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File metadata and controls

571 lines (467 loc) · 11.5 KB

Linux Command Pallette: $ 🌸

    $ find . -type d -iname "*linux*" -o -type f -iname "*linux*"

command description
pwd present working directory
bc high precision calculator
$ bc
cd change directory
$ cd - (return to previous directory)
$ cd ~ (Navigate to HOME directory)
$ cd .. (Move one level up)
$ cd / (Move to the root directory)
ls lists everything in current directory
$ ls -la : show all files
$ ls *.txt
$ ls -R (Lists files in sub-directories as well)
mkdir / rmdir make directory or remove directory
sed sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline)
To replace all occurrences of ‘hello’ to ‘world’ in the file input.txt: `$ sed 's/hello/world/' input.txt > output.txt`
echo, cp, rm, mv, touch, locate basic commands
$ echo "Hi!" > test.txt
$ touch test.txt
$ touch test_{1..1000}}_
$ cp test.txt Downloads/
$ rm Downloads/text.txt
$ rm -rf Downloads/
$ mv test.txt Downloads/
$ locate
updatedb updates the database
passwd change system password
$ passwd
awk It searches one or more files to see if they contain lines that matches with the specified patterns and then perform the associated actions.
$ awk '{print}' employee.txt (prints every line of data from the specified file.)
$ awk '/manager/ {print}' employee.txt (print the lines which match the given pattern)
man / whatis / tldr $ man ls : manual of ls
$ whatis ls (faster man)
$ tldr tar
chmod change mode - change permission of files and directory
- is file, d is directory, rwx is read, write & execute, -= is no permission. 3 groups - 1 (owner), 2 (group) and 3 (users).
$ chmod +x (give execute permission).
$ chmod 777 hello.txt (all group rwx access).
$ chmod 766 filename (Assign full permission to the owner, and read and write permission to group and others).
adduser add new users
$ adduser skk
$ cat /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/shadow
/etc/passwd , /etc/shadow user passwords are stored in /shadow in hash and can be cracked with hashcat.
$ sudo passwd root
su switch user
$ su skk
sudo root priviledges
ifconfig information on ipv4, v6, mac address, subnet mask etc
iwconfig -
ping -
arp maps ip addresses to mac addresses
netstat display all connections
route displays routing table
echo echoes in terminal
$ echo "hello"
$ echo "hey" > hey.txt
cat / tac / shred prints out what's in a file /in reverse or block/shred
$ cat hey.txt
$ shred hey.txt
$ cat << EOF > hey.txt ( type 'EOF' to exit)
replacing vs appending (> vs >>) -
$ echo "hey again" >> hey.txt (to append)
touch create a file
$ touch newfile.txt
nano / vim text editor built in terminal
$ nano newfile.txt
$ vim newfile.txt
gedit gui text editor
$ gedit newfile.txt
ssh user@ip remote access
$ ssh -p [port] user@host
$ ssh user@host
ln -s create soft links
$ ln -s abc.txt xyz.txt
clear clear the terminal
apropos get hints for linux commands
$ apropos email
whoami / uname -a / neofetch get username
$ neofetch
sudo apt update
sudo apt install packagename
apt is the package manager
finger inspect a user
$ sudo apt install finger
$ finger username
which / whereis finds address or location of package
$ which finger
$ whereis finger
wget/ curl addresslink download content from internet
zip / tar zip files
$ zip allfiles.txt
$ unzip
$ tar -cvf filename.tar filename (compress)
$ tar -xvf filename.tar (uncompress)
less, head, tail check sections of a file
cmp/ diff file1 file2 compare or find differences in two files
cat file.txt | sort the whole text file sorted
find find patterns in files with regex
$ sudo find / -name "thebible*"
$ sudo find . -type f -name "*.*" (find all hidden files)
$ sudo find . -type f -empty (empty directories)
$ sudo find . perm /a=x (executible files)
chown username filename change ownership of file
grep grab particular info : grep [pattern] [file_name]
$ ip address | grep eth0
$ ip address | grep eth0 | inet
$ grep pattern files
$ grep -i // Case sensitive
$ grep -r // Recursive
$ grep -v // Inverted search

$ grep "^hello" test.txt // Hello John
$ grep -i "hELLo" text.txt // Hello John

cmatrix -a code matrix -a (asynchronous)
trash-list / trash-restore find all files in trash can
$ sudo apt install trash-cli
awk filter for output commands using '{}'
$ who | awk '{print $1,$4}'
cat /etc/resolv.conf DNS info
$ resolvectl status
traceroute trace route to destination ip
ufw firewall
$ sudo ufw enable
$ sudo ufw status
$ sudo ufw allow 80 (allow port 80)
$ sudo ufw disable
cal system calendar
free free memory
ps / service processes running
$ ps -aux
$ ps -aux | grep processname
kill / pkill kill process with pid
$ kill pid
$ kill -9 pid (-9 is force kill)
$ pkill -f nameofprocess
systemctl systemctl
$ sudo systemctl start apache2
$ sudo systemctl status apache2
$ sudo systemctl restart apache2
$ sudo systemctl stop apache2
history, reboot, shutdown basic commands
progress check progress of processes
$ sudo progress
autojump jump to directories on the fly
$ j github
$ j .config
sudo !! reruns the previous command with a sudo prefix
$ sudo !!
dd Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks
wc Word count
$ wc file.txt
alias / unalias wr Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands
$ alias wr=”cd /var/www/html”
gpg Encrypt a file
$ gpg -c [file_name]
source Read and execute the file content in the current shell
$ source [filename]
    $ sudo chown user dir/
    $ sudo chmod u+r+w dir/
    $ du -hs * | sort -rh | head -n 10
COMMAND 🔗 Description
Ctrl + C Kill current process running in the terminal
Ctrl + Z Stop current process
Ctrl + A Go to start of a line
Ctrl + E Go to end of a line
Ctrl + W Cut one word before the cursor and add it to clipboard
Ctrl + U Cut part of the line before the cursor and add it to clipboard
Ctrl + K Cut part of the line after the cursor and add it to clipboard
Ctrl + Y Paste from clipboard
Ctrl + R Recall last command that matches the provided characters
Ctrl + O Run the previously recalled command
Ctrl + G Exit command history without running a command
!! Run the last command again
exit Log out of current session ................................................ exit

Available CPU, GPU and mem frequencies [j3tsonDream]:

dream-orin@ubuntu:~$ sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
115200 192000 268800 345600 422400 499200 576000 652800 729600 806400 883200 960000 1036800 1113600 1190400 1267200 1344000 1420800 1497600 1574400 1651200 1728000 1804800 1881600 1958400 2035200 2112000 2188800 2201600

dream-orin@ubuntu:~$ sudo cat /sys/devices/17000000.ga10b/devfreq/17000000.ga10b/available_frequencies 
306000000 408000000 510000000 612000000 714000000 816000000 918000000 1020000000 1122000000 1224000000 1300500000

dream-orin@ubuntu:~$ sudo ls /sys/kernel/debug/bpmp/debug/emc/tables/regular/
204000 2133000  3199000  665600
JetPack release R35.2.1