           = "" # -
  vpc_azs_max        = 3
  vpc_azs_list       = slice(data.aws_availability_zones.available.names, 0, tonumber(local.vpc_azs_max))
  vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", ""]

module "vpc" {
  source                         = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
  version                        = "2.70.0"
  name                           = local.project_name
  cidr                           = local.vpc_cidr
  azs                            = local.vpc_azs_list
  public_subnets                 = local.vpc_public_subnets
  manage_default_security_group  = true
  default_security_group_name    = "default-${local.project_name}"
  default_security_group_ingress = []
  default_security_group_egress  = []

module "softether_radius_vpn" {
  source          = "fivexl/softether-radius-vpn/aws"
  version         = "1.0.0"
  name            = "softether-radius-vpn"
  ami_name_prefix = "softether-radius-vpn"
  ami_owner       = "self"
  azs             = [module.vpc.azs[0]]
  subnets         = [module.vpc.public_subnets[0]]
  vpc_id          = module.vpc.vpc_id
  target_cidr     = module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block
  ldap_addr       = "ldaps://"
  ldap_user_dn    = "uid={{username}},ou=users,o=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14
aws >= 3.22.0


Name Description Type Default Required
name The name used for logs group, security groups, iam roles, dns zone and VPN instance. string softether-radius-vpn no
vpc_id ID of the VPC where to create VPN instance string yes
subnets Subnets for VPN servers list(string) yes
azs List of AZs where subnets places list(string) yes
target_cidr Typical your VPCs CIDR or any another CIDR used for target route string yes
ldap_addr Your LDAP Address (e.g. ldaps:// string yes
ldap_user_dn Your LDAP user DN (e.g.: uid={{username}},ou=users,o=****,dc=jumpcloud,dc=com) string yes
duo_enabled Enable 2FA Duo bool false no
duo_ikey DUO ikey string "" no
duo_skey DUO skey string "" no
duo_api_host DUO API host string "" no
duo_time_out DUO TimeOut (seconds) number 60 no
instance_type Type of EC2 instance. We recommend to use t3a.micro string "t3a.micro" no
enable_spot_instance Use spot instance for all VPN instances bool true no
ami_name_prefix The name prefix used for search AMI image string "softether-radius-vpn" no
ami_owner The AMI owner string "self" no
tags A mapping of tags. map(string) {} no
tags_asg A list of ASG tags list() [] no
create_logs Create a group log in CloudWatch bool true no
log_retention_days How many days need to store logs number 90 no
create_dns Create a dns record in Route53 bool false no
dns_zone_name Name of Public DNS zone where record will be. DNS zone must exist. string "" no
dns_a_record_prefix Prefix for A record in DNS zone string "vpn-" no
enable_azs_in_dns_a_record Enable AZs in dns A record for VPN or use numbers (from 0). bool false no
private_domain_fqdn Domain FQDN which will be used to resolve internal names. (e.g.: string "" no
create_private_dns_zone Create private DNS zone with private_domain_fqnd name and attach to VPC bool false no
custom_ec2_spot_price Custom EC2 Spot price string "" no
key_pair_name Key pair name for SSH login to VPC instance string "" no
enable_detailed_monitoring If true, the launched EC2 instance will have detailed monitoring enabled. bool false no
enable_session_manager_connect Use Session Manager to connect to EC2 instance bool true no
vpn_cidr VPN CIDR. .1 - GW string "" no
vpn_dhcp_start VPN DHCP start cidrhost() hostnum number 10 no
vpn_dhcp_end VPN DHCP end cidrhost() hostnum number 200 no
vpn_admin_port VPN admin port for connect via MGMT client string "5555" no
enable_dhcp_gw Enable push Gateway to clients. Route all networks through VPN. bool true no
enable_vpn_admin_external_access Enable external access to admin MGMT. It used only for maintenance. Only external IP of the operator. bool false no


Name Description
this_vpn_dns_fqdn_list List of FQDN for created VPN instances
this_vpn_dns_names_list List of DNS names for created VPN instances. Useful if DNS zone in separate account.
this_vpn_public_ip_list The Public IPs of created VPN instance
this_vpn_ipsec_psk Pre-shared Key for VPN clients
this_vpn_server_password VPN server admin password
this_vpn_push_route Route for VPN clients if they can't get DHCP Classless Static Routes
this_security_group_id Security Group ID attached to VPN


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.

How build own AMI for SRVPN

  • Prepare AWS credentials. Environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_PROFILE are supported.
  • Install Hashicorp Packer
  • Build an Image: run packer build softether-radius-vpn.json in ami/softether-radius-vpn folder

Packer variables

Name Description Type Default Required
name Used for AMI prefix and tags. string softether-radius-vpn no
ami_region AWS region where AMI will be builds and stored string env AWS_DEFAULT_REGION yes
rserver_version Version of RServer string v0.0.2 no
softether_vpnserver_version Version of Softether VPN Server string v4.34-9745-beta no
softether_vpnserver_release_date Release Date of Softether VPN Server string 2020.04.05 no

Ubuntu Client Demo setup

  • sudo apt install network-manager-l2tp-gnome -y
  • Settings -> Network -> Add VPN -> Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
  • gateway: tf ${vpn_dns}
  • User Auth
    • User Name: user in LDAP (e: realuser)
    • Password: pass in LDAP
  • Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host
  • Pre-shared key: tf ${vpn_ipsec_psk}
  • Phase 1 algos: aes256-sha1-modp2048,aes128-sha1-modp2048
  • Phase 2 algos: aes256-sha1,aes128-sha1
  • Add routes. Ubuntu default client doesn't support DHCP Classless Static Routes
  • Enable "Use this connection only for resources on its network" in case of enable_dhcp_gw = false or if split routing is required.

Guide with pictures here

How to Test private DNS zone


  • SoftEther VPN Server HTML5 Ajax-based Web Administration Console (Under construction!)
  • Available on vpn_admin_port (5555 by default)


  • Add DUO support