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I made pull requests on Martin's repositories. These tidy up the VS Code configurations so that they run sweetly now. VS Code compiles the code twice, once to check for itself and then for the Arduino. It was the first one which is failing. I cannot delete that as it is generated automatically. It needs the include files to be in the correct order on the first configuration.
I have been learning about workspaces and started to work with them.
I have found out a lot more about Arduino configuration. I was having some problems even with simple examples. Some of those came from my own misunderstandings which generated confusing error messages.
At the moment I have solutions to one problem on branches "avr-gcc" which are not yet merged.
I have decided to stop using VSCODE and to delete it from my computer. This is because I have limited space on the C:\ drive and it uses too much memory which cannot be moved to the E:\ drive.
I have not deleted the configuration files as I could be able to use it again on another computer with more C:\ space.
I have been having some strange errors. One of them looks like this:
[Starting] Update package index files... dummy [Error] Exit with code=undefined
This goes away with a local settings.json in each repository.
I have now solved this one:
[Starting] Analyzing sketch 'pwmtest\pwmtest.ino' [Warning] Output path is not specified. Unable to reuse previously compiled files. Build will be slower. See README. [Warning] Failed to generate IntelliSense configuration. [Error] Analyzing sketch 'pwmtest\pwmtest.ino': {"error":{"errno":"ENOENT","code":"ENOENT","syscall":"spawn E:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\E:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino","path":"E:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\E:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino","spawnargs":["--board","arduino:avr:uno","--verify","--verbose-build","e:\GitHub\Arduino\MERG-Arduino-Software\pwmtest\pwmtest.ino"]}}
which I have for some cases but not others.
This was because of a configuration error and I have now solved it. I had duplicated the "E:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino" part of the configuration and confused it. It took a few sessions of hunting to get rid of them all.
I have been doing some work with workspaces on an example which is not in GitHub. I have a suspicion that the configuration needs inside GitHub are different and I have not sorted that out. Some of the errors have started since I did the workspace work. I still have problems about access to Arduino default settings.
I have now found that the problems with Serial and other things defined automatically in the Arduino IDE seems to be sorted out by defining USBCON. I have not found documentation for this, only a comment in a discussion. It turns out that this is not the full answer for this.
This is even more mysterious than I thought. The c_cpp_properties.json file here has two configurations called "Win32" and "Arduino" which come in that order. The file pwmtest.ino uses Serial. It fails unless USBCON is defined in Win32. If I put a define for USBCON into Arduino the intellisense removes it and the system fails to identify Serial. I report the facts but do not have an explanation.
I had this error with the CBUS codes. I cannot find the reference in CBUS2515.h. It is connected to use of SPI. I have flagged it as an issue with the Arduino extension to VS Code. I won't expect an answer there soon as they have 134 open issues. It is solved by sorting out the correct order for the include files in the Win32 configuration.
The problem goes away and I have never found avr32/io.h or any reference to it anywhere.
{ "resource": "/E:/GitHub/Arduino/CBUSmINnOUT/CBUSmINnOUT.ino", "owner": "C/C++", "code": "1696", "severity": 8, "message": "cannot open source file "avr32/io.h" (dependency of "CBUS2515.h")", "source": "C/C++", "startLineNumber": 80, "startColumn": 1, "endLineNumber": 80, "endColumn": 22 }
In fact discussion of the problem has already started.
I moved the FreeRTOS library to other_libraries as it has a reference in it to AVR32. This did not solve the problem and I have now reversed the change as I have examples which use it.
This problem can be resolved by the correct ordering of the includes in the c_cpp_properties.json file in the Win32 configuration. This has now been implemented in all the repositories here.
This has been a problem in CBUS_DC_Throttle.
I have looked into a direct call to an include file from the code, which makes no difference.
I have now found a solution to this problem. It involves changing the choice of compiler to use withing the Win32 configuration, as suggested here:
I have changed the c_cpp_properties.json in Arduino_DC_Throttle and CBUS-DC-Throttle to read:
"compilerPath": "E:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\hardware\\tools\\avr\\bin\\avr-gcc.exe",
"compilerArgs": [
"intelliSenseMode": "clang-x64",
For the moment this is on a branch called "avr-gcc" of both repositories.
As a result of the learning above, I am considering changing all of the VS Code configurations to use the avr-gcc compiler. At the moment I have done this for CBUS_DC_Throttle and Arduino_DC_Controller and kept this onto a branch. I will do this next for the other two CBUS repositories, CBUSmINnOUT and CBUS-DC-CAB, also using a branch.
In the Arduino IDE after a compile I get this message:
unknown protocol: c
I have had the suggestion from here:
that it is caused by an entry for
"arduino.additionalUrls": ""
in Settings.json although experiments with Arduino_DC_Throttle do not sort this out.
The point is that additional URLs need to URLs, not a reference to C:
The setting was wrong in my global settings.json.
It was also wrong in some local settings.json.
The error is persisting although I have edited all the occurences I can find. There could be another source. As indeed there was. It had got into the configuration file of the Arduino IDE itself.
I think I have now sorted out all the problems I have had so far.
I still do not understand why some things work and others not. Some of the more mysterious errors were due to mistakes I made in configuration of the arduino path information. I have learned a lot about the operation of VS Code and the Arduino extension.
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